Click on the standard for assessment examples.
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System ResourcesMCC4.NBT.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in any one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.
Limit to whole numbers less than or equal to 1,000,000.
This is new learning.
Misconception Document – NBT.1-3
Essential Questions
What pattern do I notice when I multiply by ten or a multiple of ten? By one? By zero?
What pattern do I notice when I divide by ten? By one?
Why is there a pattern created when I multiply by a multiple of ten?
Why is there a pattern created when I divide by a multiple of ten? / Example 1:
How is the 2 in the number 582 different from the 2 in the number 528?
Example 2:
Investigate the pattern 6; 60; 600; 6000; 60,000; 600,000
Example 3:
70 x 100 = 7,000; 5,000 x 10 = 50,000 and 700 ÷ 70 = 10; 50,000 ÷ 50 = 1,000). Students should be able to explain why multiplication and division work based on place value.
multi-digit whole number
place value / Vocabulary Cards and Word Wall
WMPWMV: directions for yearly spiral review
Whole Group
Eureka (NY Module) 1
Lesson 1: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Concept Development
Lesson 3: Complete the following
sections ONLY
Fluency Practice: Place Value and Value
Concept Development
Exit Ticket
Template you will need
Lesson 4: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Fluency Practice
Concept Development
Exit Ticket
Place Value Flipchart
Place Value Fun Flipchart
Math5Live Place Value
Place Value Rap
Relative Value of Pieces (pg. 16)
Place Value Word Problems!!!!
Journal Prompt
Differentiation Activities
BBY: Dots/Grids
Place Value PowerPoint (used to review place value if needed)
Brain Pop, Jr.: Place Value
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System Resources
MCC4.NBT.2 Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
In second grade, students had to read and write numbers to 1,000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. In second grade, students also had to compare two three digit numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols. In third grade, students did not have to compare numbers or write them in expanded form/number names.
Misconception Document – NBT.1-3
Essential Questions
How do I read and write multi-digit whole numbers?
What are the different ways to write a number in expanded form?
How do I compare multi-digit whole numbers?
How can I tell which forms of a number match each other? / MCC4.NBT.2
This standard refers to various ways to write numbers. Students should have flexibility with the different number forms. Traditional expanded form is 285 = 200 + 80 + 5. Written form is two hundred eighty-five. However, students should have opportunities to explore the idea that 285 could also be 28 tens plus 5 ones or 1 hundred, 18 tens, and 5 ones.
Students should also be able to compare two multi-digit whole numbers using appropriate symbols.
Do not use the unequal sign (≠).
Limit to whole numbers less than or equal to 1,000,000.
base-ten numerals
number names
expanded form
symbols / MCC4.NBT.2
WMPWMV: directions for yearly spiral review
Whole Group
Eureka (NY Module) 1
Lesson 5: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Fluency Practice: Place Value
Concept Development
Exit Ticket
Lesson 6: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Fluency Practice: Rename the Units and Compare Numbers
Concept Development
Place Value Flipchart
Comparing Numbers Flipchart
Number Scramble pg. 27 (use 6 numbers instead of 10)
Numeral, Word, Expanded Form Task
Comparing Numbers
M and M Place Value
Differentiation Activities
Put Numbers in Order
Formative Assessment Questions for NBT 1 - 3
Ordering 4 digit numbers
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System Resources
MCC4.NBT.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
In third grade, students had to round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred.
For right now, teach rounding as an isolated skill. Students will apply those rounding skills when you teach OA.3.
Misconception Document – NBT.1-3
Essential Questions
How do I round numbers? / This standard refers to place value understanding, which extends beyond an algorithm or procedure for rounding. Students should have lots of experience using a number line and a hundreds chart.
Once students know how to round, then it is important that they know how to apply that to solving word problems. This will be done when you teach OA.3.
Research indicates that students need to learn how to round using number lines and hundreds charts before they are given a little song or chant to memorize.
• Rounding needs to occur to any place up to 1,000,000.
Place value
round / MCC4.NBT.3
WMPWMV: directions for yearly spiral review
Whole Group
Eureka (NY Module) 1
Lesson 7: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Fluency Practice: Change Place Value, Number Patterns, and Find the Midpoint
Concept Development
Lesson 8: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Fluency Practice: Sprint
Concept Development
Brain Pop: Rounding
Rounding Flipchart
Rounding Rap
Nice Numbers (pg. 51)
Estimation as a Check (pg. 55)
The Great Round Up (just use 6 cubes)
Journal Prompt
Differentiation Activities
Brain Pop, Jr.: Rounding
Round to the Nearest “Place” Game
Differentiation Activities
Formative Assessment Questions for NBT 1 - 3
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System Resources
MCC4.NBT.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
Students had to add and subtract multi-digit numbers using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Misconception Document –NBT.4-6
Essential Questions
What strategies can I use to help me add and subtract numbers quickly and efficiently?
How does the standard algorithm relate to my strategies? / MCC4.NBT.4
Students build on their understanding of addition and subtraction, their use of place value and their flexibility with multiple strategies to make sense of the standard algorithm. They continue to use place value in describing and justifying the processes they use to add and subtract.
This standard refers to fluency, which means accuracy, efficiency (using a reasonable amount of steps and time), and flexibility (using a variety strategies). This is the first grade level in which students are expected to be proficient at using the standard algorithm to add and subtract. However, other previously learned strategies are still appropriate for students to use (see strategy notebooks in resource column). Students must be able to explain why the algorithm works.
