CPS Lesson China Test

1. What country did we just finish studying?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Asia

2. Which word best describes how government workers got their jobs during the Tang Dynasty?

A. Aristocratic

B. Meritocratic

C. Bureaucratic

3. Which of the following leaders appointed foreigners to government positions because he trusted them more than the Chinese?

A. Confucius

B. Zheng He

C. Kublai Khan

4. What was one effect or result of landowners becoming wealthier?

A. Irrigation

B. Urbanization

C. New type of rice

5. Which Chinese inventions made travel and exploration safer and faster?

A. Rockets and cannons

B. Gunpowder and rifles

C. Compass and canal locks

6. What type of farming helped people on the hillside grow food?

A. Chain pump

B. Terrace

C. Harrow

7. What was the purpose of "tributaries?"

A. To collect money from other countries.

B. To honor China.

C. To make rivers within China connects with another country.

8. Which dynasty changed from aristocratic rule to meritocratic rule because wealthy landowners were not necessarily good leaders?

A. Han

B. Tang

C. Ming

9. Another name for the Huang He is...

A. Yellow River

B. Yangtze River

C. China River.

10. The term "cultural exchange" meant...

A. Ideas and products flowed out of China.

B. Ideas and products flowed into China.

C. Ideas and products flowed into and out of China.

11. What is the correct chronological order for the dynasties?

A. Han, Q'in, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming

B. Q'in, Han, Song, Tang, Yuan, Ming

C. Q'in, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming

12. The Roman emperors, Egyptian pharaohs and West African kings all believed that the "right to rule was a divine right from the god(s). How does this idea compare to China?

A. China believed that ruling families had a Mandate of Heaven.

B. China learned from the West that good rulers were men who had a divine right and established a Mandate of Heaven policy.

C. Chinese emperors were believed to become gods after their deaths.

13. In Mandarin, the Chiang Jiang is also called...

A. Yangtze River

B. Yellow River

C. Yuan River

14. The Gobi Desert is located in which continent?

A. Africa

B. Asia

C. Europe

15. Which country is a peninsula connected to China?

A. North Korea

B. Japan

C. Korea

16. Why did China need to protect its borders from Mongols?

A. China had many trade goods and was advanced in inventions that the Mongols wanted to steal.

B. China did not want her women to marry Mongol men because they were inferior.

C. China had advanced herbs and teas they did not want to share with the world.

17. Approximately how long is the Great Wall of China?

A. 40 miles

B. 400 miles

C. 4,000 miles

18. What were the civil service exams based on?

A. Christ

B. Buddha

C. Confucius

19. What were Confucius teachings based on?

A. Moral and rational behavior

B. Whatever happens was meant to be

C. Buddhist teachings

20. What trade good brought wealth to China?

A. Pearls and spinach

B. Terra cotta soldiers

C. New type of rice

21. What device helped farmers irrigate their land?

A. Chain pump

B. Harrow

C. Oxen

22. With more efficient farming techniques, farmers had extra time to make new trade goods. What trade good did China produce?

A. Bamboo baskets

B. Silk items

C. Chess games

23. What demand increased when China experienced a copper shortage?

A. Playing cards

B. Silver coins

C. Paper money

24. Currency means…

A. Form of porcelain

B. Monkey

C. Form of money used in a country

25. As explained with benefits of large cities, living in Portland instead of Eugene would offer more...

A. Paper mills

B. Opportunities for entertainment and fun

C. Rivers

26. Many good things happened for China during the Tang and Song dynasties. Which two inventions are examples of this time of discovery?

A. Paddlewheel boat and small pox inoculation

B. Compass and mechanical clock

C. Chicken pox vaccine and rocket

27. Why was it easier to travel in Asia by boat rather than by land?

A. Large animals hunted humans for food

B. Mountains were difficult to cross

C. Climate was too hot

28. Why did China have such a difficult time staying unified for many years?

A. China was too big

B. China was too small

C. Too many men argued

29. The country north of China is...

A. Maine

B. Manchuria

C. Mongolia

30. Why did Chinese not like being ruled by the Mongols?

A. Mongols only allowed Chinese to hold government positions.

B. Chinese were not allowed to hold government positions.

C. Chinese did not like what the Mongols were doing to trade agreements.

31. The Ming Dynasty limited contact with foreigners because...

A. Chinese wanted Chinese culture and values to be emphasized

B. Foreigners were exposing young children to bad ideas

C. Foreigners were spending too much money