PHE Ref 102302-30

November 2013

IMBA® Professional Plus Order Form

User Information

Name ......

Organisation ......

Address ......

Post Code ...... Tel No ......

Country ......

E-mail Address

Fax No ......

Purchase Order Number......

Purchaser Information (invoices will be sent to this address)

Name ......

Organisation ......

Address ......

Post Code ...... Tel No ......

Country ......

E-mail Address

Fax No ......

Send CD to User r Purchaser r

Base Module

I would like to order the base unit (£2,200) r

I already have the base unit: Serial Number ......


(these require the base unit or an existing version of IMBA® Professional or IMBA® Expert to work)

Please tick the Add-Ons that you require.

Category A[1]
Add-Ons / Category B
Add-Ons / Category C
1 / Multiple Intake Regimes
r / 6 / Errors on Intake
r / 11 / Statistics Package
2 / Multiple Bioassay Types
r / 7 / Bayes Implementation
r / 12 / Ortec Import
3 / Associated Radionuclides
r / 8 / Tritium Tool
r / 13 / Additional Radionuclides (Pack 1)
£1100 r
4 / Uranium Mixtures
r / 9 / Compensation Type Calculations
r / 14 / Additional Radionuclides (Pack 2)
£1100 r
5 / Uptake from Wounds
r / 10 / Ingrowth of Americium
r / 15 / CANDU

Special Add-On Deals

I would like to purchase all 5 Category A Add-Ons (only £3,300 + VAT) r

I would like to purchase all 5 Category B Add-Ons (only £4,000 + VAT) r


IMBA® Professional Plus is licensed for up to 5 users. If more than 5 users are required then please add an extra 10% per additional user to the full purchase price as given above. Please tick one of the following boxes.

I only require up to 5 licences (no extra cost). r

I would like to purchase an additional ………… licences at an additional r

cost per user of 10% of the full purchase price.

Total Cost

Base unit £ ………………………

Add-Ons £ ………………………

Additional Licences £ ……………………….


Total (excluding VAT) £


VAT Registration number ......

(EC customers must provide VAT Reg No. or pay VAT, currently 20%)

I, the undersigned, as purchaser/user recognise that the software package ordered is owned by Public Health England. I also agree, on behalf of my organisation, that we will be bound by the terms and conditions of sale set out in End User License Agreement accompanying the software package and available with this order form.

Signature: …………………………………………… Date:…………………………

Name in block capitals: …………………………….. Organisation:……………………

Ordering procedure

1. Send the completed forms to Alan Birchall by either post (CRCE, PHE, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon., OX11 0RQ UK); email () or fax (+44 (0)1235 833891).

2. On receipt of a signed order, and if you pass the PHE credit control, the order will be dispatched with an invoice for the sum due. Base units and Add-Ons will be sent on a CD with the accompanying documentation to the postal address of the user or purchaser as indicated unless otherwise instructed.

3.  If purchaser is different from user then please also complete the purchaser details.

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[1] The previous IMBA® Professional (Full Edition) contained Add-Ons 1, 2 and 3 only.