Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 26 March 2012 at 7.30pm, Pavilion, Queensway, and Potterhanworth

1.  Public Open Forum

A number of villagers raised the matter of an offensive note displayed along Barff Road regarding dog walkers and speed of motor vehicles. The matter was taken up by PCSO Paul Flannigan, who will speak to residents of Barff Road to resolve the issue.

It was asked whether the 30mph speed limit sign along Barff Road can be moved further along Barff Road towards the woods. The clerk will write to Highways to enquire.

Pauline Brew asked whether the Parish Council could erect another duck warning sign along Nocton Road just past The Park, before Church Hill. The clerk will write to Highways.

John Eversfield queried the increase in the Parish Council precept of £3000. The Vice Chairman said the increase was due to funding for the replacement Pavilion roof, plus to meet increasing costs of grass cutting.

Kim Winfield asked whether a note could be placed in Grapevine explaining the increase. The Clerk will arrange for a note for the May Grapevine.

Elaine Winfield said volunteers were required to water the War Memorial plants over August. Julie Parry will arrange cover.

PCSO Paul Flannigan updated the meeting on recent policing matters. There was only one reported crime in the village over the last four weeks – the attempted theft of domestic heating oil.

2.  Attendance and Apologies

Mr M Suthern (Vice Chairman)

Mr A Hollidge

Mr G Holmes

Mr S Matusiewicz

Mrs J Parry

Mr R Spence (Clerk)

Apologies – Mrs K O’Leary

Also in attendance at the meeting PCSO Paul Flannigan and ten members of the public.

3.  To Receive Declarations of Interest

None received.

4.  Minutes of the Meeting held on 27 February 2012

The members received the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2012.

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice Chairman.

5.  Matters Arising from the previous minutes

The clerk has contacted Hill Holt Wood regarding litter picking in the area. Litter pickers will be working along the Potterhanworth to Nocton Road in the coming weeks. The clerk will also ask for Station Road to be litter picked.

Councillor Parry updated the meeting on the Jubilee plans. The school will be holding a gala on Friday 1 June. St Andrew’s Church have a Songs of Praise service at 6pm on Sunday 3 June and will be lighting a beacon on the village green on the evening of Monday 4 June and serving a Jubilee supper in the marquee on the Memorial Hall field.

6.  Correspondence Received

·  Letter of thanks from Sam Todd regarding the £240 donation towards the purchase of safety mats for Potter Ju Jitsu club.

·  Letter of thanks from Michael Chew, Treasurer of Moor Lane Allotments Association for the donation of £228.94 for the purchase of a hosepipe.

·  Letter from Anglian Water confirming the details for the hosepipe ban from Thursday 5 April. The hosepipe ban applies only to domestic customers and excludes businesses.

·  Letter from Highways outlining the temporary road closure for carriageway surfacing works on the B1190 Branston Causeway (aka Bardney Causeway).The road will be closed overnight between Monday 16 April and Monday 30 April. Diversions via Lincoln, Greetwell Road, Fiskerton Road, Shortferry Road.

7.  Planning Applications received

·  Extension to existing porch and replace brick gate posts with stone, Grangefield, 6 Kingsley Court, Potterhanworth

No comments or objections noted.

·  Application to remove condition 3 of planning permission N42/0206/10 (restriction of feedstock materials), Anaerobic Digester, Nocton Fen Lane, Nocton.

The Parish Council have written to object to the plans to remove condition 3.

8.  Working closer with neighbouring Parish Councils to discuss

Councillor Parry raised the subject following the recent Anaerobic Digester planning application. Councillor Parry asked whether we need a more formal joined up approach with neighbouring Parish Councils. After discussion, it was agreed to continue on the more informal basis. The current process works well (example of the recent Dairy application) with co-operation and communication between neighbouring clerks and councillors.

9.  Co-option to fill vacancy on the Parish Council

No applications received. The vacancy will be re-advertised.

10.  Pavilion and Fund Raising updates

Malcolm Hawes updated the meeting on Pavilion matters. A white lining machine has recently been ordered for the playing field. It was proposed by Councillor Holmes and seconded by Councillor Parry that the machine be purchased by the Parish Council and not by the Pavilion management. Unanimously accepted.

The Pavilion roof is due to be replaced in May 2012.

The Vice Chairman requested an inventory of parish assets used by the Pavilion. Councillor Matusiewicz will provide the list.

Councillor Holmes updated the meeting on Fund Raising matters. The date for the Christmas Market is 24 November.

The Summer Gala will be held on Saturday 30 June between 12 noon and 4pm. 10 stalls have already been booked.

11.  Accounts for Payment

Per the attached sheet prepared by the Clerk. Proposed by Councillor Parry and seconded by Councillor Holmes. Unanimously agreed.

12.  Date of next meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 14 May at 7.00pm in St Andrew’s Church followed by the Parish Council meeting at 7.45pm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.

RJ Spence

7 April 2012