2016 Tri-State Affiliate Fall Conference
“Habitat Heroes”
October 14-15, 2016
Double Tree at the Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon
You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the annual Tri-State Habitat for Humanity Affiliate Fall Conference!The 2016 Affiliate Fall Conference is coordinated by a partnership between three Habitat for Humanity State Support Organizations from Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.
Attendees at the Fall Conference represent all aspects of Habitat for Humanity affiliates in Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii. Attendees will berepresentatives from various affiliate sizes and ages: new and long-term board members, staff and dedicated volunteers, Habitat for Humanity sponsors, as well as representatives from Habitat for Humanity International.
We welcome submissions from in-the-trenches staff, consultants, educators, authors, academia, non-profits and the public sector.Proposals should support one of our seven learning tracks listed below. “Joint” proposals (i.e. those that address more than one learning track) are acceptable and multiple proposals may be submitted from the same primary presenter. To ensure that a balanced conference program is offered, all submissions are reviewed and evaluated by the Conference Planning Committee with representatives from all three states.
- Board of Directors
- Construction Management
- Development
- Homeowner Services
- Leadership & Management
- ReStore
- Volunteer Management
Up to seven concurrent breakout sessions will be held during four time periods. Sessions will be 90 minutes long. We encourage interactive formats with peer learning opportunities and time for Question and Answer.Before you submit your proposal, please read the following conditions:
- Speakers/presenters should provide sufficient copies of any handouts for the audience. Additionally, please provide session materials electronicallyprior to the conference.
- Presenters must bring their own laptops. Please indicate other technology needs on the proposal. Technology must be ordered prior to the conference.
Call for Presenters Application Form
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016
Notification Date: April 30, 2016
Primary presenter:Title:
Please attach biography for all listed presenters (primary and co-presenters). 100-word maximum each.
E-mail address:Telephone:
How many years have you been with Habitat for Humanity?
How would you describe the size of your affiliate?
Do you understand that you must cover all travel and lodging expenses unless other arrangements are made?
Co-presenter 1 name: E-mail address:
Co-presenter 2 name: E-mail address:
Session Title:
Be specific, informative and descriptive. Titles may be changed by the Program staff for clarity or brevity, if necessary.
My session fits best in the followinglearning track(choose all that apply):
☐Board of Directors
☐Construction Management
☐ Development
☐ Homeowner Services
☐ Leadership and Management
☐ ReStore
☐ Volunteer Management
Target Audience:
Brief Session Description to be used in promotional materials. What do you intend for participants to know or be able to do when they return to their position after participating in this session? Briefly outline content that will be covered.
Please limit to 80 words
Presentation Format:
☐ Facilitated Roundtable: Up to 2 facilitators introduce the topic and provide background information for participants to discuss solutions, approaches, strategies or innovative thinking. Facilitators also pose questions to support the discussion.
☐ Lecture: Single oral informative presentation followed by question and answer period
☐ Panel Discussion: Two or more speakers engaged in an interactive dialogue with session attendees on an assigned content area, followed by question and answer period.
What expertise do you have in this particular topic (include credentials, years of experience, recognition, etc.)?
If this proposal is not chosen for a session delivery, would you consider hosting a Dine Around on this topic?
☐ No
Technology/Supply Requirements (laptops are not available):
☐LCD Projector with Screen
☐Sound for video content
☐Other supplies (i.e. Flip charts/markers): ______
Note:We will contact you further to fine-tune your needs; however, please be as specific as possible in this proposal stage.
Please complete the application below and return to Habitat for Humanity of Oregon by email, fax, or mail. Call us with any questions at (503) 206-5248.
| FAX: (503)206-7456 | P.O. Box 11452 , Portland, OR 97211