Learning Styles Inventory

Learning Styles Inventory

Read each statement and select the appropriate number response as it applies to you.

Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom/Never (1)

Group 1
_____ I recall more if I write it down.
_____ I prefer watching the speaker/presenter to help me maintain my focus.
_____ I find working in a quiet place helps me get my work done.
_____ I can visualize the textbook when I take a test.
_____ I like to write things down when taking directions.
_____ I do not like music or background noise when I’m working.
_____ I sometimes have trouble understanding the punch line of a joke.
_____ I scribble and draw in my notes.
_____ I find lectures to be the most difficult way for me to learn.
_____ I react strongly to colors.
_____ Total

Group 2
_____ I have messy papers and notes.
_____ I use my index finger to follow the words while I read so I won’t get lost.
_____ I find written directions difficult to follow.
_____ I remember best when someone tells me something.
_____ I find it difficult to write things out.
_____ I often misread words from the text-(i.e., “them” for “then”).
_____ I prefer to learn from listening rather than reading.
_____ I am confused by the meaning of one’s body language.
_____ I have trouble reading pages with small print or poor quality copies.
_____ I find my eyes tire quickly even though I have acceptable vision.
_____ Total

Group 3
_____ I can figure out a project without reading directions.
_____ I strongly dislike sitting at a desk for a long period of time.
_____ I prefer first to see something done and then to do it myself.
_____ I solve problem by trial and error.
_____ I like to read while exercising.
_____ I take frequent study breaks.
_____ I find it difficult to give detailed process instructions.
_____ I enjoy and excel at several different kinds of sports.
_____ I use my hands when describing things.
_____ I have to rewrite or type my class notes to reinforce the material.
_____ Total

Total the score for each group. The highest of the 3 scores indicates the learning style you prefer. Group 1 represents Visual Learners, Group 2 Auditory Learners, and Group 3 Kinesthetic Learners.


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