Sandra C Report from the WSBC 2017 Albuquerque NM May 1-6, 2017

As a link in the chain of recovery created at WSBC, it is my honor to connect you all to this network of service. I hope to share my observations of the process and the effect the experience had on my recovery and how I can share it with OA as a whole.

This was my first time attending WSBC and the experience was phenomenal. To have the theme be based on unity was really appropriate for the time and my own experience in OA.

“Our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends on OA unity” – Tradition One. Unity was visible in the ways we operated business, the way we socialized, and shared recovery. In my report, I hope to show how unity manifested in each setting.

How many people attended the Conference? Total Eligible Voters 188

How many different countries were represented? 20

Officer Reports

Chair – For WSBC to break even, the registration fee would have to be $330 per delegate. This has prompted an investigation into how WSBC can cut costs for the annual meeting and for delegate meetings.

Treasurer – In 2016 the total of 7th traditions was 5% greater than what was budgeted for the year!

Managing Director –Carrying the message promotes OA unity as is can be done across many platforms, reaching members across the world. Budgeting was made difficult due to a 14K decline in as In 2016 the number of meetings worldwide, including telephone and online meetings averaged 6,344 in about 80 countries. is available in 100+ languages. There is a fund for setting up professional exhibits.

Region One Report

Margie G. is our Region 1 Trustee. Her activities involve communication with fellows throughout the region through workshops, emails, and service on committees. The next big event is the Region One assembly and Convention held October 11-15 in Seattle WA.

Committee Reports

Each committee updated the group on their progress over the past year. For more information on a specific committee, please feel free to ask!

Twelve and Twelve Ad Hoc Committee

Board Approved Literature Committee

BRM Review Committee

Conference Planning Committee

Convention 2016 Committee

Delegate Support Fund Committee

Internal Information Committee

International Publications/Translations Committee

Literature Review

Professional Tradeshows

Public Awareness Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

Virtual Services Committee

Website Review Committee

Bylaws Committee

Conference-Approved Literature Committee

Finance Committee

Professional Outreach Committee

Public Information Committee.

Region Chairs Committee

Twelve Step Within Committee

Unity with diversity

Virtual Services Committee

Web/Technology Committee

Young Person’s Committee

Forum Topic

Amazing Recovery:Passport to Unity

This was one of everyone’s favorite activities. The region chairs created this well-organized small group forum.

Delegates with diverse OA recovery stories traveled to each round table of 10 delegates. The fellow shareshis or her story and opened it up for sharing sharing about the diversity of recovery in the fellowship. A few of the perspectives shared included: 90-day format, 100+ weight loss, Anorexia, Bariatric Surgery, LGBTQ, Non-English Speaker, Young person, and men in OA.

Committee Meeting I Attended

Unity with Diversity Committee

We discussed the state of OA regarding diversity and what diversity really meant. I took on a service position as the chair of a sub-committee. I will be communicating with the subcommittee to help us meet our goals. We appointed a chair and adopted a state of purpose. Diversity affects OA’s ability to effectively carry the message of recovery. The committee intends to encourage awareness of diversity. Awareness will be achieved through addressing issues and setting goals. These objectives were separated into sub-committees to establish action plans.


Strategic Planning: Keeping OA Strong Worldwide

I wanted to attend this workshop especially after being assigned to the Unity with Diversity Committee. It was great to hear how other countries reach out to newcomers and maintain strong recovery among their members. Literature, sharing experience, strength and hope, and dedicated efforts to make sure newcomers feel welcome surrounded the shares from members. It became more of a meeting than a workshop which meant a lot of people shared.

Sponsorship: Growing OA Unity Worldwide.

Hearing from the OA employees was a new perspective for me. We all have the same goal and they are able to have a different perspective and quality training to meet these goals. We took a business minded approach to uncover particular areas we could work on to grow OA unity. Using a SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) we were able to leverage the positives, see what we could change inwardly, identify what we could not change ourselves and defer to the group in shares where the difference lies. In this workshop I felt my contribution was more significant since I had a “youngperson’s” perspective. It was also fun to lead the group in creating a SWOT analysis. The process of facilitating such a exercise also demonstrated the power of a collective thought process. We are stronger together. There were so many ideas I would not have thought of.


All literature is reviewed every 10 years. We met the night before the business meeting to ask about the changes made to the literature. The goal was to have discussion the night before so that voting was more streamlined. There was still discussion regarding topics such as the use of compulsive eater and compulsive overeater, as well as the format of questions used in the 12 Concepts pocket guide.

  • Maintaining A Healthy Body Weight” (revision), The WSBC body granted the Conference Seal of Approval
  • Twelve Concepts of OA Service” pocket guide The body did not grant the Seal of Approval
  • “The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous” (revision). The conference seal of approval was granted to the revised manuscript


Below is Cindy’s detailed summary of the motions. My insight into the process and how we got the results can be summarized as well intentioned and exhaustive. I was familiar with Roberts Rules but there is a learning curve. The fact that a lot of us were learning as we went along did lead to some frustration but I felt like all perspectives were heard. However, due to the length of some of the conversations on more contentious topics, we did not get to all of the agenda items. This is understandable but underscores the need for a system for conducting the meeting and the need for an annual meeting, in my perspective.

With support form my mentor and others, I felt confident to approach the group with questions. There was a person at the center micwho would listen to your question before you brought it to the group to help with wording and also answer some questions on the spot without needing to take it to the group.

New Business

Proposal item A: Rescind Policy 2014a. Now that email loops are included in the definition of a meeting, policy 2014a is no longer necessary. Motion passes.

Proposal item B: Statement of Copyright and Ownership of Creative Works. Motion fails.

Proposal item C: Move to add a tenth Tool: Mindfulness. Motion fails.

Proposal item D: consent agenda

Proposal item E: consent agenda

Proposal item F: motion withdrawn

Proposal item G: consent agenda

Proposal item H: Move to amend WSBC Policy 1992a. This is not the appropriate policy in

which to add the amendment. Motion fails.

Proposal item I: Motion withdrawn.

Proposal item J: Adding the following to the motion submission form: “an explanation of how this motion will help carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer.” Motion is adopted

Proposal item K: Motion to examine alternatives to the use of Robert’s Rules of Order at WSBC. Motion fails.

Motion M: Establish an ad hoc committee to consider implementation/registration of a Spanish Language service board. Motion adopted.

Motion L: OA will establish a special fund (line item) to assist in translating OA literature. Motion adopted. A strong “pro” was that a line item/fund would allow members to make a direct donation.

Proposal item N: Move that WSBC create a Sponsorship Day to be held annual on the third Saturday in August. Motion adopted.

Bylaw Amendments

Proposal item 1: Amendments to Bylaws Subpart B, Article IX Board of Trustees. A candidate may not run for both region and general service trustee in the same year. Motion adopted.

Proposal item 2: Amend the definition of an OA meeting by adding meeting format language. Motion fails.

Proposal item 3: Remove the word “religious” from the list of organizations to which the BOT would dispose of assets of the OA corporation, upon dissolution of the corporation. Motion fails. An thought-provoking “con” provided: there are many religious organizations (churches for example) who have generously hosted scores of OA meetings over the years.

Proposal item 4: Board of trustee qualifications. Changing the qualifications for trustee to seven years in the program at the time of election instead of seven years in the program at the time of application. The motion fails.

New Trustees

Region 4 & 7

  • Lawrie C. from Winnipeg Manitoba, CN (two year term)
  • Joanne MacDonald from Falcon, Colorado
  • Ron Pellerin from St. John’s NL, CN (both three-year terms).

Region 1

Affirmed candidate Pat O. from Oregon for the open position vacated by Margie Garman at the end of her term. Pat will be interviewed by the BOT.

Closing Thoughts

My experience was that of a giant hug by the world of OA. I was feeling vulnerable during the Conference and was met with support. Meeting new people felt more like connecting with long lost relatives 

There was a lot of curiosity about how things are done elsewhere. The information transfer was done in an eager, and open manner. There was fun chatting and it seemed that even a casual conversation also carried the purpose of connecting and sharing the OA message.

I am absolutely willing to do this service again!

Thank you for empowering me to be of service to you all and sending me to Albuquerque!

Sandra C.
