Chatham County Concerned Bikers Association

(ABATE of North Carolina)

Chapter Newsletter – Spring 2005

Chatham CBA started off 2005 by visiting our elected officials during the January 26th lobby day at the state legislative building. Chatham members met face-to-face with their state Senators and state House Reps to inform their elected officials how we felt about the current biker legislation that was introduced at the beginning of the legislative session. The only way to affect positive change in the motorcycling community is to get involved in promoting fair motorcycle legislation, promote motorcycle safety, and promote motorcycle awareness. We CBA members are proud of the fact that our organization is built on these principles and goals. Please see pictures and a full description of the Opening Day festivities at the following web page:

Welcome to our new members Wayne and Debbie Glosson. Wayne is also a member of the NC Retreads, on the task for the Ride for Kids, and the Chapter Director for the Heartland chapter of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association. It’s great to have Wayne and Debbie as a members.

We would also like to welcome Matt Boyle and his sweetheart Sherill to the Chatham CBA. Many of you already know Matt and Sherill. They are Bike Night veterans and attended the Raleigh Rights Rally as well as many other weekly dinner rides. Nothing keeps Matt off of his Ultra Classic so you will see more of them in the coming months.

Chatham mailed boxes of books and magazines to several deployed soldiers. Thanks to all of the members who made donations. We will continue to send care packages to the deployed troops.

On February 12th Chatham members attended the Eastern District Swap Meet and Bike Show in Wilson. This event is growing every year and this year was no different. Thanks to the eastern district chapters for putting on another excellent event.

In February, Chatham members attended the Davidson County CBA Annual Spaghetti Dinner. It was a nice 190 mile ride to have some good food with our brothers and sisters in Davidson County. It was great to see Mama Sue Everhart up and around after her surgery. This was an excellent ride and event and we will definitely make it again next year.

On March 19th we held our Central Carolina Cruz. This was a 175+ mile lunch run to raise funds for our chapter’s treasury so we can fund our endeavors over the next few months. 55 tickets were sold and we raised $500 for our chapter’s treasury. Thanks to all who came out to support bikers’ rights! It was a good ride and we met new friends.

On April 8th -10th, several members from Chatham attended Outer Banks Bike Week. While the weather was “difficult” (rain, sand storms, gale force winds), we still had a great time being out on the Outer Banks and enjoying the restaurants, museums, shops, and good company.

We would like to reach out to the members who have not been able to come to chapter meetings lately. Please let us know what we can do to help you attend meetings and events as we would like to see you all. You can email Cathy at: or Vinny at: or call (919) 522-4922.

We are all deeply saddened by the passing of a dedicated freedom fighter. Eldon Moore, the CBA’s long-time Western District Coordinator passed away last month due to cancer. Eldon was a special man. His dedication to helping other people and especially other bikers will be missed. Eldon thought nothing of traveling from Asheville to the coast just to attend a CBA meeting. He will be missed by all of us who knew and respected him. Ride Free Brother!

Chatham County CBA T-shirts are available through Vinny for $15. Please contact him at or see the Chatham CBA products page for more info:

Upcoming CBA events:

Sunday, April 17, April 17, 2005 ~ Showdown IV - Randolph CBA Bike Show and Swap Meet. Riders in the Country, 5701 Randleman Rd, Randleman, NC. Area Custom Shops Bike Show. Roll through show presentations. 10 am - 5 pm. Shop/Personal Bike Show, Hot Biker Fashion Show - Charity Auction, Wet T-shirt Contest, Vendors, Food, Children’s Events. Door prizes. Rain or Shine. Free Off-road parking, Admission $6, kids 12 and under free. JC (336) 495-5237, Tom (336) 685-4016 or Bill (336) 653-7087 - Chatham will be selling soda’s and water so be sure to stop by our booth.

April 29-May 1 – Freedom Rally at Busco Beach, Goldsboro. Wet T-shirt contest, bike games, people games, ice cold beverages, swimming, horseshoes, fishing & ATV trails, camping, food, concessions, vendors, private event site. $20/person. Please check out the details here:

Chatham members are asked to work this event (8 hour shift on Saturday). Please let Cat Mohan know if you plan to help out and/or camp. All others are invited to attend this event.

Sunday, May 29 – Spoker Run. This is an event sponsored by the Central District of the state CBA which includes Chatham Co.’s chapter. All participating chapters will have a starting point for the run which will end up at Riders in the Country outside of Greensboro. Chatham’s run will start at The Little Bar, Hwy 64, Apex. Registration is 11:30-12:30 with the ride departing at 12:30.

