Report to Council of 19 October 2006
Subject: Woodside Children’s Unit – Depute Unit Manager post
Prepared by: Charlie Gracie, Team Manager, Child Care Service
1.1. A review of Woodside Children’s Unit was commissioned by the former Head of Child Care Early Years and Criminal Justice Services following discussions regarding the ongoing low occupancy rate and the resulting rise in unit costs.
1.2. Among the recommendations of the review was the creation of a Depute Unit Manager’s post.
1.3. This post will include responsibility to develop an outreach support service to prevent young people being Accommodated. This will have positive implications for both service delivery and budgetary control of outreach spending.
1.4. No extra funding will be sought from Clackmannanshire Council or external sources.
1.5. Discussions with the Care Commission indicate strong approval for the plan to introduce a Depute Manager post.
2.1. Council is asked to approve the creation of the post of Depute Unit Manager at Woodside Children’s Unit.
3.1. Woodside Children’s Unit is the only residential children’s unit operated by Clackmannanshire Council. Its function is to provide residential child care for a maximum of five young people of both sexes, aged between 12 and 15. It opened in August 1997 and comprises two former semi-detached council properties, adapted to the current purpose.
3.2. A review was commissioned by the former Head of Child Care Early Years and Criminal Justice Services following discussions regarding the ongoing low occupancy rate and the resulting rise in unit costs. This was the fourth such exercise since 2001, including a Best Value Review in 2001, an independent review in 2001 and a service led review in 2003. The review was carried out by a short life working party comprising of the Unit Manager, the Team Manager, the Performance and Monitoring Manager and was chaired by the Manager of the Child Care Service.
3.3. Among the recommendations of the review was the creation of a Depute Unit Manager’s post. This post will include responsibility to develop an outreach support service to prevent young people being Accommodated. This will have positive implications for both service delivery and budgetary control of outreach spending. It is envisaged that the post holder will develop the outreach support service around the existing pool of relief staff. Funding for the outreach activities will come from existing budgets used for purchasing outreach services from other providers. This will introduce a further element of choice for fieldwork staff and provide for greater sustainability within the pool of relief workers.
3.4. Discussions with the Care Commission indicate strong approval for the plan to introduce a Depute Manager post. While the unit has remained registered within the Care Commission, this has been reliant on the external line manager being registered as the Fit Person, in terms of the Care Commission’s regulations. This is not ideal, as Fit Person ought to be the manager with day to day responsibility for a service. This will be resolved by the addition of a second manager in the unit, allowing the Unit Manager to be recognised as the Fit Person.
4.1. Funding for the post is fully available from the transfer of funds from the Throughcare and Aftercare budget to Woodside and from a reduction in reliance on Relief Pool staff. £18,000 will be transferred from the throughcare and Aftercare budget. £19,000 will be vired from the Relief budget code (existing within the Woodside budget) to the staffing budget code. Therefore, no extra funding will be sought from Clackmannanshire Council or external sources.
5.1. The appointment of a Depute Unit Manager at Woodside will enhance the management cover from the current situation where on-call and other managerial responsibilities are borne mainly by one person, with support from external line management.
5.2. The development of an outreach service will improve the quality and financial control of outreach support to vulnerable young people, with the aim of reducing the number of young people Accommodated by the local authority.
5.3. With enhanced management structure, the lives of vulnerable young people in the direct care of Clackmannanshire Council will be improved.
6.1. Financial implications: No extra funding is required for this post.
6.2. Staff implications: Management cover will be improved by the addition of this post. Outreach services will increase the choices available to other Social Service staff in responding to the needs of vulnerable young people and families.
6.3. Strategic aims:
Create strong, active, safe and caring communities / ÖAchieve local economic prosperity and stability / ¨
Make the most of Clackmannanshire's unique built and natural environment / ¨
Develop a culture of personal achievement where everyone is valued / Ö
Improve the health of the people of Clackmannanshire / Ö
Represent and promote the interests of all of the people of Clackmannanshire / Ö
Ensure that the people of Clackmannanshire receive the highest quality services for the public pound / Ö
Director Chief Social Work Officer
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