Easy CBM How-to’s
Creating Groups
- Log in and click on the “Groups” tab.
- Under the groups tab, select “Add Group”. (DO NOT USE “add temporary group”).
- Select the students for your group by placing a check mark beside their name.
Adding a Goal
- go to the “Reports” tab.
- Click on the “Individuals” tab.
- In the upper right hand corner there is a link to “Progress Monitoring Guidelines”. This is an Adobe Reader file. Click to open this file, and then switch back to the Easy CBM window.
- Click on the “Goal” link beside the name of the student for whom you want to set a goal.
- Click on the “new goal” button.
- Enter the following information:
- Measure grade – should already be set to student’s grade level.
- Measure type – select from the following
PRF- Passage Reading Fluency
MCRC – Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension
Math NOAG– Numbers and operations, algebra and geometry
Math-MGA – Measurement, Geometry, and Algebra
Math-NUMOPALG – Numbers and Operations Algebra
Math - Mathematics
Vocab- Vocabulary
- Goal date - Use May 31, 2012 for the goal date.
- Goal score - Use the “Progress Monitoring Guidelines” document and find the grade level section you are working with. You will want to use the spring benchmark measures for the 50th percentile. Put this number into the “goal” section.
- Click “save”.
Adding Interventions
- Go to the “Reports” tab.
- Click on the “Individuals” tab.
- Click on the “Interventions” link beside the name of the student for whom you want to document interventions.
- Click on the “new intervention” button.
- Enter the following information:
- Date - enter initiation date of intervention
- Subject – Choose reading or math.
- Label – very brief description (a title)
- Description - Enter in details of the intervention – be specific in the skill(s) being covered. When mastery of the intervention has been obtained, enter the date of mastery here. (example: Mastered on Dec. 20, 2011)
- Click “Save”.
Sorting Grade levels by Risk
- Go to the “Reports” tab.
- Click on the “Benchmarks” Button.
- Choose the grade level, subject area, and benchmark being looked at.
- Reading - To sort, click on the heading of the column you want to sort. This will sort names by the percentile level. Sorting by risk will not work completely.
- Math - To sort, click on the heading of the column you want to sort. This will also sort by percentile. Either column will work.
- You can then highlight, copy , and paste the sections into Word to create a basic group list.
Viewing Student Graphs
- Click on the “Reports” tab.
- Click the “individuals” button.
- Double click on the name of the student you want to view. It will take a few moments for the information to load. Scroll down through to look at student graphs.
- You can click on the tests the student took to view their responses.