Chem 201, Fall 2008 / Instructor: Dr. Annie Bianchino
TTh, 8am-12noon / Office 1250-04
Rm 415T / Office phone: (714) 992-7436
lecture 8-10, prob solv 10-10:30, lab 10:30-noon / email:
5 units / Office hours: MW 9-10:30 am
Section 12417 / TTh 1-2 pm

Laboratory is a concurrent requirement of Chemistry 201. It is designed to illustrate chemical and biochemical principles and teach fundamental techniques.


Texts: Lab Safety Packet: Chem 201, Chem Dept.

Biochemistry Class Notes & Labs, Dr. Annie Bianchino, 2007.

Supplies: Scientific Calculator (with scientific notation and logs)

Safety Goggles

Fullerton College Computer Account


pot holder or small towel, lab apron.


Be prompt and regular in attendance. Excessive absences or tardiness will result in a lower grade. Quizzes may be given at the beginning of the lab period. If you are late, you will not be allowed to make up that quiz; you will get a score of zero instead.

There are generally NO MAKE UP LABS. You receive a zero score for each missed lab. That really hurts your grade. If you must miss a lab, see the instructor ASAP.

Be prepared for the laboratory experiment. Read the experiment before lab; it will save you time and frustration and you will get a better grade! Remember that you only have 1 1/2 hours for lab, so if you are not prepared, you will not be able to complete the experiment and your grade on that experiment will be reduced proportionally.

Do not expect to spend the lab time working on the reports for previous experiments. Lab reports should be completed at home, outside of class time.

Avoid collaboration on laboratory experiments and reports except by instructor assignment. Falsification of data and/or collaboration may result in zeros for all students involved.

Try to master each new technique and principle as it is presented. You will use certain techniques throughout the course and in other science courses. Your lab instructor is here to assist you.


Lab report scores will be worth a total of 100 points (based on a %) toward your overall grade in the course.

Most lab reports will be due at the end of the Thursday lab period. Some labs are simple data sheets and questions to answer; other labs may be more like a formal report. Whether a formal report is due will be announced at the beginning of the lab.

The formal reports and reports that include graphing will require more time to finish, and will be due at the beginning of the following lab period. This will be announced during the lab prep discussion.

Most lab report are worth a 10 points each; more detailed reports are worth 20 points. The enzyme lab report (formal report) is worth 60 points.

Late lab reports will NOT be accepted.


“Pop” lab quiz scores will be worth a total of 100 points (based on a %) toward your overall grade in the course. These will really make a difference in your lab grade!

Unannounced quizzes will be given from time to time. Quizzes may cover material to be done that same day, to check to see if you have read the experiment and understand the basic ideas. The final lab quiz will be scheduled during the last week of classes, and is worth more than a regular quiz.

Quizzes may also cover material from an experiment that was performed the previous week or two, to see if you understood what it was all about.

Quizzes will be given at the start of lab. If you come in late and miss the short quiz, then you receive a score of zero. NO make up quizzes!


All lab experiments are in your class notes package purchased at the bookstore, or will be given as handouts.

Chem 201 is a course that is constantly revised, and many of the labs are still in a state of development. Some of the things may not always work as well as we hope. Be patient. If you have suggestions or comments, talk to your instructor. Thanks.


Safety goggles may be purchased at the bookstore or elsewhere and must protect the eyes from the top and sides. Eyeglasses, sunglasses and safety shields are not sufficient. You MUST have goggles and WEAR THEM correctly or you will not be allowed to participate in laboratory classes.

Check In and Check Out:

Once you check in to a locker, YOU are responsible for the equipment in that locker. Be sure all items are present at the start, and that they are not chipped or broken.

At the end of the semester you will check out of the locker. At that time I will inspect each piece of equipment and you will need to replace anything that is lost or broken. You may be charged for broken or lost equipment.

If you drop the course, you MUST check out of your locker.

Chem 201 lab grade calculation:

Lab Report Scores:

Exp # / models / A / B,C / D / 21 / E / G / H / I / J / K / L,N / Total


Possible pts

/ 20 / 10 / 20 / 10 / 10 / 60 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 20 / 200

To calculate your lab report score, calculate the percentage that you obtained from all the possible points (190) after dropping your lowest score. This will be your score out of 100 points.

Lab Quiz Scores:

At this time no one knows how many quizzes will be given, keep track of your scores and the total number of possible points. Remember, if you miss a quiz, you will get a zero for that one and it will definitely affect your grade.

Quiz # / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Total


Possible pts

To calculate your lab quiz score, calculate the percentage that you obtained from all the possible points after dropping your lowest score. This will be your score out of 100 points.