DRAFT MINUTES – 26th July 2016, MHS Homes, Broadside, Leviathan Way, Chatham, Kent
Attending: Helen Sudbury, Golding Homes and Chair; Matthew Eddy, MHS Homes and Vice Chair; Chailean Dottin-John, Gravesham BC; Matthew Robbins, Amicus Horizon Limited; Sean Bristow & Jody Bulman, Moat; Keith Cane, TCHG; Dominic Norwell, Medway Housing; Genette Pinwill, West Kent HA; June Heslop, Southern Housing Group; Rebecca Smith, Kent Housing Group
Apologies: Graeme Bosley, Orbit; Brian Horton, KHG; Eileen Martin, Amicus Horizon Limited; Aaron Simpson, Circle Housing Russet; Tina Dust, Sanctuary Housing; Louise Taylor, East Kent Housing; Stuart Beaumont, Kent Crime Stoppers; David Edie, Dartford Borough Council; Anthony Crossley, Ashford BC; Pam Millington, Moat; Daren Donoghue, TCHG;
Visitors: Jonathan Hulley & Laura Shimili, Clarke Willmott LLP
ITEM / NOTES / ACTIONIntroductions & Apologies / Introductions and apologies noted.
Brexit Impact on Social Housing Presentation / JH introduced himself and Laura Shimili and their company Clarke Willmott. Slides are made up of thoughts from Clarke Willmott and other commentators from within the sector about the implications of Brexit.
The NHF have published research on 21st July regarding the impact of the Referendum and leaving the EU. They commissioned The Centre of Economics and Business Research (CEBR) to undertake this work. The impact on the economy will impact upon the growth of the housing sector, impact on jobs and also materials being sourced.
The NHF have published the challenging figures to ensure that Central Government are aware of how the landscape for housing has changed, how they need to be more flexible to ensure investment is driven in the sector to deliver against the targets.
CIH echo the outcomes and messages shared by the NHF to Central Government. The new Housing Minister and the State of Sectary for Communities have met and stated that they are not adverse to the potential mix in tenure going forward, but ultimately the policy for housing delivery is determined by the Treasury. CIH are asking for Government to reconsider the spend that is allocated for affordable housing, introducing flexibility to build for rent and to buy.
CIH do put across the message about the role of Local Authorities – providing flexibility in the cap that limits them from borrowing to develop housing themselves. This is not included within the NHF Research.
The CIH and NHF are clear that this is about a brand new way and approach to build homes to buy and to rent, a flexible approach that is need post Brexit.
The Legal Perspective – legal colleagues also want to see a reduction in the barriers to delivery and red tape to achieve the target of building 1 million homes by 2020. JH comment that housing associations have a role to play with Government, which the role and requirement of housing associations to house and provide services within Case Law hasn’t, changed since Brexit, business as usual for housing management.
There are investors who still regard the role of housing associations as a ‘safe bet’ and an attractive option for them post Brexit. There are some investors working with housing association partners throughout the Country.
Parliament is clear that procurement rules will remain in place until there is a repeal of the EC Act, and this is unlikely to be until there is an overall review and replacement of all legislation implementing EU law.
Clarke Willmott have also published views about the Social Housing Sector, supporting the view that housebuilding is needed now and going forward, with flexibility to build more homes for Rent.
Some ideas tested by players in the sector and who have been contributing to the debates about social housing, including, keeping cash flow, rental income and service charge income is critical, its unsure if the 1% rent reduction will remain after 2020. Housing providers have to be aware that the 1% figure may change.
The new Housing Minister has commented that 85% of the population still aim to own their own home, but is this still the case, we need to track the market place and transaction volumes.
Investment in communities, we shouldn’t lose sight of how communities are created going forward, this remains a role for all housing providers. Reconfiguring business plans and supporting that flexible approach to house building going forward will benefit both the housing providers and those who live in the communities housing providers serve.
Questions – ME raised that point about the announcement by high street banks today about charging for holding monies in the bank, this goes against the idea of keeping cash flow steady. JH commented that this is perhaps short sighted by particular bank organisations, that discussions with financial colleagues should be undertaken alongside maintaining income from rent and service charge income. When rent setting for future years providers need to be honest about the real cost of the provision of service.
HS – Legislation and The European Court of Human Rights, and Data Protection – will all this fall away? JH commented that senior Judges repeatedly make the point that domestic courts in this country are not bound by the decisions of the European Court but are to have regard to them. JH believes that it’s possible to retain membership of the European Convention once we leave the EU and this will then not have an impact on the Human Rights. Business as usual re Data Protection that DP Rules are there to protect people’s personal data, and there is policy and legislation to support this protection.
