Medium Term Planning- Computing Summer Term
Year 3
Ms Nicola, Ms Lucy, Ms Daniella & Mr John
Week Commencing / Learning Objectives / Lesson OutlineSummer
Session 1 / To understand that text and graphics can be combined to communicate information / Explain to the pupils and show them examples of how text and graphics can be combined to communicate information.
Demonstrate to the pupils how to combine graphics and text.’
Pupils to practice combining graphics and text independently.
Pupils to save work using ‘Save as
Session 2 / Recap previous lesson.
Show to the pupils different examples of the same picture which has text that is different in font type, font size and colour.
Discuss with the pupils how different font types, sizes and colour adds emphasis and effect.
Demonstrate to the pupils how to alter font type, size and colour for emphasis and effect.
Pupils to open the work that they created the previous lesson and to explore altering the font type, size and colour so as to add emphasis and effect.
Pupils to save work using ‘Save as’ using a different name as to the work that they completed during the previous session.
Session 3 / To be able to explore how ICT can be used to improve text. / Discuss with the pupils ways in which ICT can be used to improve text.
Demonstrate to the pupils how to amend text and save the changes.
Allow the pupils to practice how to amend text and save changes.
Session 4 / To be able to combine graphics and text / Demonstrate to the pupils how to combine graphics and text.
Allow the pupils to practice how to combine graphics and text.
Session 5 / To be able to use the technique of using the shift key to type characters, such as question marks / How are you able to type characters, such as question and exclamation marks?
Demonstrate to the pupils the technique of using the shift key to type characters, such as question marks.
Provide the pupils with differentiated examples of text in which they have to type using a word processor such as ‘Word’ and use the shift key to type the characters within the piece of text that they have been given.
Session 6 / To be able to alter font type, size and colour for emphasis and effect / Provide the pupils with a design brief which combines graphics and text to communicate information.
Demonstrate to the pupils how to complete the design brief.
Pupils to independently complete the design brief which combines graphics and text to communicate information, and which has been differentiated to suit the pupils ability levels