Golden Oldies Rugby Playing Laws

Love them….or hate them…..we cannot have a Game of Rugby without a Referee !

The understanding of the Referee can make, or spoil, a Golden Oldies Match…..and a regular area of disagreement and misunderstanding is the treatment of Players wearing Coloured Shorts.

We play in Golden Oldies Rugby Festivals, and the Fun, Friendship and Fraternity which is the Golden Oldies Motto must be evident at all times.

The following Festival Playing Laws have been approved by the European Golden Oldies Rugby Festival Committee and the World Golden Oldies Rugby Committee.

Our Festivals will run to Golden Oldies Festival Rules.

All Players must be correctly attired for Golden Oldies Rugby at all times including footwear……….Low profile studs or grass sport shoes. NO METAL STUDS SHALL BE PERMITTED!

These Golden Oldies Laws do not permit offside play or unsportsmanlike behaviour and have been designed to increase the enjoyment of the Game, eliminating over-vigorous play and minimising the chances of injury. The normal rules of Rugby as per the International Rugby Board (IRB) - Under 19 laws - shall apply with the following variations:

·  All 8 forwards must remain bound in the scrum until the ball has been cleared.

·  The halfback must not follow the ball around the scrum.

·  There must be no pressure scrummaging or movement of the scrum. (i.e. non-contested set-scrums)

·  There shall be no striking against the head by hookers.

·  Defending players may kick the ball only in their own 22.

·  In lineouts all 8 forwards must take part. All lineouts shall be set (no quick lineouts). No supporting (lifting) of jumpers is permitted.

·  Teams scoring a try shall also restart the game by kicking the ball to the non-scoring team.

·  There are no Kicks after a score.

·  Unlimited substitution of players.

·  Players must observe the offside rule, particularly that of remaining behind the hindmost foot at rucks, mauls and scrums; lineouts to a minimum of 10 metres.

·  The game shall be played over two 20-minute periods…….or an alternative decided by the Festival Organisers

·  No player may run more than 20 metres before passing the ball.

·  All players must observe the restrictions on tackling 'older' players. These are identified by coloured shorts.

·  Captains will be responsible for the behaviour of their players.

·  Other variations may be organised at the discretion of both captains and the referees.

Please ensure your Team are aware of the Golden Oldies Laws !!

Coloured Shorts

35 to 59 years Club shorts. If a player is wearing red shorts in this category it means he does not want to be tackled to the ground or pushed off his feet. Any player in red shorts may be 'held' in the spirit of GOR but NOT tackled.
60 to 64 years Red shorts can be held but not brought to the ground.
65 to 69 years Gold shorts Not to be tackled or held, may be touched and opponents may stand in front.
70 to 79 years Purple shorts Not to be touched or obstructed in any way.
80 + years Special Committee shorts Not to be touched or obstructed in any way.
N.B. Club shorts are the normal coloured shorts worn by the club. Ideally, these MUST NOT be red or gold or purple in colour.

Levels of Competitiveness*

This is a Festival of Golden Oldies Rugby and NOT a tournament. The results of games are not listed. ALL teams are winners as long as they participate in the spirit of Golden Oldies Rugby; Fun, Friendship and Fraternity.

That being said, there is room for differing level of competitiveness. Teams will be grouped according to their choice of competitiveness to ensure that everyone plays the sort of game they want.

Competitive - for teams consisting mainly of players 35-50
Semi-competitive - for teams consisting of payers with half over 50
Fun - for teams with only a few under 50 and various over 60

The 2013 European Festival shall also have a Team Category – Platinum Rugby - for 50 +

* This is intended as a rough guideline to indicate what teams can expect to meet at these levels in terms of opposition. It does not preclude a team of 36-year olds opting for 3. Play should be adjusted accordingly


It is the responsibility of the Team Manager to make sure that all persons travelling with the team, whether playing in the games or not, is adequately insured for any injury or sickness that may occur during their stay at the Festival.

Neither the Organising Committee of this Festival, nor Scottish or European Golden Oldies Rugby will be held liable for any costs incurred from any injury or sickness to any participants of the Festival. Team Managers will have to sign a document stating that all members of their party are adequately insured for these purposes.

All Teams MUST be made aware, that they are responsible for providing medical insurance for their participants. Neither the Festival Organisers nor SGOR / EGOR are responsible for any medical coverage or claims. Festival Organisers will provide First Aid and emergency transportation to a medical facility only.

Fuller Details relating to the Laws and Levels of Play, which we recommend you peruse, can be found on

Remember, if you feel you do not wish to Play Golden Oldies Rugby, you could become a Referee…….contact your Local Rugby Union for details.