Rohit R Brandon, IAS

1981 RR - Rajasthan Cadre

Personal Details

Career / : / Public Service / Date of Birth / : / 29.7.1954 / Gender / : / Male
Religion / : / Roman Catholic / Marital Status / : / Married / Date of Marriage / : / 11.12.1982

Service Record

ID No. / : / 81RR02 / Date of Appointment / : / 1.07.1981 / Source / : / Regular Recruitment (UPSC)


Permanent Address / : / HIG 282, Sector 8,
Malviya Nagar,
Jaipur – 302017 / Phone No.
Fax No.
Mobile No.
Email / :
: / 0141 2225619 / 2723200


Award / Organization / Year
1. Distinction in Academic Performance ( in Development) / Department of International Development IDD, University of Birmingham / 1999
2. Medal for highest marks in
Post graduation studies / Department of Political Science, University of Rajasthan / 1977


Degree/Diploma / Specialization / Institution / Location / Year
Master of Science
(One Year Course) / Development Management
Awarded with distinction In 1999 / University of Birmingham U.K. / Birmingham
U. K. / 1998-1999
Master of Arts
(Two Year Course) / Political Science
Awarded in First Division
In 1977 / University of Rajasthan / Jaipur Rajasthan / 1995-1977
Bachelor of Arts(Honours)
(Two Year Course) / Political Science and History
Awarded in First Division
In 1975 / University of Rajasthan / Jaipur
Rajasthan / 1973- 1975


Important Positions Held

Designation / Organization / Location / From / To
Director HCM RIPA and Principal Secretary Training / HCM RIPA / Jaipur / 22 June 2012
CMD SPINFED / SPINFED / Jaipur / 11 May
2012 / 22 June 2012
Principal Secretary Minority Affairs / Government of Rajasthan / Jaipur / 1 October 2010 / 11 May 2012
Member / Rajasthan Civil Services Appellate Tribunal / Jaipur / 5/10/09
Chairman and Managing Director / Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation / Jaipur / 2/02/09 / 24/09/09
Chairman and Managing Director / RUDA, Jaipur / Jaipur / 22/01/04 / 2/02/09
Divisional Commissioner / Jaipur Division / Jaipur / 29.05.03 / 22.01.04
Secretary / State Human Right Commission / Jaipur / 15.01.01 / 29.05.03
Registrar Cooperatives / Department of Cooperatives
GoR / Jaipur / 10.11.2000 / 27.08.01
Member / Board of Revenue / Ajmer / 23.01.98 / 08.09.98
Director (Adult Literacy) and Secretary of the State Literacy Mission Authority / Department of Adult Education, GoR / Jaipur / 04.07.95 / 11.12.95
Director (IEC) and State Nodal Officer For NGOs in Health Sector / Department of Medical and Health, GoR / Jaipur / 11.05.92 / 04.07.95
Registrar / University of Rajasthan / Jaipur / 30.07.91 / 09.05.92
Managing Director / Rajasthan State Seeds Corporation, GoR / Jaipur / 31.07.88 / 26.04.89
District Collector / District, Sirohi / Sirohi / 22.11.86 / 27.07.88
Additional Commissioner / Department of Tribal Area Development / Udaipur / 22.06.85 / 21.11.86

Foreign Travel

Country / Purpose of the Visit / From / To
EGYPT (Cairo) / Paper presentation in the UN- International Conference of Population and Development (ICPD) UNICEF support / 4-September 1994 / 13 September 1994
U. K. (Birmingham) / DOPT (GoI) One year study program / September 1998 / October 1999
U. K. (Scotland) / Study visit sponsored by British Council / December 1998 / January 1999
U. K. (Wales) / Study visit organized by IDD, UK / May 1999 / May 99
France (Paris) / Study visit organized by IDD, UK / June 1999 / June 1999


