2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 318
VOICE/TTY (703) 228-7096
Minutes: March 31, 2014 7:00 PM Conference room 311
Type of meeting: Regular monthly meeting.
Staff: Anna Maynard
Members present: Alexa Mavroidis, Bill Staderman, Doris Ray, Scott Mooney, Cathryn Bonnette (by phone)
Members absent: Brandon Cox
Visitors: Paula Alcorn, Brain Injury Services
Public Comment (3 minutes per speaker)
Agenda Items
New Business
Approval of minutes- February 18, 2014 minutes, as amended, were approved by unanimous vote.
Presentations and Discussion
ACDAC Charter Update
The Commission members discussed revising the mission statement of the Charter. Possible changes include:
· “review and comment on policy, procedures, and programs
· “Pro-active outreach to the community to identify barriers and service gaps”
· “with a focus on physical and sensory disabilities” to avoid exclusion of any disability group
Action Item:
Staff will re-circulate the original charter and the draft updated charter for review by the members. The updated charter will be finalized and adopted by the Commission at its April meeting.
Motion: Doris Ray made a motion to change the representation of the ACDAC to 51% persons with disabilities, rather than the current 30%” Alexa Mavroidis seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
2014 Work Plan
Discussion deferred.
Liaison Reports All
Public Facilities Review Committee (PFRC)
Bill Staderman stated that the County is working on finding an environmentally sound solution for a ramp installation on Montague Street behind Ashlawn Elementary School.
Transit Advisory Committee Accessibility Sub-committee
Alexa Mavoridis stated that the group reviewed proposed accessible vehicles for STAR service. Bill Staderman had positive reviews for the vehicle he reviewed.
additional items
1. Annual Work Plan-deferred to April meeting
2. Charter update-commissioners should review the draft update of the ACDAC Charter and provide feedback. Commissioners are asked to be prepared to adopt the updated Charter at the April 15, 2014 meeting.
3. Delegate Patrick Hope will speak during public comment at the April meeting.
Adjourn 8:53 PM
Next Meeting April 15, 2014 7:00 PM
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Conference Room 311
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