Minutes, TLAC meeting, December 7, 2007, Cohodas 604

Present: Alan Beauchamp, Dave Bonsall, Barb Coleman, Keith Ellis, Bob Marlor, Rachel Nye, Judy Puncochar, Marcus Robyns, Carol Strauss

Called to order at 8:33a.m.

I. Adoption of Agenda: motion Barb, second Dave

II. Approval of November 9th minutes: motion Marcus, second Keith

III. Chair’s Update

A. Teaching Award: Judy has received request from a faculty member for reasons that a

particular nominee did not receive the award. Discussion: (a) how to make the process more transparent; (b) how to arrive at objective decisions.

Suggestions: make nomination packets more uniform by: setting a maximum limit on the #’s of letters from students and colleagues; setting a word limit on the nomination; requesting a 1-page summary of evaluations (Judy); implementing an evaluation

instrument such as the psychometric one developed by Al (15 characteristics of excellence).

This topic to be continued in January; Al to bring the instrument & relevant section from

the Master Agreement.

B. Rachel Nye has graciously stepped up to the plate to co-chair TLAC in Winter 08, in

preparation for assuming the chair(wo)manship in academic year 08-09. Much

appreciated by all and we will be as helpful as possible!

IV. Treasurer’s Report: balance after TE poster printing: $8,000+ (Marcus)

V. Website: Keith to receive training for the Content Management system—will get user name & password, should be ready by Mon, links to include media site

VI. Arrival of Provost Koch, who attended and contributed to remainder of meeting; introductions; Judy presented her a beautifully organized and thorough packet of info on TLAC activities, budget, agendas, minutes, rubrics. Many thanks to Dr. Koch for providing breakfast.

VII. Teaching Engagements

A. Poster of Winter 08 TEs has been e-mailed to all (thank you, Keith)

B. Magna Webinars: discussion of the choices; selected the following:

1. Using Collaborative Teams In and Out of the Classroom (Jan 30)

2. International Education Trends (Jan 31): Dr. Koch will ask the International

Programs office whether they will co-sponsor this and we can work with them

3. Assessment as a Learning Experience (Feb 13)

Need clarification on policies and price: Keith to e-mail Magna for clarification

Dave to book Mead Auditorium

C. Discussion re faculty participation (relatively low attendance at some TEs

1. Judy monitors “hits” to the media website with Max Graves—will bring update to next meeting

Discussion of pros and cons to post-Webinar viewing (24-hr period): Dr. Koch— much preferable to have group viewing; viewing alone a passive experience. Rachel: according to Magna website, licensing for post-Webinar viewing may no longer be available.

2. Broadening of discussion to include attendance at all TEs.

a. Dr. Koch offered to reinforce importance of attendance. TLAC chair to attend

Academic Cabinet meeting at start of semesters; cabinet members to impress

importance on dept. heads. Bob: suggest to dept heads that they assign a faculty

member to attend.

b. As TLAC members, we should also each publicize TEs within our depts(Carol)

c. We should ask faculty again what they want, what’s relevant to them (Dave)

VIII. Issues raised by Dr. Koch

A. Ongoing accreditation activity: “continuous approvement” the overarching thematic.

TLAC plays an important contributory role in this

B. Grants to enhance teaching and research

Examples of No. Iowa Univ projects (Carver Foundation): (a) stipends for faculty to

come together in summers to share & develop teaching ideas; ideas implemented in

following year with continuing discussion; (b) interdisciplinary projects, e.g.,

immigration, geospatial technologies—integrating these into course content univ-wide.

The Kellogg Foundation has special funding for Michigan projects.

C. Decision to pursue grant funding to enhance faculty teaching across disciplines.

Subcommittee officers: Marcus Robyns, Chair; Keith Ellis, Innovation Officer;

Judy Puncochar, Secretary & Editor

Judy will send TLAC members an e-mail asking for volunteers to serve on this

subcommittee. Possible subcomm. title: “Enhancing Teaching Grants. Judy will give

Dr. Koch a list of subcomm. members and they will meet with Dr. Koch to discuss how

to proceed with the grant writing.

(Keith: one idea—teaching for learning with technology that students already know,

e.g., sth like Facebook in online courses would integrate social aspect for learners)

Meeting adjourned at 9:55a.m.

Next meeting January 25, 8:30 a.m., Whitman Commons

Respectfully submitted, Carol Strauss, with thanks to Barb, Keith, and Judy for recording minutes of the last 10 minutes.