Cardinal Classic XVIII: Sir Peter Wimsey and the Case of the Lost Monocle

Packet by Berkeley 2 (Yogesh Raut, Brett Hallahan, Steven Pham, Johnny Hwang)


1. This author described a telegraph operator’s obsession with the affair between Captain Everard and Lady Bradeen in In the Cage, while the title character enters the priesthood after encouraging Frank Humber and Mrs. Peverel to marry in his play Guy Domville. Hyacinth Robinson gets involved with an assassination plot in his Princess Casamassima, whose title character had previously appeared in his novel about Rowland Mallet and Roderick Hudson. One of his titular figures leaves Sir Claude to live with Mrs. Wix; another is courted by Winterbourne in Italy before dying of “Roman fever.” FTP, name this author of What Maisie Knew and Daisy Miller who wrote about Lambert Strether’s trip to Paris in The Ambassadors and a frightened governess in The Turn of the Screw.

ANSWER: Henry James

2. In human body, pendrin is responsible for the uptake of this element. Rhodium bound to carbon, oxygen, and this element is used as a catalyst in the Monsanto process. It is complexed to three acetal groups in Dess-Martin oxidation, and the formation of alpha-aminophosphonates can be catalyzed by it in a variation of the Kabachnick-Fields reaction. Addition of it in its diatomic form is the first step in a reaction that yields anti-diols, the Prévost reaction, while a methyl halide compound containing this element is used in Hofmann elimination. When mixed with starch, it turns a dark blue color, which is the key visual feature of the clock reaction. For ten points, name this element, the heaviest non-radioactive halogen.

ANSWER: iodine

3. A 20th century fiberglass sculpture depicting this theme features an Aztec man cradling a dead female wrapped in a cloth who holds rose petals and a thorned stem in her hand. A 21st century photograph dubbed to be the American version of this theme showed five individuals carrying the body of the chaplain of the Fire Department of New York. The Rondanini version of it featured an unfinished Christ being held in an almost upright, limp position. The Florentine sculpture of this subject bucks traditional depictions by displacing Mary to the right in favor of Nicodemus, who stands while holding the emaciated body in his arms, flanked by two who support the body from below. FTP, give the name of this theme sculpted by Michelangelo three times, featuring the Virgin Mary cradling the body of a dead Jesus Christ.


4. He wouldrebuild the town of Tercanabal in order to build his residence there, nowadays known as the Vila of the Infante. From that residence, on the peninsula of Sagres, and the nearby town of Lagos would most of this man's undertakings be coordinated.He was a son of Philippa of Lancaster, and a brother of Edward the Philosopher, also known as Duarte. His governership of the Order of Christ provided him with the funds for his exploits, which were realized under the skilled leadership of such men as Antonio Noli, Alvise Cadamasto, and Gil Eanes. The latter would be the first westerner to roundcape Bojador, which would open the way to exploration of southern Africa. FTP, who was this Portuguese prince, patron of explorers?

ANSWER: Henry the Navigator

5. The novel Point de Lendemain by Vivant Denon features prominently in one novel by this author, in which the chateau featured in the novel is now the site of an entomology conference. That novel was the first that he wrote in French, Slowness. The young Communist poet Jaromir collaborates with a Stalinist regime in his second novel, and some of his stories are collected in Laughable Loves. Helena is the instrument of Ludwik Jahn’s revenge in his first novel. In addition to Life Is Elsewhere and The Joke, he wrote a novel in which Tereza and her surgeon husband Tomas die in a car accident. For 10 points, identify this Czech author of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

ANSWER: Milan Kundera

6. Keith Chen recently showed a flaw in experiments that had claimed to be able to replicate this phenomenon in monkeys. Max Bazerman and others suggested that it plays a role in the sunk-cost effect, while Jack Brehm studied it with appliances. Elliot Aronson argued that it only occurs in contexts relevant to the self, and a famous experiment featuring a boring task involving turning knobs demonstrated the inadequate-justification version. Inspired by the actions of a doomsday cult described in When Prophecy Fails, this is, FTP, what psychological phenomenon proposed by Leon Festinger describing how humans try to reduce conflict between contradictory beliefs and actions?

