Unit Title: Fahrenheit 451Date: ______

Lesson 1: Making Connections and Moving On

Time: 75 minutes

Lesson Expectations: The students shall:

  1. Assess how ideas from Fahrenheit 451 can be applied to their own ideas, values, perspectives and experiences.
  2. Recognize links between current events and themes in Fahrenheit 451
  3. Understand the basic conventions of essay writing (thesis statement, introduction, conclusion and body paragraphs)

Anticipatory Set:

5 min /  Write a quotation from the novel on the board:
“We know the damn silly thing we just did. We know all the damn silly things we’ve done for a thousand years and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it, someday we’ll stop making the goddamn funeral pyres and jumping in the middle of them.”
 While students are reading and thinking about the quote, take attendance. Ask students the significance of the quote.

Instructional Strategies:

10 min /  Ask the students whether they believe that Fahrenheit 451 has any relevance or similarities to current events.
 Play a video of a chase scene from “Cops” television show.
 Read aloud from the chase scene from Fahrenheit 451
15 min /  Group brainstorming/ Concept Map: Put up chart paper with themes from yesterday. Ask students to think of current events that may link with these themes. Write current events and show visual links with the themes from F451.
15 min /  Socratic discussion and photo/ video display of current links with Fahrenheit 451 (see lecture notes)
20 min /  Mini-lecture on essay writing (see lecture notes)
Have students take out their concept maps during this exercise. Have chart paper and
chart out a mock essay while giving the lecture. Use a book that everyone will have read
(such as the Three Little Pigs) to plot out sample thesis statement, introduction, main
reasons in body paragraph and conclusion. Use think-aloud techniques while performing
this exercise.
10 min /  Give students an opportunity to ask questions about the summative essay.

Assessment strategies:

(1) Observation: Gauge prior knowledge and understanding through questioning the students and listening to their opinions and observations during the discussion periods.

(2) Concept maps

Materials Needed:

(1) Digital projector and computer or DVD player and television (to play photos and video)

(3) Lecture notes

(3) Quotation

(4) Hamburger analogy overhead

(5) Chart paper

Administrative NTS:

- Do a homework check on concept maps due today.


 For an English Language Learner:

-Speak clearly

-Avoid colloquialisms and explain unusual words or terms

-Provide a copy of the lecture notes before the lesson

-Make sure student knows teacher is available to answer questions about summative essay.

-Meet with student to arrange alternate assessment strategy for summative.

 For a student with a grade 4 reading level:

-Provide a copy of the lecture notes before the lesson

-Make sure student knows teacher is available to answer questions about summative essay.

- Meet with student to arrange alternate assessment strategy for summative.