~Elks Most Valuable StudentCaldwell and Ontario Order. $1000 to $5000Mid Nov. 2017
~Idaho Irrigator Equip Assoc. $500 to $1200 awarded to students pursuing Ag related major Feb. 2018
or who has been active in Ag activities.
~Idaho School Boards Assoc. Scholarship $250 to $500. Available only to children/grandchildren Feb. 2, 2018
of Idaho public school trustees.
~Bruce Mitchell Foundation ScholarshipsRecently, awards have been $2750 - renewable for four years. Feb. 15, 2018
Available only to PHS graduates. Must be pursuing a 4-year degree.
Application must be typed. Applications available in the PHS Career
Center or at high school counselor’s tab.
~BSU, UI, BYU-Idaho, C of I, NNU, ISUFinancial Aid/Scholarship DeadlineFeb. 15, 2018
Links provided at counselor’s tab
~BSU CAMP ScholarshipsCAMP offers financial support as well as counseling, tutoring, and Feb. 15, 2018
(College Assistance Migrant Program)Mentoringhelp for first year students.
Apply at:
~S.O.S. Scholarships$750. Available only to PHS graduates. Application must be typed. Feb. 15, 2018
Special money earmarked for students pursuing a
professional-technicaldegree. Applications available in the PHS
Career Center or at high school counselor’s tab.
~Parma Lion Club ScholarshipsAmounts vary. Available only to PHS graduates.Feb. 15, 2018
Awarded for community service. Application must be typed.
Applications available in the PHS Career Center or at
high school counselor’s tab.
~Idaho Governor’s Cup ScholarshipTo qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the followingFeb. 15, 2018
Academiccriteria: Be a resident of Idaho, Be a graduating senior of an Idaho high
school, Enroll as a full-time student in an academic or technical program
at an Idaho college or university, taking the ACT or SAT if enrolling in an
academic program, Have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or above, Attend the
first semester of college following graduation, Write a 500-word personal
essay about your goals and interests, High consideration for selection will
be based on a demonstrated commitment to public service. Documentation
of volunteer work, leadership, and public service is required.
For more information visit:
~Caldwell Western Heritage Scholarship$2000 scholarships awarded to students involved in Ag activities. March 2018
~West Valley Medical Center Amounts vary. Must be entering health-related career. March 1, 2018
Auxilliary Scholarships
~Idaho Opportunity Scholarship3.0 minimum GPA, for those pursuing associates or bachelor’sMarch 1, 2018
degree in Idaho state college, based on academics and financial need.
~Idaho Power Academic Scholarship$2,000 scholarships. 3.75 GPA, based on leadership and March 1, 2018 school/community involvement.
~Caldwell Soroptimists’ Award$500 to $1250for female students pursuing post-secondary education Mid March, 2018
Application will be available in the HS Career Center in January 2018.
~D.L. Evans Bank ScholarshipsD. L. Evans Bank is pleased to award twenty-eight (28) $500 Mid March 2018
(total of $14,000) scholarships to the 2018 graduating high school
seniors. We offer scholarships to students who plan on attending
one of the following colleges/universities: College of Southern Idaho,
College of Western Idaho, College of Idaho, University of Idaho,
Idaho State University, Boise State University,
Brigham Young University-Idaho
~Leigh/Lake Scholarship$500 per year through bachelor’s degree. March 15, 2018
Parma HS students only. Applications available in the
PHS Career Center or at
high school counselor’s tab.
~Williams Scholarship$3,000 renewable for 4 years given to one PHS graduate with a March 15, 2018
minimum 2.2 GPA who plansto attend a 4-year college or
professional-technical program. Based on financial need, service
and character. Applications available in the PHS Career Center or at counselor’s tab.
~Idaho Governor’s Cup ScholarshipTo qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the followingFeb. 15, 2018
Career/Technicalcriteria: Be a resident of Idaho, Be a graduating senior of an Idaho high
school, Enroll as a full-time student in an academic or technical program
at an Idaho college or university, taking the ACT or SAT if enrolling in an
academic program, Have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or above, Attend the
first semester of college following graduation, Write a 500-word personal
essay about your goals and interests, High consideration for selection will
be based on a demonstrated commitment to public service. Documentation
of volunteer work, leadership, and public service is required.
For more information visit:
~Caldwell Board of Realtors Scholarship$500. Local scholarship for a graduating high school senior who has March 31, 2018
applied for admission to a post-secondary program.
Requires a short 300 word essay.
~American Business Women’s Assoc.Varying amounts. At least a 2.0 GPA. April 2018
~P.E.O. Scholarship (Parma Chapter)$500 scholarship. Graduating senior girl based on academics, April 1, 2018
School/community involvement and work.
~Silver City Masonic Lodge Scholarship $250 scholarships. Application available in the PHS April 15, 2018
Career Center.
~Lightfoot Scholarship$750 to $4000 annually. Renewable for four years. April 15, 2018
~Wilder Rod & Gun Club$500 to $1000 for students pursuing Professional-Technical programMay 10, 2018
Applications available in the PHS Career Center or at
high school counselor’s tab.
