Foundations of Functional Anatomy for Physiotherapy Practice

Major Bony Landmarks

The pelvis

Self Check The Pelvis

Bony Feature / Identification of the skeleton / Identification on a model / Clinical relevance
The iliac crest / / /
The iliac fossa / N/A
Anterior superior iliac spine /
Anterior inferior iliac spine / N/A
Ischial tuberosity
Pubic tubercle
The sacrum /
The coccyx
5th lumbar vertebra

Major Bony Features of the Lower Limb 1

The Anterior Femur

Self Check: Femur

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Knowledge of the significance
Head of the femur / N/A /
Neck of the femur / / N/A
Greater trochanter /
Lesser trochanter /
Inter trochanteric line / N/A

Lateral epicondyle of the femur
Medial epicondyle of the femur
The adductor tubercle

The Posterior Femur

Self Check Femur cont.

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Knowledge of the significance
The gluteal tuberosity / / N/A /
Intertrochanteric crest / N/A
Linea aspera / N/A
Lateral and medial supracondylar lines /
Lateral condyle of the femur /
Medial condyle of the femur
The intercondylar notch / N/A

Major Bony Features of the Lower Limb 2: The Tibia and fibula

Tibia and Fibula Anterior View

Tibia and Fibula Posterior View

Self Check Tibia and Fibula

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Significance
Tibial Spine and intercondylar ridge / N/A
Lateral condyle of the tibia /
Head of the fibula
Medial condyle of the tibia
Tibial tuberosity
The soleal line / N/A
The medial malleolus /
Lateral margin of the distal tibia
Medial margin of the distal fibula / N/A
The lateral malleolus /

Bony Features of the Lower Limb 3:

The Foot and Ankle

Self Check Foot and Ankle

Bony Feature / Identification of the skeleton / Identification on a model / Clinical relevance
The interosseous membrane / / N/A /
The medial malleolus /
The lateral malleolus
The talus
The calcaneus /
The navicular
The cuboid
The cuneiforms
5th Metatarsal

Major Bony Features of the Upper Limb 1:

The Shoulder Complex

Self Check: Shoulder Girdle

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Significance
Stenoclavicular joint / /
Acromioclavicular joint /
Scapula fossa
Supra scapular
subscapular /
Scapula borders (lateral, medial)
Scapula angles (superior, inferior) / Inferior only
The coracoid process
The acromion process
Greater tuberosity (tubercle)
Lesser tuberosity (tubercle)
Intertubercular (bicipital) groove

Major Bony Landmarks of the Upper Limb 2

The Elbow (Anterior View)

Self Check: Elbow

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Significance
Lateral epicondyle /
Capitulum of the humerus / N/A
Head of the radius /
Radial Tubercle / N/A
Medial epicondyle /
Trochlea of the humerus / N/A
Coranoid process / N/A
Cononoid fossa / N/A

Elbow Posterior view

Self Check: Elbow cont.

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Significance
Lateral supra condylar ridge /
Medial Supra condylar ridge
Medial epicondyle
Ulna nerve
Lateral epicondyle /
Olecranon process
Olecranon fossa

Major Bony Features of the Upper limb 3:

Forearm, Wrist and Hand

Self Check: Forearm and Hand

Bony Feature / Identified on the skeleton / Identified on a model / Significance
Olecranon process / /
Radial tubercle / N/A
Ulna styloid
Radial styloid
Carpal bones /
Phallanges /