Board of Directors Meeting
DATE:October 19, 2016 / Time:
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. / Presiding:
Deborah Hartel / Recorded By:
Shauna Moses
Board Members Present: Mary Pat Angelini, Anthony Comerford, Alan DeStefano, Anthony DiFabio, Deborah Hartel, Harry Marmorstein (via conference call), Jim McCreath (via conference call), Deborah Megaro, Harry Postel, Mary Gay Abbott-Young, Cheryl Marks Young (via conference call)
Guest: Lauren Holman, CPA, Not-for-Profit Practice Leader, Holman Frenia Allison, P.C.
Staff: Shauna Moses, June Noto, Julia Schneider, Debra Wentz
Absent: Mary Jo Buchanan (excused), Bob Budsock, Carolann Cavaiola (excused), Pete Scerbo (excused), Lou Schwarcz, Greg Speed (excused)
Presentation of the Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016 / Lauren Holman reported that the auditors have an unmodified opinion, which is the best possible assessment, of internal controls and compliance. The ratio of assets to liability and the number of days’ cash on hand demonstrate that NJAMHAA is in a good financial position.
Lauren noted the following emerging issues: Accounting Standards Update 2016-14 for Not-for-Profit Entities concerning presentation of financial state-ments, which will be effective in fiscal years beginning after Dec-ember 15, 2017; and other Financial Accounting Standards Board projects (i.e., leases, revenue recognition), effective 2019.
A question was raised about solic-iting bids from other auditing companies for the sake of propri-ety although there are no concerns about the current auditing company. / A question was raised about NJAMHAA’s deductibles for its business and Directors & Operators insur-ance. Julia will obtain this information.
A motion was made to accept the financial statements with the audit as presented and with the Board desig-nation of unrestricted funds as follows: $850,000 for six months for operating reserves and $20,000 for maintenance and repairs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
It was agreed that the Finance & Compli-ance Committee will consider this suggestion. / December 12, 2016 (next Finance & Compliance Committee Meeting)
Following this meeting
December 12, 2016 / Julia Schneider
Debra Wentz, Julia Schneider
Finance & Compliance Committee
Consent Agenda / The consent agenda, consisting of meeting minutes and two member-ship applications (Good News Home and Hope House), was m/s/p. / N/A / N/A / N/A
Board Presi-dent’s Report (continued) / Mission Statement: Deborah Hartel provided background on the recommended revisions from the Board Retreat
Strategy Session: This will be held with Consultant Len Altamura on November 30, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at NJAMHAA. / A motion was seconded and passed unanimously to accept this further revised mission statement: The NJAMHAA mission is to promote the value of its members as the highest quality behavioral healthcare providers for the residents of New Jersey through advocacy and professional development.
Board members were asked to RSVP to Shauna if they have not yet done so. / N/A
By November 23, 2016 / N/A
Board members
President and CEO’s Report / Policy on Attending Policy and Legislative Meetings: Debra Wentz reminded the Board that these meetings are not open to non-Board members although occasionally a non-Board member may be invited to provide further expertise related to advocacy issues to complement that of the Board members.
Deborah Hartel reminded Board members that Deborah Megaro is the only Past President who is on the Board and that internal docu-ments should not be shared with other Past Presidents or other non-Board members.
A meeting needs to be scheduled for the Past Presidents Council. / A motion was made to revise the policy so that it does not specify the maximum number of people who can attend these meetings and states that the President/ CEO of NJAMHAA and Board President will determine the participants for each meeting. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously. (This updated policy is at the end of these minutes.)
Mary Abrams will confirm a date with Deborah Megaro. / Following this meeting
Following this meeting / Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Debra Wentz, Mary Abrams, Deborah Megaro
Finance & Compliance Committee / Cheryl Marks Young explained that the following recommenda-tions are continuations of previous projects.