More events/meetings are listed here:

Upcoming Events

§  Weekly Bike Night – Panera Bread in Apex, NC (Friday at 7:00 PM)

§  Weekly dinner rides (Contact Vinny at: to be put on the email list)

§  April 14th – Chatham CBA monthly meeting – Chapel Hill -

§  April 16th – First MRF History Tour – Early Wake County - For more info:

§  April 17th – The Showdown, Riders In The Country, Sponsored by Randolph Co. CBA

§  April 29 - Sunday, May 1, 2005 – Freedom Rally in Goldsboro, NC

§  April 29, 4:30pm – Central District CBA meeting at Busco Beach (stage area)

§  May 5th – Chatham CBA monthly meeting – Chapel Hill -

§  May 5-7 - NCOM Convention – Nashville, TN -

§  May 8th – Council on Aging Poker Run, Pittsboro

§  May 15, 2005 – Ride for Kids – Starts in Cary, NC - See Vinny for info -

§  May 28th – MRF History Tour – Alamance Battle Ground - For more info:

§  May 29th – Spoker Run sponsored by Central District CBA/ABATE of NC

§  June 25th – MRF History Tour – Moore’s Creek Battle Ground - For more info:

§  June 2nd - Chatham CBA monthly meeting – Chapel Hill -

§  July 7th - Chatham CBA monthly meeting – Chapel Hill -

§  July 16th – CBA State Meeting – Carteret-Craven County -

CBA Legislative agenda for the 2005-2006 legislative session:

The CBA introduced the following legislation in January:

-  A bill to enact May of each year as Motorcycle Awareness Month. (Bill number: HB-858)

-  A bill to provide adults 21 and over the right to choose voluntary helmet use.

-  A bill to outlaw all discrimination against motorcyclists.

-  A bill to increase the right-of-way violation penalty where a biker has lost his/her life. (HB-347)

The CBA is FIGHTING the following legislation this year:

HB-39: A bill to restrict children 10 and under from riding on the back of a motorcycle.

SB-189: A bill to prohibit persons under the age of 12 from riding ATVs.

HB-50: Street Gang Prevention Act (We are all members of street gangs per the wording on this bill)


What is a WHIP?

The assistant majority and assistant minority leaders are also called the WHIPs. WHIPs are assistants to the floor leaders who are also elected by their party conferences. The Majority and Minority Whips are responsible for mobilizing votes within their parties on major issues. In the absence of a party floor leader, the whip often serves as acting floor leader.

How much do NC Legislators get paid?

Position Annual Income Monthly Allowance

Speaker of the House $38,151 $1,413

President Pro Tempore of the Senate $38,151 $1,413

Speaker Pro Tempore of the House $21,739 $836

Deputy President Pro Tempore of the Senate $21,739 $836

Majority and Minority Leaders $17,048 $666

Other members $13,951 $559


Ø  "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln

Ø  "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell (1903-50), British writer

Ø  "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." -- Plato

Ø  “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ø  "And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me and I'll proudly stand next to him to defend her still today, cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA." --Lee Greenwood

Ø  "JUST THE FACTS, PLEASE Statistics are like a bikini, what they reveal is interesting, but what they conceal is vital."

Chatham CBA Chapter officers: Important web sites:

Pres: Mike Mohan Chatham CBA:

VP: G.B. Lewis State CBA:

Secretary: Cat Mohan NC Rider:

Treasurer: Jill Lewis NC BikePAC:

Master Sgt Arms: Bobby Pearson M.R.F.

Legislative Coordinator: Mikey Hindle Raleigh CBA:

Randolph CBA:

Featured Pictures:

(The Hindles) (Mike, Mohan, Vinny and Will)

(The Dream Team: Gail, Larry, and Bill from Raleigh CBA) (Rae)

(Will Duncan ….. CRUZIN)

(Chatham Courthouse in Pittsboro) (Inside of the Chatham Courthouse in the Pittsboro circle)

(Sherill and Matt – Outer Banks Bike Week) (Roxanne Bones – New Chatham CBA member)

(Cat and Mouse play nice!!!) CBA at the Opening of the NC General Assembly Laura “Mouse” Duncan (L) and Cathy “Cat” Mohan (R)

WOW – These bikers can actually cook! Davidson County Cuties!

Biker Champions

NC Rep. Dewey Hill (Dem) - Sponsor of our ROW bill NC Rep. John Sauls (Rep) – Sponsor of our helmet bill

Featured Article: Why should I care?

