Civil Contractors Federation

Employer of the YearAwards

For Road or Water

Thisformallowsyouto typeinallinformationregardingyournomination.Ifyourresponsetoanyof the criteriarequiresmorethanonepage,simplycontinuetypingandanewpageappearsinthat section.

Saveacopyofthe completednominationformandretainitforfuturereference.Pleasecomplete the formonyourcomputer,thenprintandsignasindicated. Oncethisiscomplete,youcansendyourformtousviaemail at mailto: Civil Contractors Federation1/322 Glenferrie Road Malvern 3144 Attention: Faye Doherty.

Conditions of Entry

1.All nominees must be eligible members of the Civil Contractors Federation. If there is doubt as to a nominee’s eligibilityplease contact the Civil Contractors Victoria to discuss.

2.All nominees must agree to being nominated and must sign/email the declaration in the nomination form in order for a nomination to be valid.

3.All nominees and nominators must abide by the decision of the judging panel and no appeals will be entered into. All decisions relating to the selection of the Awards’ finalists and winners are final. In addition, the organisers of the event reserve the right to bestow no Award for any category.

4.Completed nomination forms and documents need to be received by 23rd February 2015. Nominations will not be accepted after this date without prior agreement with the Awards’ Organising Committee.

5.Nomination forms must be legible, complete and signed or emailed notification by the nominee and nominator. Incomplete or illegible nomination forms may not be accepted.

6.All finalists will supply a print quality photograph and must agree to participate in media and other publicity associated with the Awards.

If you experience any problems contact Faye Doherty on 98220900 email:


Employer for Road or Water NominationsGuidelines 2014

Nomination Guidelines: For Employer - Road or Water

Welcome to the Civil Contractors Training Awards 2014

About the Awards

These Awards acknowledge outstanding achievements made by individual companies recognising their valuable contribution to the civil construction industry.

Award Categories 2014

Employer of the Year - Road category: recognising excellence, professionalism, work ethic and potential leadership and contribution towards road infrastructure.

Employer of the Year - Water category:recognising excellence, professionalism, work ethic and potential leadership and contribution within the water industry framework requirements.

All finalists and their nominators will be notified well in advance of the Ceremony and are encouraged to invite colleagues, family and friends to attend this celebratory event.


IMPORTANT! Please ensure thatyouhave:

Checkthatthe nomineecanmeetthe ConditionsofEntry.

Completeallsectionsofthe nominationform.

Haveacopyofthisapplicationincasewe needtocontactyouaboutit.

Submitthe nominationby23rd February, 2015by email to

Or post to Civil Contractors Federation, 1/322 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern 3144; Attention: Faye Doherty.

Nomination Process

Who can nominate?

You can nominate more than one person for the same Award. Remember these Awards recognise each individual company for their contribution to the civil construction industry.

How to nominate someone?

Once you have decided who to nominate for an Award:

1.Ensure that the nominee meets all of the “nomination criteria” for the relevant Award.

2.Obtain the person’s permission to be nominated, including ensuring they agree with the process and “Conditions of Entry”.

3.Complete all sections of the nomination form; gather the person’s CV.

4.Please note: We will need a separate set of documents for each nominee and each Award for which they are nominated.

5. Completed nomination forms sent via email to:

6.Refer to the Nomination Checklist to ensure you have provided all of the information required.

7.Submit the nomination form with the supporting documentation by 23rd February 2015.

Nomination category: (Please Tick) RoadWater

NomineeDetails (Employer)

Full Name:

Position: Organisation:

PostalAddress: Postcode:

Phone: Mobile: Email:


I (full name of nominee) declare I consent to being nominated for an Award, agree to the Conditions of Entry and consent to my information (in consultation) being used in marketing and public relations strategies to promote the civil construction industry and the Awards program.

SignatureofNomineeDate ______


Full Name:

PostalAddress: Postcode:

Phone: Mobile: Email:


Inwhatcapacitydoyouknow theEmployerandforhow long?(Max of 50 words).


SignatureofNominator: ____ Date:



Training Employer of the Year - Road or Water

Nomination and Evaluation Criteria

The information provided by the nominator, together with all additional information will be the basis of the judging panel’s decision, so it is important that it is clear, relevant and concise.

The form requires the nominator to describe just how the company meets each of the “Nomination Criteria” in the relevant category.

You may want to obtain ideas and discuss the wording with others; around 300-500 words will be sufficient.


  1. Explain how your company focuses on training and development of employees?
  1. How does the company encourage input from employees towards the development of the civil construction industry?
  1. How does the company meet industry standards in training and development?

Judging Process and Panel

Finalists will be selected in each of the four Award categories, with the winner chosen from those finalists.

Representatives from the CCF and external partners will sit on the judging panel.

The judging panel will score all eligible nominations against the outlined Nomination and Evaluation criteria. The judges will base their assessment on the information provided in the nomination, using the relevant criteria for each Award. A referee may be called in the case of a tied judgement.

Finalists and their nominators will be notified by 6th March 2015.

Key Dates

Nominations open:2nd February 2015

Nominations close:23rd February 2015

Finalists notified:6th March 2015

Award winners published on the CCF website and Bulletin

Awards Ceremony

Friday 27th March 2015


For more information about the Ceremony such as the venue and cost of tickets go to the CCF website.

Employer for Road or Water Nomination & Guidelines 2014