Internal Medicine Lectures

Academic Year 2016/2017

3rd Year, 1st Semester

Monday 8:00–9:10 am / Pető Institute, Lecture Hall*
Tuesday 10:50–12:00 am / Pető Institute, Lecture Hall*

*Lecture Hall is located in the Pető Institute, 50 m from Kútvölgyi Hospital

September / 5 / The medical interview / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
6 / The physical examination. Inspection / Dr. Böröcz
12 / Palpation / Dr. Jakab
13 / Percussion. ABCDE–SBAR / Dr. Jakab/Dr. Fritúz
19 / Auscultation / Dr. Pozsonyi
20 / Fever / Dr. Temesszentandrási
26 / The main symptoms of pulmonary disease / Dr. Farkas
27 / Physical diagnosis of the common pleural and pulmonary syndromes I / Dr. Peskó
October / 3 / Physical diagnosis of the common pleural and pulmonary syndromes II / Dr. Peskó
4 / The examination of the heart. Inspection, palpation, percussion / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
10 / The heart sounds / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
11 / The heart murmurs / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
17 / The diagnosis of valvular heart disease I-II / Dr. Pozsonyi
18 / The diagnosis of valvular heart disease III / Dr. Pozsonyi
24 / The pulse. Examination of the vascular system. The pericardium / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
25 / The blood pressure. Hypertensive vascular disease / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
November / 7 / Heart failure / Prof. dr. Fenyvesi
8 / General diagnostics of the kidney and the urinary tract / Dr. Jánoskuti
14 / General signs and symptoms of abdominal disease / Dr. Jánoskuti
15 / Examination of the gastrointestinal tract / Dr. Várkonyi
21 / General diagnostics of liver disease / Prof. dr. Kalabay
22 / General diagnostics of the biliary tract and pancreatic diseases / Prof. dr. Kalabay
28 / Metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus) / Dr. Pánczél
29 / The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The complete blood count (CBC) / Dr. Farkas
December / 5 / General diagnostics of hematological diseases / Dr. Farkas
6 / The examination of the musculoskeletal and the nervous systems / Dr. Pánczél