Ex) 3892 + 1567
Student explanation for this problem:
1. Two ones plus seven ones is nine ones.
2. Nine tens plus six tens is 15 tens.
3. I am going to write down five tens and think of the 10 tens as one more hundred (shows with 1 above the hundreds column)
4. Eight hundreds plus five hundreds plus the extra hundred from adding the tens is 14 hundreds.
5. I am going to write the four hundreds and think of the 10 hundreds as one more 1000 (shows with 1 above the thousands column)
6. Three thousands plus one thousand plus the extra thousand from the hundreds is five thousand.
Ex) 3546 – 928
Student explanation of this problem:
1. There are not enough ones to take 8 ones from 6 ones so I have to use one ten as 10 ones. Now I have 3 tens and 16 ones. (Marks through the 4 and notates with a 3 above the 4 and writes a 1 above the ones column to be represented as 16 ones)
2. Sixteen ones minus 8 ones is 8 ones. (Writes an 8 in the ones column of the answer)
3. Three tens minus 2 tens is one ten. (Writes a 1 in the tens column of the answer).
4. There are not enough hundreds to take 9 hundreds from 5 hundreds so I have to use one thousand as 10 hundreds. (Marks through the 3 and notates with a 2 above it. Writes down a 1 above the hundreds column). Now I have 2 thousand and 15 hundreds.
5. Fifteen hundreds minus 9 hundreds is 6 hundreds (writes a 6 in the hundreds column of the answer).
6. I have 2 thousands left since I did not have to take away any thousands. (Writes 2 in the thousands place in the answer).
standard algorithm / MCC4.NBT.4
WMPWMV: directions for yearly spiral review
Whole Group
Eureka (NY Module) 1
Lesson 12: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Problem Set (word problems)
Homework (word problems)
Lesson 14: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Problem Set (word problems)
Homework (word problems)
Model the Addition and Subtraction Algorithm (intro lesson to review what happens when we regroup)
To Regroup or Not to Regroup
Reality Checking (pg. 63)
It’s in the Numbers (pg. 74)
Differentiation Activities
Brain Pop, Jr. Subtracting with Regrouping
Win Win Math Games – “4 Strikes and You’re Out” (play with larger numbers)
Formative Assessment Questions for NBT 4 - 6
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System Resources
MCC4.NBT.5 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
In third grade, students had to multiply numbers, with a product no bigger than 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division or properties of operations. Students also had to know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.
Misconception Document –NBT.4-6
Essential Questions:
What strategies can I use to efficiently solve multiplication problems? / MCC4.NBT.5
There are 25 dozen cookies in the bakery. What is the total number of cookies at the bakery?
What would an array area model of 74 x 38 look like?
Anchor Chart
To illustrate 154 x 6 students use base 10 blocks or use drawings to show 154 six times. Seeing 154 six times will lead them to understand the distributive property, 154 x 6 = (100 + 50 + 4) x 6 = (100 x 6) + (50 X 6) + (4 X 6) = 600 + 300 + 24 = 924.
The area model below shows the partial products. 14 x 16 = 224
Multiple strategies enable students to develop fluency with multiplication and transfer that understanding to division. See Strategy notebook in resource column for a list of strategies. Use of the standard algorithm for multiplication is an expectation in the 5th grade.
place value
properties of operations
rectangular arrays
area models / MCC4.NBT.5
WMPWMV: directions for yearly spiral review
Whole Group
Eureka (NY Module) 3
Lesson 4: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Problem Set (word problems)
Lesson 5: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Problem Set (word problems)
Lesson 35: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Concept Development
Problem Set
Exit Ticket
Lesson 36: Complete the following
sections ONLY:
Concept Development
Problem Set
Exit Ticket
Multiplication Strategy Notebook
At the Circus (pg. 58)
Multiplication Strategy Poster (caution….creating your own posters with students is more effective – use these as a guide)
Multiplication Strategy – Where is the Mistake?
Differentiation Activities
BBY: Dots/Grids
2 x 1 Area Model Practice
2 x 2 Area Model Practice
Differentiation for Partial Product Strategy
Distributive Strategy
Breaking a Factor
Formative Assessment Questions for NBT 4 - 6
Multidigit Multiplication Assessment
CCGPS / Example/Vocabulary / System Resources
MCC4.NBT.6 Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
In third grade, students had to divide numbers, with a dividend no bigger than 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division or properties of operations.
Misconception Document –NBT.4-6
Essential Questions:
How do I find quotients and remainders?
How do I use strategies to help me divide? / MCC4.NBT.6
A 4th grade teacher bought 4 new pencil boxes. She has 260 pencils. She wants to put the pencils in the boxes so that each box has the same number of pencils. How many pencils will there be in each box?
• Using Base 10 Blocks: Students build 260 with base 10 blocks and distribute them into 4 equal groups.
Some students may need to trade the 2 hundreds for tens but others may easily recognize that 200 divided by 4 is 50.
• Using Place Value: 260 ÷ 4 = (200 ÷ 4) + (60 ÷ 4)
• Using Multiplication: 4 x 50 = 200, 4 x 10 = 40, 4 x 5 = 20; 50 + 10 + 5 = 65; so 260 ÷ 4 = 65
Using an Open Array or Area Model
After developing an understanding of using arrays to divide, students begin to use a more abstract model for division. This model connects to a recording process that will be formalized in the 5th grade.