Senior Seminar: Adolescent Literature



Ms. Kelly Criss


Voicemail: 781-659-8808 (extension 4223)


Late Night: Wednesday or by appointment

The mission statement of Norwell High School is to provide an engaging, supportive environment where students strive for excellence, practice respect and contribute to society.

Integrity  LearningRespectResponsibility


Senior Seminar: Adolescent Literature, Honors, Grade 12

Course Description:

This course is designed for you! Unlike many other courses you have encountered thus far in your academic career, this course is designed to examine literature and issues that are directly relevant to you during this stage of your life. We will study nonfiction accounts, novels, short stories, poetry, academic essays, and current events as a means of gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and those around us. A variety of issues will be discussed that range from teen violence, to the power of friendships, to teens in other countries. Also unlike many other classes, the flow of this class is largely dependant upon your maturity and participation. For the most part, YOU decide what we will be talking about on any given day. For this reason, it is imperative that you are always prepared and up to date with assigned readings. You should also expect frequent responses to the texts with the use of reading logs, critical paragraphs, and analytical essays.

Student work will focus on the following NHS student expectations for learning:

Effective writers

Effective readers

Effective speakers

Students will acquire a knowledge of:

Works designed for adolescents

Issues relevant to adolescents

Universal themes present in adolescent literature

The importance of perspective in writing and the world at large

The college ESSAY!

Students will develop skills in:

Reading comprehension

Participation in small group/whole class discussion

Student-facilitated discussion

Journal writing

Written/creative expression

Analyzing works (fiction vs. nonfiction, novel vs. short story, etc.)

Analyzing/comparing media and relevant texts

Course Texts:


Judgment Ridge

The Kite Runner

My Sister’s Keeper

**Supplemental texts will include a variety of essays, short stories, and poetry.

Homework policy/ major projects:

As seniors, I expect that students are coming to class prepared every single day.

Frequent lapses in complete homework/assignments will result in grade deductions.

If students are absent on a test day/project due date, they MUST make up the work within one week or otherwise receive a ZERO.

Grading system:

Grading will be done on a point system, where each assignment is worth a certain number of points depending on the importance and effort required (for example, a quiz could be worth 50 points while a test could be worth 100 points). All points are added up at the end of each term and then divided by the total number of possible points. This will give the percentage for the term. Participation and effort are also factored in to each term grade. Assignments include the following:

  • Reading log
  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • Mini-Papers
  • Papers
  • Critical paragraphs
  • Current event handouts
  • Creative projects/presentations
  • Just like the homework policy, ALL late work decreases by 10 points every day that it is late (except for late work due to excused absences).

*Another note on class participation:

Because this is a senior seminar, your ability to discuss with the class and engage in the material plays a major role in your grade. Coming to class unprepared and/or the inability to discuss with the class will result in a lower grade!

I’m looking forward to a great senior year with each of you 