Shawnee County CDDO
Affiliate Meeting
July 12, 2010
Present: Chris Ostrander, Individual Support Systems; Kelly Zink, Dream Catchers; Quinta Vance, KNI; Mary Ann Hughes, Sunflower Supports; Larry Castro, SRS; Timili Gartner, CDDO; Shelby Fry, TARC; Olga Hennessey, TARC; Rozanne Holloway, Equi-Venture Farms; Reggi Greco, Equi-Venture Farms; Tandy Walsh, Sheltered Living; Dolores Cummings, TARC; Mitzie Tyree, TARC; Donna White, TARC; Doug Gerdel, Life Patterns; Ramona Macke, CDDO
I. CDDO Updates:
Ø June Affiliate Report Overview
· 1035 individuals receiving services (768 adults, 267 children) in Shawnee County.
· There were 4 individuals determined eligible; 1 determined ineligible; 1 port in and 1 that ported out of Shawnee County.
· There were 9 crisis requests reviewed by the funding committee; 4 were approved and 5 were denied.
· 33 individuals have been Crisis approved during FY2010.
· There are 67 individuals who have not chosen a case manager; 26 Medicaid eligible and 41 Non-Medicaid eligible.
· Individuals changing service providers included: 11 day services (includes multiple providers); 4 - residential services; 2 - case management; and
5 – Payroll Agents.
· There were 168 POC’s reviewed for the month. Of the POCs reviewed for in home supports, 18% was over allocation and 82% at allocation.
Ø Ramona stated that the new target date for the Financial Management Service (FMS) change is April 2011 and that she had not heard if the new rates had been decided. Doug participates on the work group and shared that he thought the implementation date would be changed to July 1, 2011. Doug briefly spoke about the reimbursement rate changes which included different rates which will vary depending on the type of waiver.
Ø Ramona stated that she was pleased with the response to her email about establishing a workgroup to submit recommendations to the CDDO regarding Best Practices for Service Provider Transitions. She stated that 10 people had expressed interest. Olga stated that she would be interested in joining the workgroup. Interested persons have been asked to reply by July 21st. Ramona will email those interested with dates and times to see what will work best for everyone to meet.
Ø Shawnee County CDDO is providing affiliated providers with the opportunity to apply for State Aid Grant Funds during FY2011. The proposal may be for an existing or a new program that will be made available to all persons eligible for DD services in Shawnee County. (Handouts) FY2011 State Aid Grant Application and Budget Worksheet. The Funding Committee will review the submissions. Areas that will be considered but not limited to 1) community need, 2) cost, 3) adequacy and completeness of the request, 4) agency experience and qualifications to oversee the program(s), and 5) methodology of the agency to accomplish the goals and outcomes. Ramona stated that she would be sending the information electronically tomorrow and that all proposal requests are to be submitted to Ramona by 5 p.m. Aug. 13th.
DISCLAIMER: If there are further cuts to the State General Funds it could jeopardize the continuation of funding.
Ø SRS has provided CDDOs with the FY2011 allocation spreadsheets which will need reviewed to verify the numbers. The Shawnee County CDDO is currently funding 10 individuals in day services, 18 individuals in residential services, two of which receive in-home supports, with State General Funds.
Ø FY2011 Affiliate Agreement: Upon receiving the final, agree upon, allocation spread sheets; the SRS/CDDO contract will be signed. It is anticipated the CDDO will be sending the FY2011 affiliate agreements the first part of August.
Ø BCI – The CDDO continues to expand on the utilization of the BCI web based system. During a recent Strategic Planning meeting, it was suggested that the CDDO put together an email data base for individuals (parents, guardians, teachers, etc.) who would like to receive information (flyers, training announcements, etc.) directly to help enhance our communications. The BASIS screeners will be explaining this during assessments and ask if they would like to include their email address. Providing an email address is optional.
Ø The CDDO continues to develop a variety of files in the BCI System which allows the CDDO to operate more and more efficiently. Currently all the Critical Incident Reports and PAS surveys are submitted electronically; which helps eliminate some the paperwork. Cheryl is working on updating the CDDO website.
Ø As the waiting list number grows, the CDDO is encouraging case managers to ask individuals prior to graduating from high school if they are interested in competitive employment. If so, assist them to apply for Vo-Rehab Services. This will be valuable data to share with CSS if VR does not accept individuals with MR/DD into the program. It has been suggested to track the number of applications submitted that are denied and the reason why.
Ø The CDDO is aware of the need for counselors and therapists who specialize with individuals with developmental disabilities. There is a service system gap when they don’t have the MR diagnosis. Persons may only access the outreach programs at KNI when their IQ is 70 or below. For Valeo services, they must meet the mental health criteria. The CDDO has been informed that child psychologists are stating that when the person has cognitive delays they are not benefiting from counseling. The CDDO will continue to work with our mental health partners on this issue. She stated that the upcoming training by Valeo would be beneficial to answer questions regarding intake, referrals and admission criteria for services. All residential supervisors and case managers are encouraged to attend.
Ø There is a possibility of a $3.3 million waiting list funding for individuals to come off the statewide waiting list. There is a possibility that 143 individuals to 200 Statewide will be offered access to services.
III. Questions/Suggestions & Concerns:
Q. It was asked if there are current policies regarding individuals changing services.
A. There are current policies and systems in place. The idea behind the Best Practices workgroup is to provide recommendations to the CDDO for all providers to utilize as a guide. There are current CDDO Policies for case management and everyone is encouraged to follow the current agency service agreements that are signed.
Ramona stated that she had emailed Paula Ellis and Larry Castro, SRS, to let them know that the work group recommendations will be shared with SRS, the Council of Community Members, and the CDDO Oversight Committee.
Q. It was asked if there was any way to get other email notifications such as guardian changes or address changes.
A. Possibly, Ramona will check with Cheryl.
Q. It was asked when an individual is listed as having multiple providers if both providers may access information in the BCI.
A. Contact Cheryl.
Q. It was asked if there was a way for the CDDO to have access to food stamp changes. As it is difficult t times for a case manager to get the changes and cannot access online as they need the individuals PIN number.
A. Probably not as it is up to whoever set the contact person to be and if they pass along the information.
Comment: Doug commented that he liked our system as some CDDO’s do not allow access to anything.
V. Upcoming training opportunities
v July 22 - Valeo Training: Intake, Referrals & Eligibility (flyer emailed)
Next meeting is scheduled Aug. 9th, 2010