
This document is a statement of aims, principles and strategies for Dandans Holiday Club. It provides a framework for the creation of a happy, secure and orderly environment in which children can learn, develop and enjoy their surroundings.


  • To ensure appropriate behavior throughout the holiday club.
  • To encourage and praise greater effort in activities and behavior.
  • To support children and staff to ensure appropriate behavior is achieved.
  • To ensure that all staff and parents are aware of the disciplinary procedures.
  • To provide a system of rewards to encourage good behavior and swiftly aid the adaptation on inappropriate behavior.
  • To ensure a safe, caring atmosphere. Promote good citizenship and self-discipline and to prevent bullying.


Every child has the right to enjoy their surroundings but not to disrupt any other child in the environment. The prevention of inappropriate behavior depends on upon trusting relationships and a process of co-operative teamwork.

This policy will apply to all children, staff and parent.


All members of the Holiday Club community work towards the aims by;

  • Providing a well ordered environment in which all are fully aware of behavioral expectations.
  • Treating all children and adults as individuals and respecting their rights, values and beliefs.
  • Offering equal opportunities in all aspects and recognizing and supporting different cultures.
  • Rejecting all bullying and harassment in all forms.
  • Helping to develop strategies to eliminate undesirable behavior both within and outside of the holiday club.
  • Caring for, and taking pride in the physical environment.
  • Working as a team, supporting and encouraging each other.

Our expectations of behavior are:

  • To listen carefully and always follow instructions
  • To allow others to enjoy their surroundings and activities.
  • Keep your hand and feet to yourself.

Sanctions or consequences:

  1. Tactical Ignoring

Praising others for the required behavior.

  1. Positive reinforcement.

This serves to redirect the behavior ‘Thank you, I know you are going to tidy the lego very well’. Staff will continue to praise those who are working appropriately.

  1. Warning

Given verbally. Explanation of expected level of behavior and helpful suggestion on how to achieve this.

Should behavior continue:

  1. Removal from situation

This will be for 5 minutes to allow the child to calm down and spend time with staff to understand where improvement can be made.

  1. Referral to Senior Staff

If inappropriate behavior continues, the child will be sent to a senior staff member to discuss their actions. At this stage parents will be informed. Should the child use deliberate physical force, or explicit, threatening or racial abuse they will be immediately removed from the situation and referred to senior staff.

Throughout this process staff should endeavor to praise other children for the right behavior.

Individual Behavior Support Plan

We are able to promptly identify the needs of children who require additional support. Support will be given via individual behavior support plans which involve the child, parent and staff members. These will set solution focused targets with inbuilt reward systems for success.

Liaison with parents or carers

All parents are informed of the behavior policy at initial meeting prior to child attending Holiday club. Details of this policy are also available on our website.

This policy was created by Danielle Peacock, Sophie Faulkner /
Date: 11/5/16
To be reviewed: 11/5/17
/ Signed: Danielle Peacock, Sophie Faulkner