Category / Subject / Title /


/ Publisher/
Publication / Year
1.Conference Paper / Rural Livelihood / Fashion for Development Initiative in Rajasthan / English / Government of Rajasthan / 2007
2. Working
(e-paper) / Rural Development
(rural non farm sector / Rural Non Farm sector = working paper on potential and prospects in Rajasthan / English / Web publishing on www. / 2004
3.Thesis / Development Management / “Management of Family Planning Services” – Where how & Why Government should be involved”. / English / PG. Degree Thesis Submitted to University of Birmingham U.K. / 1999
Paper / Management / IEC Interventions in Rajasthan – strategy to mobilize People’s Participation in Health & Family Welfare Programmes” / English / ICPD - 1994 Conference paper / 1994
5. Paper / Population studies / “ Population stabilization programmes – A Blue Print for Action”, IIHMR edited book on New Population Policy for Rajasthan” (1995) / English / IIHMR / 1995
6. Article / Development / “Sericulture for Tribal Women” in Edited book “Tribal Women and Development” (MLV Trial Research Institute- 1998). / English / Tribal Research Institute,
Government of Rajasthan / 1998
7. Article / Management / “Worker’s Participation in the Management of Public Sector- Reflections and posers” in Edited book” Peoples’ Participation in Development Process” (Editor: Ramesh Arora) HCM-RIPA- 1979. (Jaipur) / English / HCM – RIPA Institute,
Government of Rajasthan / 1979
8.Book Review / Political Studies / Political theory review for the “Political Science Review” - A journal of the Department of Political Science, University of Rajasthan. 1978-79, (Jaipur) / English / Department of Political Science,
University of Rajasthan. / 1979
9. Booklet / Population studies / Population Scenario in Rajasthan / Hindi / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1993
10. Report / Watershed development / Workshop Report on Watershed Development 1996, Jaipur / English / Special schemes Organization,
Government of Rajasthan / 1996
11.Background paper / Population studies / “Population and Development – a plan of action” - prepared for the State Legislators’ Workshop (July 1994). Jaipur / English / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1994
12.Hand Book / Population studies / Diary for Members of Mahila Swasthya Sanghas, women SHGs. / Hindi / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1994
13.Fact Sheet / Population studies / Population in Rajasthan Prepared for ICPD, Cairo 1994 / English / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1994
14. Handbook / Public health / Health Primer for School Teachers (UNICEF supported) / English / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1994
15. Song and Slogan book / Public health / Diarrhea – prevention and control / Hindi / IEC Bureau,
Govt. of Rajasthan / 1993
Skills / : / Computing skills
Presentation skills / Training skills
Creative writing
Song & Poetry / Driving
Interest / : / Reading / Folk and Country Music / Travel

Other Description

From / To
(i) Study visit to the U.K. / September 1998 / October 1999
(ii) Participation in the International Conference on Population and Development (UN) / 4th September 1994 / 13th September 1994
(iii) Deputation to GoI / On offer

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

Designation / Body / From / To
Member / CSOI – Civil Services of India Institute New Delhi / 2000 / Present
Alumni Member / Department of International Development, School of Public Policy,
University of Birmingham
U.K. / 1999 / Present
Life Member / National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai / 1997 / Present
Life Member / Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) Hyderabad / 1992 / Present
Life Member / Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) New Delhi. / 1986 / Present
Life Member / Political Science Department Scholars Association
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 1979 / Present
Life Member / Rajasthan IAS Association / 1981 / Present
Alumni Member / St. Xavier School Alumni Association, Jaipur / 1972 / Present

Family Members

Relations / Name / Date of Birth / Qualifications / Marital Status / Dependent
Mother / Mrs. A.G. Brandon / 10.12.1923 / Trained Teacher / Widow / Senior Citizen
Wife / Prof. Anita D/O Shri H.P.Sharma / 27.07.1960 / MA, PhD, PG Diploma in Human Rights Law / Married
(Inter -
Marriage) / HR Professional
Son / Vinay / 16.07.1989 / Student / Single / Yes
Daughter / Gitanjali / 25.07.1984 / BA, LLB (Hons) National Law School University of India Bangalore
Law Associate in Amarchand Mangaldas Law Firm Mumbai / Single / Law Professional