Chapter 15 Section 4-Upheavals in China

Directions: Define the following key terms:

-Twenty-One Demands -May Fourth Movement

-Vanguard -Guomingdang

-Long March

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper.

1. After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Sun Yixian, the president of China’s new republic, wanted to rebuild China on Three Principles of the People. What were the three principles and why might he have chosen these?

2. Sun Yixian steps down as President in 1912. Why did he step down, who replaced him? What did his replacement do, and what was the outcome?

3.What was the twenty-one demands and why did China “give in” to a few of the demands?

4.What was the result of the Paris Peace Conference and what did it lead to?

5.China forms a small political party in the 1920’s the Chinese Communists. What aided this


6. What did Sun Yixian do in 1921? What happened because western powers wouldn’t help him in this effort?

7. Sun dies in 1925 and Jiang Jieshi takes over the Guomindang with the goal of stopping the power of the warlords and reuniting China. What was the Northern Expedition and what happened mid-campaign?

8. Mao Zedong, leader of the Chinese Communists, knew in order to be successful he had to gain support from the peasant masses. Why would he focus his energies on the peasants, and what did he do to gain their support?

9. What was the Long March? What type of fighting occurred?

10. What was the outcome of the Long March? Along the way how did the soldiers act towards the peasants and why?

11.Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 adding it to its expanding empire. In 1937, the Japanese struck again starting the 2nd- Sino-Japanese War. The Japanese were able to overrun major cities including Beijing. Jiang Jieshi was even forced to relocate his capital to Chonqing. One of the most brutal battles was the “rape of Nanjing.” Why was it given this name?

12. The Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists put their differences aside during their war with Japan and were able to stay united until the end of the war with Japan. Who aided China during its war with Japan and what motivations might these countries had?

13. After WWII was over, China broke out in Civil War again. What was the result of the clashing of the Nationalists and Communists? Why would western countries be upset with this result?