Finance & Compliance Committee (continued) / Recommendation to approve up to $10,000 for media advocacy: This spending is exclusive of other paid radio ads.
Recommendation to approve a 10-year lease at University Office Plaza 1: Debra Wentz reported that NJAMHAA engaged a lawyer to review the lease and to do the negotiation, including an “escape clause” should NJAMHAA’s financial position change.
Recommendation to approve up to $10,000 for audio conference equipment: June Noto explained that this system will increase capacity and sound quality and it will be portable to the new office building. / A motion to approve this recommendation was seconded and passed unanimously.
A motion for NJAMHAA manage-ment to proceed with discovery and present the final lease to the Board was seconded and passed unani-mously.
A motion to approve this recommendation was seconded and passed unanimously. / To be deter-mined based on advocacy needs
November 16, 2016 – Closed session planned for the end of the Member-ship Meeting
Research of audio confer-ence systems to begin following this meeting / Debra Wentz
Debra Wentz, June Noto, Julia Schneider
June Noto
Governance Committee / Debra Wentz announced that the next Governance Committee meeting was rescheduled to December 2, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. It will be held at Capitol County Children’s Collaborative.
Debra reported that this Commit-tee completed most of the tasks assigned to it from the Ad Hoc Structural Workgroup. The group needs to develop the Board of Directors job description.
Debra announced that the mem-bership campaign posters and bro-chure have been created and the social media campaign is under way. / Committee members can RSVP to Shauna.
This is in progress.
Members were asked to promote member-ship to their col-leagues. Each member who refers a new member will receive a free, one-day confer-ence registration fol-lowing activation of the new membership. / By November 23, 2016
Early 2017
Ongoing / Governance Committee members
Governance Committee
New Jersey Mental Health Institute (NJMHI) / Debra reported that NJMHI is using restricted funds donated for the Sri Lanka Mental Health Relief Project to provide trauma training in Sri Lanka. (continued) / N/A / N/A / N/A
NJMHI (continued) / NJMHI had a third small grant from Johnson & Johnson to provide training on evidence-based practices for working with veterans. Discussions with J&J are under way for another project in FY 2018. / N/A
/ N/A / N/A
Practice Group Reports / Adult Mental Health: Harry Postel shared from NJAMHAA’s recent meeting with the Department of Human Services that a 30-day bed vacancy rate will be provided.
Children’s: Alan DeStefano invited all Board members to the next meeting with the Department of Children and Families (DCF), which will be held November 15, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. at DCF’s training facility in New Bruns-wick.
CFO: Harry Marmorstein reported that the group had a presentation by a payroll company about inte-grating data from various sources.
Hospital Community Integration Council (HCIC): Jim McCreath reported that NJAMHAA met with Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner Cathleen Bennett and other DOH leadership about the HCIC’s proposal for shared funding from Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment programs between hospital- and community-based providers, to which DOH was very receptive. Deborah Hartel added that the group also discussed regulatory and licensing issues affecting partial hospital (PH) and acute PH programs; Certificates of Need and bed calls; and licensing barriers to implementing integrated care programs.
Billing: June Noto reported that she asked Molina and
(continued) / N/A
Interested Board members can reply to Mary Abrams.
N/A / N/A
By November 4, 2016
N/A / N/A
Board members
Practice Group Reports (continued) / Steve Tunney, Chief, Behavioral Health and Customer Service, Medicaid, to address issues concerning Children’s Crisis Intervention Centers.
Information Technology (IT) Professional Advisory Committee: June stated that the New Jersey Mental Health Application (NJMHAPP) for billing the State for non-Medicaid covered services and non-Medicaid eligible clients meets the State’s business require-ments. She recommended that providers hand key in the required HL7 data.
The IT Project learned that the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) identified its own funds to establish interoperability for NJMHAPP and the Quarterly Contract Monitoring Reports. / N/A
N/A / N/A
N/A / N/A
Old and New Business / Screening Certification Qualifica-tion Issue: It was clarified that the issue is not that part-time and per-diem staff were made ineligible for certification. The issue is that training for certification is priori-tized for full-time screeners.