ANSWER: cognitive dissonance

7. The only athlete coached by Steve Nunno to reach the Olympics, this woman suffered her first defeat in 2 years when she lost to Dina Kochetkova at the 1994 Goodwill Games. Winner of more medals than any other American at the 1992 Summer Olympics, she was famously cheated out of an individual gold when the Unified Team faked an injury to Roza Galieva, allowing Tatiana Gutsu to compete in the women’s all-around. FTP, name this 7-time Olympic medalist who won gold on the balance beam and as a member of the “Magnificent 7” women’s gymnastics team at the 1996 Summer Olympics.

ANSWER: Shannon Miller

8. In "a state of blood", Henry Kyemba provided an insider's view of this man's horror regime. Notable victims of this man's regime include archbishop Luwum, and Joseph Mubiru, the former governor of the central bank. Having joined the colonial army as a cook, he would rise through its ranks to become the first native commissioned officer, from which he continued his rise within the military. When in power, he would align himself with Libya and the Soviet Union, and he pursued a policy of ethnic violence and persecution, leading among others to the expulsion of over 60,000 Asians. He encouragedterrorism towards Israel, culminating in the 1976 Entebbe airport raid. Ousted by a Tanzania-aided coalition of exilees, who was, FTP, this former heavyweight boxer who took power fromMilton Obote to become Ugandan president in 1971?

ANSWER: Idi Amin Dada

9. One of his works contains a chapter called "Body, Meat, and Spirit" that uses the term "zone of indiscernibility" in analyzing a painting. Along with Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation, he analyzed cinema in The Movement-Image and The Time-Image. The essay "Plato and the Simulacrum" is appended to a work contrasting the “nonsense” of Lewis Carroll with that of Antonin Artaud, called The Logic of Sense, and he also wrote Difference and Repetition. His best known concept may be the plane of immanence, and he co-wrote two volumes collected in Capitalism and Schizophrenia. FTP, name this French philosopher who co-wrote A Thousand Plateaus and Anti-Oedipus with Felix Guattari.

ANSWER: Gilles Deleuze

10. This device is first used in Model 85 of the IBM System/360 product line.It isoften used hierarchically, with architectures ranging from strictly inclusive to exclusive. They canrange fromfully associative over N-way associative to direct mapped,with thefully associative versions often smaller in size and direct mapped versions larger because of production cost issues. A benchmark of it is its miss rate, which is roughly inversely proportional with its size. Replacement of data can be least recently used for the direct mapped versions, but is often random for fully associative versions. Modern CPUs have several levels of it, ranging from L1, L2to sometimes even L3, and it can be several MB in size. FTP, name this device used to store temporary data for faster write and retrieval.


11. One party of this name ran Jonathan Blanchard for President in 1884. Lesser known representatives of another party by this name are Bates Cooke and Benjamin Deming, and in one election it had a vice-presedential candidate who had been appointed Pennsylvania attorney general by Andrew Schulze. Joseph Ritner and William Palmer were both elected governor as members of this party, and it ran Amos Ellmaker as vice-president. The formation of this party was catalyzed by the mysterious disappearance of William Morgan. This party was the first to use a national convention, and in its most successful election, it won only the seven electoral votes of Vermont. FTP, name this party which ran William Wirt in 1832, and was formed to combat a fraternal organization.

ANSWER: Anti-Masonic Party

12. Joost van Vollenhoven resided here from 1914 till 1915 as main colonial administrator, as did Paul Doumer from 1897 till 1902; a bridge in this city is stillnamed for him. This city recently expanded to cover the entire Ha Tay province, and parts of the dikes which help prevent flooding of the Red, Duong [doo-ong], Nhue, and Day rivers now serve as traffic roads in this city. Located in this city are the country's first university and first Western style university, the Confucian Temple of Literature of 1070 and the former Indochina Medical College established in 1902 , respectively. The country's first and largest technical university was established in this city in 1954 following the takeoverby the Communist Party. FTP, name this North Vietnamese city which serves as the nation's capital.


