Form A. Host Family Composition
1. Programtype:
year semester trimester 1-3 week
2. Preferences to host
A boy a girl doesn’t matter
3. Our family would like to host a student from (indicate a country):
4. Home address (mailing address as required for post delivery):......
5. If you live in a small town, write which is the closest larger community:
6. Home phone: ......
7. The host family member living at home:
First, last name / Date of birth / occupation / relationship / Mobile phone / e-mail8. Familymemberslivingseparately.
First, last name / Date of birth / occupation / relationship / Mobile phone / e-mail9. Has your family ever participated in AFS program before?:
no yes:
as host family
family member has been an AFS participant (where and when)
10. The participant will:
have a room of his own share a bedroom with………………………….
11. Your religious affiliation, if any and if yes, how often do you attend religious services.
regularly occasionally never
12. Please comment about hosting a participant who has a different or no religious affiliation:
13. Would your family be willing to host a vegetarian or someone with dietary restrictions?
yes prefer not strongly object
14. Does your family have dietary restrictions, including for medical, religious, or self-imposed reasons?
yes no
If yes, please explain……………………………………………………………………………………..
15. Are alcoholic beverages consumed in the home?
yes no
If yes, describe any rules you have on consumption of alcohol. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
16. Does anyone in your family smoke?
yes no
If yes,inside the house? yes no
17. What are your feelings about a participant who smokes?
No problem Prefer not OK if outside of home Strongly object
18. Do you have any pets? If yes, please list the kind of pets and the amount of time spent indoors
19. What language is spoken at home?
20. What other languages are known by family members?
21. How did your family become interested in hosting?
School Ads MailingAFS ChapterAFS Unaffiliated Chapter Previous Hosting Other
FORM B. School, Community, and Host Family Interests
1. Name of the school host family would like the participant to attend
(Write the name of the school)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Distance from home to school………………………………………………………………………
3. Transportation method to school?
on foot …………………………………………………
by urban transport …………………………………….
by personal transport
4. Name and year in school of any children in the family who will be attending the same school as the AFS participant next year
5. Type of Community
Urban Suburban
Small Town Rural
6. Population of your Community ……………………………………………….....
7. Name of Closest Large City………………………………………………………………………
8. Distance …………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Population ……………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Describe the local recreational and cultural facilities available (pool, theater, sport, etc):
Stadium/sports ground sport school
Art school cinema
Computer club swimming pool
Music school
11. Describe your community, including social and economic charcteriatics, ethnic makeup, availability of public transportation, etc.
List any websites the participant could visit to learn more information about your community.
12. Describe the climate in your community.
13. Host Family Interests.
Please indicate what are the major interests, hobbies and activities of members of your family.
Individual Sports
HikingYoga Horseback RidingCamping/Backpacking
Winter Sport
Ice Skating Ice Hockey SnowboardingCross-Country Skiing
Downhill Skiing
Organized Sport
Football (soccer)SwimmingBasketballVolleyball
Tennis GymnasticsField Hockey
Community Activities
School ActivitiesVolunteer Activities
Art, Dance & Theater
Attending Theater Photography/Video BalletCinema/Movies
Drama/Theater Drawing/Painting Art Handicrafts
Attending ConcertsListening to Music String InstrumentsOrchestra/Band
Wind/ Brass Instruments Drums/Percussion Playing Piano Playing Guitar
Cooking/BakingComputer GamesGardening Travel
Board Games/CardsIndoors-oriented Outdoors-oriented Watching
ShoppingInternet Collecting Television
Reading Chess Family and Friends visits
Form C. Host Family Description
1. Describe each member in the family (including yourself) as to personality, interests, etc.
2. Describe a typical weekday and weekend in your family Be sure to mention any common family activities and interests.
3. Describe what is important in your family. What are your family values?
4. What kinds of chores do you expect family members to help with around the house?
5. What kinds of rules do you have in your household? (Such as curfews, limits on computer, TV, or telephone use, etc.
6. Why is your family interested in hosting an AFS participant?
7. The AFS participant you host may come from a family and culture with different habits and expectations about meals.
Are there meals the AFS participant would be expected to get for him/herself? If the participant will take a lunch to school who will prepare the lunch? Do you eat meals together as a family? What responsibilities will the AFS participant and host siblings have in meal preparation and clean-up?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Please give a physical description of your home and the AFS participant's bedroom.
Also indicate whether the participant will have easy access to musical instruments, computers and a quiet place for study ……………………….……………………………………………………………..
9. If a host parent is divorced or separated and shares custody of the host sibling(s), please indicate how often the host sibling(s) will be in their other parent's household.
10. If anyone in the home has a serious illness or chronic medical condition, please give a brief description.
yes no
If yes, please explain……………………………………………………………………………………..
11. If there have been any other recent changes in your family circumstances, please describe.
yes no
If yes, please explain……………………………………………………………………………………..
12. Participant’s name ( if known)
13. Country ………………………………………………………………………………….
Contactinfo:Intercultura Foundation 109004 Moscow, A.Solzhenitsyna str, 27l: +7 (495) 987 3275
Fax: +7(495) 6204710E-mail: eb: