Procedure for Reporting Referrals, Discharged Clients, and

a Client’s Removal from Medication to BHCA

As part of the Baltimore Buprenorphine Initiative, BHCA not only acts as healthcare case managers but they are also the main reporting agency for the initiative. BHCA uses IRIS, an internal database to track client activities and insurance status. BHCA also uses the communal BSAS database, UP, to obtain information throughout the clients time in treatment.

Referring a Patient to BHCA

  1. All clients who enter one of the six BSAS funded buprenorphine treatment programs and are identified for buprenorphine maintenance will be referred to BHCA to be enrolled in the BBI.
  2. Intake staff will have client sign the Release of Confidential Information during intake procedures.
  3. Treatment site staff will enter client information into UP and fax the release to the BHCA referral coordinator (410) 649-0528 within 24 hours of client intake. It is BSAS policy that information is entered the same day as client admission.
  4. Referrals should not be given to BHCA treatment liaison when they are at the treatment site. All releases must be faxed.
  5. Referrals should not be faxed unless the client information has been entered into the UP database
  6. This information includes but is not limited to, client demographics, Bup start date, and successfully checking the box stating that release form was signed.
  7. BHCA Referral coordinator will process referrals daily, enter client information into IRIS, pull MMIS screen, and give treatment liaison all information obtained
  8. Treatment liaison will outreach client at next scheduled site visit.
  9. Treatment Liaison will not see clients who have not signed a release or persons whose release has not yet been processed through the BHCA referral coordinator

Client is Removed from Buprenorphine

  1. If a client is removed from medication for noncompliance, failure to keep medication appointment, and/or voluntary removal, this information should be entered into UP within 24 hours.
  2. BHCA treatment liaison is required to continue working with client if the client has not secured insurance or enrolled with an MCO and chosen a PCP.
  3. If client is insured and connected to Primary Care at time of removal from Bup, BHCA will close the case since transfer assistance won’t be necessary.

Client is Discharged from Treatment Program

  1. Treatment Provider staff are required to enter discharge information into UP within 30 days of the last face-to-face treatment contact.
  2. Treatment Provider staff will notify BHCA liaison verbally or by email if clients have been discharged so that treatment liaison can stop outreaching client.
  3. BHCA will continue to track insurance applications even after someone is discharged. This will continue until a decision on the application is confirmed.
  4. If more than 60 days pass from the time the client was reportedly discharged and no information has been entered into UP, a reminder email will be sent by BHCA and the treatment site must enter the information within 72 hours.
