Create an Inkblot

Using paint, ink, or water color create an inkblot. You can choose to do a single color or multi-color design. Your inkblot should have some element of visual interest (to inspire multiple interpretations). Your inkblot should be done on 8.5x11” paper. Remember that Inkblots are mirror images of themselves (what you see on one side, you see the same image only backwards on the other side of the paper).

Gather Data about Possible Interpretations

Show your inkblot to 20 people. You will need to gather information about the participants using the data sheet provided. You will ask people to fill out a slip or form with their information and interpretations or fill out this form for people as they tell you their response. You can do this in Chart form. On the bottom of this sheet you will see an example of the data sheet you will be required to turn in on each person you show your inkblot or you can complete this information in chart form. Be sure if you ask people one at a time, do not let them see or hear someone else’s interpretation of the inkblot.

Write a Report

The report should be typed and double-spaced. Your report should consist of at least one paragraph on the following issues/topics:

  1. Summarize the information you gathered using your inkblot including the types of interpretations you heard (you do not have to list all of the individual results, but you can describe them in terms of an overarching concept like “animals”, “people”, etc.). Are there any trends or commonalities that came up (for example, were their gender differences in interpretations, age differences, etc.?). Keep in mind, this is not a true statistical analysis, just give me your overall impressions of the data.

DUER DATE: 9/6/2016

Your completed project must include the original inkblot, the data slips or chart you gathered from the 20 people you surveyed, and your typed report.


Thank you for participating in this personality project. Please complete the demographic information below and what you saw when you looked at the inkblot.

Gender: o Male o Female Age _____

What did you see when you first looked at the inkblot? This should be the first image you see.

Chart format:

Gender / Age / What did you see when you first looked at the inkblot?