13. The artist composed this work by first dividing it into four groups of men. The first group includes a man in the background pulling at his hair in frustration, and an older man in the foreground staring blankly with his arm draped over the body of his deceased son. A second group consists of four men huddled together, on the lookout for something in the distance. A third group includes a man with a dead body draped over his legs, struggling to stand up in excitement for a ship that has been identified in the distance. A final group of men waves their clothing in the air while mounted upon some barrels to attract the attention of the vessel Argus. FTP, identify this 1819 painting which depicts the remaining crew of a French frigate by Théodore Géricault.

ANSWER: Raft of the Medusa (accept: Le Radeau de la Méduse)

14. This work begins with a conversation between Camillo and Archidamus. It is based on Robert Greene’s Pandosto, while the unattributed comedy Mucedorus probably inspired the manner of Antigonus’ death, which occurs shortly after he arrives in a “desert country near the sea” with an infant. “Time, the Chorus” appears at the beginning of Act IV, after which Florizel, prince of Bohemia, ends up marrying the grown version of that infant, Perdita, and she reunites with her father with the help of Autolycus. Paulina then causes the long-lost Hermione to magically appear before her husband Leontes, king of Sicilia. FTP, name this Shakespeare play featuring the infamous stage direction: “Exit, pursued by a bear.”

ANSWER: The Winter’s Tale

15. If the operator representing this quantity is exponentiated, the resulting operator can be represented using the Wigner D-functions. The commutation relations of the x, y, and z components of this quantity's quantum mechanical operator form a representation of the Lie algebra of the group SO(3), and the commutators of those components are proportional to the Levi-Cevita symbol. The eigenfunctions of this operator are the (*) spherical harmonics, and Kepler's Second Law is a statement of the conservation of this quantity. FTP, identify this quantity equal to the cross product of position and linear momentum, which is conserved unless acted upon by an external torque.

ANSWER: Angular momentum (accept spin before asterisk)

16. He married Louisa Hervey against the wishes of his father, and he wassucceeded byDudley Ryderin his first executive position. In that position, he negotiated the Treaty of Amiens with France, and afterwards, he became leader of the opposition during the rule of William Grenville. In his most famous position, in which he was succeeded by George Channing, he had to deal with theLuddite movement, andissued the Corn Laws.In that role, heoversaw the end of the regency period, had Castlereagh broker a peace agreement, and he is perhaps best known for his reactionary measures in the aftermath of the Peterloo massacre, leading to his near assassination in the 1820 Cato Street conspiracy. FTP, who was this British PM who shares his name with an English port city?

ANSWER: Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool (accept either)

17. After this man died, Giovanni Pennacchio completed the orchestrations for his last opera, Eodipo Re, which reuses the melody of an aria from his Der Roland von Berlin. He told the story of a notoriously fraudulent teenage poet who committed suicide in 1896’s Chatterton and wrote a version of La bohËme at the same time as Puccini’s that wasn’t nearly as successful. In 1903, he and Enrico Caruso made a recording of his popular song “Mattinata.” His most famous work sees Canio stab Nedda before proclaiming, “La commedia Ë finita!” FTP, name this Italian who composed “Vesti la giubba” for the verismo opera Pagliacci.

ANSWER: Ruggero (or Ruggiero) Leoncavallo

18. This character returns a book to the library on February 15, forgetting that it is his birthday. His childhood sweetheart, Mira, died in a concentration camp. He buys a soccer ball for his son Victor, who gives him an elegant bowl; that son’s mother is his ex-wife, the flighty psychotherapist Liza, who had left him for Dr. Eric Wind. After he throws a faculty party, he is informed that he is about to lose his position at Waindell College, and the narrator glimpses him leaving town. However, he later appears on the faculty of Wordsmith College in Pale Fire, another work by his creator. FTP, name this title figure of a 1957 Vladimir Nabokov novel about a Russian professor.