The Mayor London has a development Fund and that this will be used to build on a significant scale as and when he can. It’s an estimated £40 million, when and how and with who will he build. / RS to share the slides with NMSG Colleagues
Minutes & Matters Arising / Minutes agreed as accurate, matters arising included:
Page 3 - SB advised that the Tenancy Fit Model with Moat is stalled currently; there may be more of an update in October.
Page 5 – RS to contact DWP about attending a future meeting of the group. / SB to feedback via RS
RS to note for future agenda
NMSG Forward Plan / There are slots on the October and January 2017 – Amicus Horizon Limited would be able to present on Tenancy Fit and working with Troubled Families.
It was suggested and agreed that West Kent could show case their work with Wakefield Council and the positive impact on arrears levels.
Kent Homechoice are also due to be on the agenda for October to talk about the current work of the group with regards to lettings and targeting campaigns. / MR to liaise with RS
GP to liaise with RS
RS to firm up with VH
Transfer Protocol Update / DN advised that the first meeting of the sub group will be in early to mid-August following the presentation to NMSG in April. DN will send out appointments by the end of this week.
KHG Update / RS updated that KHG are continuing to work on outcomes from the KHG Future of Housing Briefing that took place in February of this year, its intended that these particular task and finish group outcomes will feed into the refresh and development of the Kent and Medway Housing Strategy.
KHG will be producing an interim Kent and Medway Housing Strategy, this document will focus on four or five key themes that are impacting and relevant to Kent and Medway, to set out aims objectives and outcomes that will see us through the next two years of potential uncertainty, resulting from the Government announcements and the Housing and Planning Bill. RS will undertake this work for KHG.
RS advised that she will also be working on a County wide review of the DFG process; this is about ensuring a high quality transparent service for the customer, end to end, and to ensure the best outcome for the applicant. It is also about ensuring value for money, consistency in approach and more integrated working between all statutory partners. This work has just commenced.
The KHG and Joint Policy and Planning Board website is almost complete, colleagues will be able to find all protocols, strategies, briefing papers, new s and events information from the site, meeting details and papers will all be available from this new website. RS will share the link one its ready to go live, it is hoped that this will be Thursday 28th July. / All past events information can be found on the new KHG website
RS to share details once the website is ready to go live
Universal Credit/Welfare Reform / GP advised that WKHA are starting one to one visits with clients impacted by Welfare Reform, this is a better investment of resources. Workshops were set up but residents were not engaging with WKHA, and GP can feedback on how successful these visits have been. There has been a profile undertaken to identify priority cases to be visited.
SB advised that Moat working with Ashford and DWP held a workshop and despite over 100 letters going out there was no attendance from residents.
NHF Seminar in London last work for LHA for General Needs, GP will share the notes from this event, what the NHF are trying to gather information on to lobby and what they are looking for in terms of case studies. / GP to share via RS for circulation
Principles of Affordability / NMSG have been tasked with producing the Principles of Affordability and HS is looking for volunteers, GP, MR and KC agreed to assist HS and HS will send out diary appointments. / HS to contact GP, MR and KC regarding dates
Pay To Stay / LA’s confirmed that they are still waiting for guidance from Government about proof of Income and how data up to date the data from HMRC, ME advised that employers with a certain number of employees now have to submit monthly data to HMRC.
DN advised that Pay to Stay will impact approximately 30% of their tenants, CDJ commented that Gravesham BC it’s approximately 40%. There is no news on when guidance will be available.
Keep on the agenda for October 2016. / RS to note
Any Other Business / SB raised about whether colleagues have any good practice about Bulk Refuse? Colleagues shared examples of the issues they are facing and methods they are using to combat. Both SHG and WKHA are using cameras on big issue areas and for SHG this has seen a reduction in the problem. Cameras are moved around and residents are coming forward if they are seeing people fly tipping.
ME is working on a trial to design out the opportunities for people to fly tip. SHG are also looking at design issues and to be creative to try and reduce the issues, there are different approaches for different areas. SHG also to try to ensure that Caretakers are using open back vehicles to clear rubbish as they find it, this is a cheaper than paying a contractor. GBC have issues with rear access waste and clearing this, Housing have to pay to have this cleared, areas are secluded and easy to fly tip.
HS raised the following points: Do organisations provide Hepatitis B Jabs for visiting staff? The group said no.
Communal Areas – are colleagues taking away buggies or other items that are left in communal areas? Yes, MHS will clear and store for six days and then it is disposed of, Moat just clear without storage, all tenants are advised about not storing items in the communal areas when they take on the tenancy.
Thanks noted to MHS Homes and Matthew Eddy for hosting the meeting this morning.
Date of next meeting – 20th October 2016, Ashford BC Offices