Why should I care about bikers rights? For that matter, what the heck are "bikers' rights" anyway? Well, bikers rights effect everyone who rides on two wheels. If you like the freedom that riding brings and you would like to be welcome in all public places while riding your bike, then you already care about bikers rights and you should take that next step and actually start supporting bikers rights. We do not want other citizens discriminating against us. We all know that bikers are no less educated or intelligent than any other group of citizens. However, off-road riders face public land use bans even though the riders pay taxes to use those lands. Street riders are not always welcome in all hotels, condos, and public places. Restaurants and bars have "no back patch" policies. If you would like to continue riding without more restrictions placed on you as a rider, then you already care about bikers' rights.

Now that we have concluded that you do care about bikers' rights, then the next question should be: How can I, as a motorcyclist get involved in the political process and be aware of political activities concerning riding? Here are some things you can do to help yourself and all the riders in your state: (1) Learn where candidates stand on motorcycle issues before voting and then vote. (2) Write letters to the legislators that represent you so they understand your position on current biker related legislation. (3) Arrange meetings and talk to your legislators in person. They will remember your meeting when considering biker legislation. Don't forget, they work for you. (4) Arrange your personal and work schedules so when there is a biker lobby day in your state, you can go in a show of support for biker legislation. Please understand that a bill must undergo three readings in each of the two chambers, pass several committee meeting votes, as well as be approved by the Governor before it becomes law. Biker representation at each committee meeting and chamber vote is important to get that legislation passed. (5) Join a state motorcyclists rights organization (SMRO) like the CBA (ABATE) and also join a federal MRO like the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). They will help you get involved in bikers' rights and you will also expand your circle of friendships and riding opportunities. (6) Take the rider safety courses in your state for your own safety and to reduce injury stats. Fewer accidents equal more favorable statistics, which equals more legislative power for bikers. (7) Make sure you have motorcycle insurance and medical insurance. If you don't, you are part of the problem, not the solution. (8) Don't ride impaired. It sets a bad example for younger riders and causes all bikers to look irresponsible. Getting involved in bikers' rights will help you and all bikers. That's why you should care!

(This article appears in the March 2005 issue of Southern Motorcycle Times magazine)

Iron Horses from the past
What is the CBA?

In order to protect your right to ride, it is necessary that you include yourself among the thousands of North Carolina motorcyclists who have banded together to form the most effective grassroots motorcyclists' rights organization (MRO) in the state. Someone in the motorcycling community must take the action to monitor legislators to make sure they do not pass laws that adversely effect motorcyclists. Since the 1970s, the CBA has taken on this responsibility in North Carolina. We are concerned about supporting fair legislation and legislators and increasing the level of governmental funding for rider safety education. We provide training classes for high school driver's education students and teach the new drivers to share the road with motorcycles.
CBA works to protect your rights at the state level. We work in conjunction with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) to support fair federal legislation and we get involved with motorcycling on a national level by attending national motorcycling seminars and conferences.
Over the past few years, we have reached out to the community through various charitable efforts. At Christmas we donate toys and meals to less fortunate families, participate in the Marine Corps "Toys for Tots" toy runs, and have donated decorations and decorated nursing homes at Christmas time. We also hold an annual blood drive, donate to the Relay for Life to fund cancer research, and have donated gift baskets to the battered women's shelter. This past year, we organized a food drive to benefit the Food Bank of NC and made donations to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Chatham CBA is a grateful supporter of our military. We show our support for our soldiers by shipping cases of books and magazines to our deployed troops. We also support our fellow riders by making financial donations to downed riders and attending fund raisers to support our brothers and sisters in need.
As CBA members we have several goals. Riding more and sharing time with others with similar interests are some of them. With chapters in 17 North Carolina counties and almost 2000 members, the CBA is a family of riders who band together for group rides and events all across the state. Every May we host the annual Freedom Rally at Busco Beach in Goldsboro, NC. The Freedom Rally is a three day event that features nationally known entertainment, camping, a bike show, bike games, people games, great food, and friendship. We also hold a “Battle of the Bands“ Labor Day weekend party at Busco Beach.
CBA is a true brotherhood and sisterhood of freedom loving riders who remain alert and aware of political activities concerning motorcycling. Many members of riding clubs and manufacturer sponsored clubs also complement their memberships in those riding clubs with a membership in the CBA. Having a membership in the CBA keeps them informed and educated on issues important to them and expands their friendships and fun ride opportunities. We will ride together, have fun, help the community, and also keep you informed.