Public Session Dec 14, 2010 Page
(Dec 14, 2010)
(8th Floor - City Hall)
Chris Waldschutz, Chairman
David Emerson, Vice Chairman
Mary-Eileen Flanagan, Secretary
Commissioner Ivan Court
Commissioner Peter McGuire
Commissioner Charlene Hayes
Sharon Rigby, Executive Administrator
Chief Bill Reid
Deputy Chief Bruce Connell
Marvin Corscadden, Director of Human Resources & Finance
Bill Todd, Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Malone, Director of Knowledge Management
Inspector Glen McCloskey
Inspector Dave Parks
Cy Thompson, Staff Sergeant of Support Services
1. Call To Order
Public Session was called to order by Chairman Waldschutz at 5:40pm.
2. Opening Remarks
Chairman Waldschutz had a few opening remarks:
As a result of a recent provincial election a new Minister of Public Safety has been appointed, the Honorable Robert Trevors, also a new Deputy Minister has been assigned,
Dale Wilson. Chairman Waldschutz has taken the liberty of inviting either the Minister or, if the Minister cannot attend, the Deputy Minister to come to our next meeting to address the Commission in the hopes of building a bridge and talking to our mentors.
There was a meeting held in Moncton recently about the Future of New Brunswick which Commissioner Emerson attended. He made a comment to Chairman Waldschutz that a lot of challenges and deficiencies were identified but he found it noteworthy that Crime or Public Safety issues were not mentioned.
A One Percent committee has been struck by Chairman Waldschutz. The committee members are:
Chief Bill Reid, Chairman Waldschutz, Vice-Chair David Emerson, Richard Gradon,
Michael Wennberg and Heather Britton. Despite not knowing what the scope or mandate is, Chairman Waldschutz will call a meeting to start some framework of what is to be done. It will be sometime in the middle of January.
Lastly, Chairman Waldschutz made comment about Commissioner Cullinan. He does not know if the new Minister of Public Safety has re-appointed Commissioner Cullinan to the Board or if there is a new appointment to the Board.
3. Confirmation of the Agenda
Chairman Waldschutz advised that Item 7 (iii) Policing Services – DNA Invoices 2008 and 2009 has been removed.
O1012-01: It was moved by Commissioner Flanagan andseconded by Commissioner Hayes…… and unanimously resolved that theAgenda is approved as amended.
4. Presentations:
5. Confirmation of the Minutes
O1012-02: It was moved by Commissioner Court and seconded by Commissioner Flanagan….and unanimously resolved to approve the minutes of the November 9th, 2010 Public meeting.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes
7. Consideration of Reports
(i) Internal Monthly Report
For the month of November there weretwo complaints, six complimentary correspondences and zero grievances.
Chief Reid wanted to make clarification to the Commission that whenever there is a complimentary letter received it is brought to the attention of the Officer and is added to their personal file.
O1012-03: It was moved by CommissionerCourt and seconded by Commissioner Hayes…and unanimously resolved that the Internal Monthly Report is received and filed.
(ii) Invoice – Share of PIMITS Operating Costs – 2010
Mr. Todd explained that PIMITS is basically a portal that allows the New Brunswick Police Forces to share information. For example, the Force can connect to CPIC through this portal and it allows police forces to receive and share information from not onlyforces within New Brunswickbut throughout Canada. The Saint John Police Force has the ability to determine, through this network, if other Forces in New Brunswick would have information on a suspect and if so theycan access the suspect’s records.
The fee is the share of the Saint John Police Force and is based on the number of officers on the force.
O1012-04: It was moved by Commissioner Hayes and seconded by Commissioner Flanagan…and unanimously resolved that the Board approve the payment of the invoice from the Department of Public Safety in the amount of $50,426 related to the Force’s share of PIMITS costs for the period January 01 to December 231, 2010.
8. Communications
(i) Telegraph Journal Clipping November 2010 – Police recognized for Crime Fighting, Community Work
O1012-05: It was moved by Commissioner Flanaganand seconded by Commissioner Hayes…and unanimously resolved that the Board receive and file this item.
9. Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 11,2011 at 5:30pm8th Floor Boardroom, City Hall.
10. Adjournment
O1012-06: Motion received by Commissioner Hayes to adjourn the Open Session meeting at 5:55pm.
Chair Secretary