Hurworth Parish Council

Minutes for the Annual Meeting held at Hurworth Grange

on Thursday, 4h May 2017.

Those present:-

Margaret Williams, Graham Wylie, Elaine Hedley, Wilma Campbell, Peter Foster, Janine Forster, Paul Walters, Dorothy Oughton, Carol Paylor, David Wood, Richard Lawley. Jean Peacock

Also in attendance:

Cllr Joe Kelley, Cllr Lorraine Tostevin and the Parish Clerk (Peter Allan), and four members of the public.

•The Chair, Margaret Williams open the meeting and welcomed the councillors and public.

Apologies for absence:

None, all members present.

Election of Chairman 2017-18

There was one candidate,Proposed by Margaret Williams and Seconded by Wilma Campbell. Graham Wylie was unanimously voted as Chairman for the year to 31st March 2018.

Chairperson’s Acceptance of Office

G. Wylie signed the register of Acceptance as Chair, and the Clerk countersigned is acceptance.

The Chairman thanked Margaret Williams for her work and leadership during her year as Chairperson. This was endorsed by applause from the entire council. It had been a difficult year, and Margaret had coped with it excellently.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting dated 12th May 2016

The Minutes, having been distributed, were accepted, Proposed by Margaret Williams and Seconded by Jean Peacock.

Election of Vice Chairperson

There was one candidate, Proposed by Jean Peacock and seconded by Peter Foster, M. Williams was elected, unanimously.

Election of Finance Committee (Working Party)

It was decided that the full council should constitute this Working Party.

Election of Representative for Trees

P Foster accepted the appointment.

Election of Representative for Police Liaison & Security

P Waltersaccepted the appointment.

Election of Representatives of the Allotments Working Party (Two) – (Mandatory)

P Walters and D Oughtonaccepted the appointment.

Election of Representative for the Environment and Open Spaces

W Campbell and D Oughtonaccepted the appointment.

Election of Representative for Highways

Carol Paylor and Margaret Williamsaccepted the appointment.

Election of Representative for Planning Matters

J Peacockaccepted the appointment.

Election of Flood and Contingency Plan Representative

P Fosteraccepted the appointment.

•Election of Representatives for Parish pathways, cycle paths and R o W.

R Lawley and J Forsteraccepted the appointment.

•Election of Representative for the Newsletter and web site co-ordinator

E Hedleyaccepted the appointment.

•Election of Vetting Committee (FoI and Data Protection)

G Wylie, M Williams and J Peacockaccepted the appointment.

•Election of Independent Review Committee (Three)

D. Wood, P Foster and P Walters accepted the appointment.

•Election of Press Officer, to include Village Calendar.

R Lawleyaccepted the appointment.

•Neighbourhood Plan Co-ordinator

D Wood accepted the appointment.

•Election of delegates to outside bodies

•Darlington Parish Councils Association - J Peacock

•Durham Association Towns/Parish Councils (CDALC) - P Foster

•Village Hall Committee - J Forster

•Hurworth Community Association Management Committee - J Peacock

•EPICH - W Campbell,

•Durham and Tees Valley Airport Consultative - P Foster

Committee (Optional)

•CPRE (Optional) - R. Lawley

•Small and Medium Councils Committee (Optional) - E Hedley

•LEADER Group (Optional) - P Walters

•Date/Venue/Time of monthly meetings

First Thursday of every month, excl. August, at Hurworth Grange starting at 7:00pm.

Council Surgery, per rota, starts at 6:30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting 7:12pm.