~Idaho Postsecondary Credit ScholarshipMerit-based award. Award available for students with ten (10) Ongoing
or more postsecondary credits at time of high school graduation
and a matching industry merit based scholarship. Apply at:
~M.A.P. ScholarshipEarly Graduation Scholarship. Early Graduation Scholarships are Ongoing
available for students who graduate at least one full year early.
These scholarships are equal to 35% of the Average Daily Attendance
(ADA) for a given school year. This equates to roughly $1,500.00.
Scholarships can be used at Idaho public post-secondary institutions.
The awarded amount will double for students who graduate two years
early and will triple for students who graduate three years early. If a
student elects not to attend a college or university immediately after high
school, they will have up to 28 months to utilize the scholarship
before it expires.
~PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY Self-initiated community service project. $5000 award. Nov. 7, 2017
~THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERSEssay Competition regarding climate change. Please come to the PHS Dec. 1, 2017
OF POCATELLO, IDAHOCareer Center for full details and a copy of the application.
~SENIORADVISORS.COM is pleased to announce our 4th annual scholarship Dec. 31, 2017
ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITYopportunity to graduating seniors. This general scholarship is open to
students enrolled in an associate's degree, bachelor's degree or graduate
level program at an accredited 2-year college or 4-year university.
Three $2,000 scholarships available to students enrolled in an associate's
degree, bachelor's degree or graduate level program at an accredited
2-year college or 4-year university. Each eligible student must submit a
500-750 word essay response to the question: How can your major of study
improve the lives of seniors in assisted living facilities in your town?
More information can be found at
~ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS 3.5 GPA or higher. Leadership experience. $1000 to Feb. 4, 2018
full-ride with $150 monthly stipend.
~BYU DEPT. OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Student must be enrolling in geology or earth and space science Feb. 15, 2018
~NASA IDAHO SPACE GRANT SCHOLARSHIPIf you are pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, Early March 2018
math, or science and math education you can apply to receive up to
$7,000 through a scholarship from the NASA Idaho Space Grant
~UEW HEALTHCARE EEOICPA SCHOLARSHIPThis $1,000scholarship is available to any High School senior July 31, 2018
Apply at:
~2018 CHRISTENSEN & HYMAS GENERAL1 - $1,000 scholarship. You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or Aug. 1, 2018
SCHOLARSHIPhigher and enrolled oraccepted into a college in the United States.
For more information visit:
~AMERICORPSOpportunity for community service while earning money Ongoing
(approximately $5500 for summer service projects)
Must be 17 or a high school graduate.
~FAFSA NIGHTStudents and parents are invited to this evening event for hands on assistance Nov. 9, 2017
with the FAFSA. FSA ID must be requested prior to the event. Please join us
in the Parma High School IDLA lab from 6pm to 8pm. For complete details
please contact the PHS Career Center at 208-779-4069, x1409.
~MICRON JOB SHADOW PROGRAMFor more information stop by the PHS Career Center.
This program is an event offered to High School 11th & 12th graders
who are interested in exploring technical careers. It is a full day Dec. 11, 2017
(8:30 – 2:00) program in which students will shadow a career area of March 13, 2018
their choice in the morning and then learn about the high tech world
of the semiconductor industry in the afternoon. NEW this year: the
Spring (March) Job Shadow will be geared towards CTE students
and those students interested in a Technician or Skilled Trades
Job Shadow! Register online at:
~AVANZAThe University of Idaho will host an event where students will have the Fruitland HS
Opportunity to fill out an application for admissions, assistance with FAFSA, Nov. 13, 20176pm
learn more about the university in general and CAMP opportunities. and
AVANZA events are tailored to provide information and hands-on assistance Vallivue HS
in Spanish to Hispanic/Latino Families. Nov. 16, 2017 6pm
To register please visit
~LCSC WARRIOR DISCOVERY DAYLCSC Warrior Discovery Day is on Nov. 2nd and 3rd. This is an opportunity for Nov. 2-3, 2017
students to see what it means to be a Warrior first hand. This overnight event will
get students acquainted with the dorms, educational programs, the campus, and
the many fun activities they have at LCSC. Free transportation and accommodations
will be provided. For more information please visit the PHS Career Center or .
~LCSC INFORMATION NIGHT (BOISE)Information night allows students to learn more about the campus, Nov. 7, 2017
instructional programs, financial aid/scholarships, and student activities.
~NASA FOR IDAHO JUNIORSIdaho Science and Aerospace Scholars (ISAS) program needs Idaho high Nov. 13, 2017
school juniors. Application will close November 13, 2017. ISAS is an interactive,
online experience highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at
Boise State University and NASA Ames Research Center. Students will explore
science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts, with an emphasis
on space exploration, during their online experience with Idaho Digital Learning.
Students who are selected to come to Boise State University and NASA Ames
Research Center will continue their STEM studies with hands-on team activities
while mentored by STEM professionals and Master teachers. ISAS is a great
opportunity for Idaho high school juniors. It’s out of this world! For more
information please stop by the PHS Career Center or check out the ISAS webpage
for the application deadline at:
~CSI EAGLE EXPLORATION DAYSLearn more about admissions, financial aid, scholarships, resources,
Dept. breakout sessions. 9am – 3pm. Campus tours will be available. Nov. 14, 2017