Recommendation to NJAMHAA to Meet with Dr. Robert Eilers, Medical Director, DMHAS, and Dr. Lind, Medical Director, Medi-caid, about Coverage for Tobacco Addiction Treatment: Debra stated that NJAMHAA began discussing advocacy on this issue with Dr. Jill Williams from RWJ-Rutgers University. The goal is to gain internal advocacy in DMHAS and Medicaid.
Groupsite Demo: June gave a demonstration of the Groupsite, which was set up to facilitate (continued) / Harry Postel will try to obtain more informa-tion. Then, the Board will determine if this issue should be addressed with the Department of Human Services.
The Board agreed that NJAMHAA should proceed with this meeting.
June requested that all Board members accept her electronic invita-tion (continued) / Following this meeting
Following this meeting [Meeting has been requested.]
Following this meeting / Harry Postel
Debra Wentz, Shauna Moses
Board members
Old and New Business (continued) / Board-related communications and store all documents related to the Board and its committees on the Internet. / and begin using Groupsite if they have not yet done so. Even-tually, all documents will only be on Group-site; they will no longer be sent through e-mail. There will be e-mail notifications when documents are uploaded to Groupsite, as well as for meetings scheduled.
June recommended that Board members create shortcuts to Groupsite on their desktops. The user-names and passwords can be built into the shortcuts. She or Ron Gordon can assist with this. / Following this meeting
Contact June or Ron any time if needed. / Board members
Board members
Upcoming Board Meetings:
§ Board Meeting, Wednesday, January 18, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to noon at NJAMHAA
§ Membership Meeting, Wednesday, February 8, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to noon at NJAMHAA
NJAMHAA Board Policy:
Members’ Attendance at Meetings with Legislators and Policymakers
NJAMHAA’s meetings with state and federal policymakers throughout the year are critical components of NJAMHAA’s advocacy campaign. To maximize the effectiveness of these meetings, NJAMHAA relies on Board members and other experts throughout NJAMHAA who can provide insightful, detailed illustrations of the issues that we advocate on and the impact of these issues on provider agencies and the individuals they serve.
NJAMHAA will follow the process detailed below to ensure that adequate, effective representation is secured for every meeting, and that meeting attendees have a consistent understanding of the issues and communication strategies that will be employed during these meetings.
1. Specific members invited to attend meetings:
a. Only Board members will be considered for attendance at all meetings with legislators and policymakers, etc. and the number of attendees will be predicated on the conditions outlined in section 2.
b. Other staff members may not be designated to attend these meetings.
2. The number of attendees:
a. The number of attendees for each meeting with a Legislator or with a State Department Commissioner and Division Directors will be determined by the Board President and NJAMHAA President and Chief Executive Officer.
i. Each Board member’s participation at NJAMHAA Board, Board Committee and Practice Group meetings will be considered when deciding on who will attend advocacy meetings.
b. Larger groups may be appropriate for other meetings, such as those with Health Maintenance Organization representatives.
3. Pre-advocacy meeting conference calls:
a. Meeting attendees will be strongly encouraged to participate on a conference call prior to each meeting, during which a lead speaker will be selected for each topic and concerns related to each topic will be discussed.
b. Members who plan to attend a meeting but are not able to participate on a conference call will be encouraged to attend the meeting, but not expound on any issues unless they first have touched base with the President and CEO or Vice President, Public Affairs and Member Services.
c. NJAMHAA staff will provide minutes from these conference calls to all meeting attendees.
d. Along with the conference call minutes, NJAMHAA staff will reinforce the importance of having a united front at the meetings; emphasize the need to adhere to the agendas during the meetings; and encourage attendees to call NJAMHAA with any questions before a meeting takes place.
Revision November 8, 2016