Test Case Specifications

Project: ADS – Ambulance Dispatch System

Revision History

Revision / Date / Updated By / Update Comments
0.1 / 2007.07.21 / Scot Robinson / Initial document creation
0.2 / 2007.07.21 / Muhammad Asim Shamim / Completed UC and NFRS test case specifications
0.3 / 2007.07.22 / Scot Robinson / Completed ARCH, ODD, and E2E test case specifications

1. Test Case Specifications

1.1 Test case specifications derived from nonfunctional requirements


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Perform mouse clicks and type using the key board

Output specifications: Mouse click works and click object responses with the expected output. Key board typing is displayed as expected.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: USB Mouse & Keyboard are expected to work with the system.

Inter-case dependencies: Keyboard & Mouse are not dependent on any other object


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: The application is easy to follow/navigate. The text font is readable, and the application is developed in seen able colors.

Output specifications: The application provides helpful hints to follow which helps in follow/navigation. The text font in the application is over 12, and the application color is different from text color which helps in reading he text displayed in the application.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: No other test case depends on this test case to execute.

Inter-case dependencies: The test case is not dependent on any other test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User clicks on the user manual, and navigate through the user manual.

Output specifications: User manual opens up. User manual is detail and provides detail information with text and screen shot about the system.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: No special procedure is required to utilize the user manual.

Inter-case dependencies: User manual utilization is not dependent on any other test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Perform all possible actions accepted in the application. Perform action in the application that is not supported by it.

Output specifications: The application is reliable in terms that actions supported by user are performed without crashing the application, and actions not so supported by the application displays a user friendly error message

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: No special procedure is required before executing this test case.

Inter-case dependencies: The reliability and error recovery error test case is not dependent on any other test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Click on each link one by one. Calculate the time it takes for ambulance to arrive to the incident seen.

Output specifications: No link in the application has more than 15 sec. response time. The ambulance always arrives to the incident seen in less than 3 min.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: No special procedure is required before executing this test case.

Inter-case dependencies: The performance testing use case is dependent on availability of the application.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Perform an action that is not supported by the application in terms of performance.

Output specifications: In case of bad performance, the application in worse case displays an exception within 11 minutes of time. The exception is readable and user friendly.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: No special procedure is required before executing this test case.

Inter-case dependencies: The performance testing use case is dependent on availability of the application.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Open each page one by one in the application.

Output specifications: No page takes more than 15 seconds to open up. In case of server error, a user friendly message/exception is displayed to the user.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: Before the execution of this test case environment and database must be intact, and in working condition.

Inter-case dependencies: The test case is dependent on the availability of application pages; hence, the test case must be executed after the user interface test cases are executed.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User uses the IE v.5.5 and above web browser.

Output specifications: The application works as expected on all IE v 5.5 and above.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: Before the execution of this test case environment and database must be intact, and in working condition.

Inter-case dependencies: The test case is dependent on the availability of application pages; hence, the test case must be executed after the user interface test cases are executed.


1.2 Test case specifications derived from the use cases in the functional requirements


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications:

The system requests that the user enter his/her name and password.

The user enters his/her name and password.

Output specifications:

The system validates the entered name and password and logs the user into the system.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedure is required before login test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

The Log in test case is not dependent on any other test case; hence, can be executed before/after another test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications:

The system requests that the user enter his/her name and password.

The user enters an invalid name and password.

Output specifications:

The system invalidates the entered name and password, displays an error, and returns to the basic flow defined in the use case.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedure is required before login test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

The Log in test case is not dependent on any other test case; hence, can be executed before/after another test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Incident is reported over the phone, and incident reporter waits for the ambulance to arrive.

Output specifications: A user from the dispatch controller takes information from the phone and enters it in the system, and then information is transmitted to the ambulance driver for guidance so that he can arrive to the seen.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedural requirement is needed to execute this test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

This case is dependent on the availability and system being intact.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Incident reporter calls in but provides erroneous information.

Output specifications: The user from the dispatch controller takes the input and puts it in the system. The driver is unknown to the exact location; hence, driver is not able to make it to the seen.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedural requirement is needed to execute this test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

This case is dependent on the availability and system being intact.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Clearly address of the incident is provided to the user in dispatch controller.

Output specifications: A user enters the information, and incident location is found and available to the driver.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedural requirement is needed to execute this test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

This case is dependent on the availability and system being intact.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User provides the address of the incident.

Output specifications: From the address the location of an incident is not locatable due to bad address input in the system.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedural requirement is needed to execute this test case.

Inter-case dependencies:

This case is dependent on the availability and system being intact.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications:

Output specifications:

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements: User from the dispatch controller attempts to locate the ambulance.

Inter-case dependencies: The ambulance is locatable by the user in the control room. The ambulance is locatable using the GPS.

Special procedural requirements:

In order to identify the location of an ambulance, the GPS should be working and properly installed in the ambulance.

Inter-case dependencies:

GPS test cases and Dispatcher test cases must be executed before this test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User in the control room attempts to locate the ambulance.

Output specifications: The control room user is unable to locate the ambulance for one of the reason. The GPS is not working, GPS services are not available in the area. The tracking system is down.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

No special procedural requirements

Inter-case dependencies:

GPS test cases, Tracking system and Dispatcher test cases must be executed before this test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User calls the controller, and Controller inputs the address and attempts to allocate/locate the ambulance.

Output specifications: Based on the address inputted in the system, the controller is able to locate the ambulance that can reach the incident within 3 mins.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

At lease one ambulance must exist at each dispatch location

Inter-case dependencies:

GPS, tracking, and Dispatcher test cases must be executed before this test case.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: User in the control room attempts to track the ambulance

Output specifications: Ambulance is tracked by the tracking system in place. Tracking system utilizes the GPS system in place to track the location of the ambulance.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

At least one ambulance must exist at each dispatch location

Inter-case dependencies:

GPS, and Dispatcher test cases must be executed before this test case. Tracking system from the control room is used to track the ambulance.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Dispatcher attempts to get report

Output specifications: Report is displayed from the system and user is also able to print the report in the user-friendly print report view.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

Reports are printed from the dispatcher system

Inter-case dependencies:

Dispatcher system must work and those test cases must be executed first as Reports are viewed/printed from the dispatcher system.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Dispatcher attempts to view geographic analysis.

Output specifications: Geographic analysis is viewable from the dispatcher screen. The Geographic analysis helps in allocating the closest ambulance for each scene.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance

Special procedural requirements:

Geographic analyses are viewable & printable from the dispatcher system

Inter-case dependencies:

Dispatcher system must work and those test cases must be executed first as Geographic analysis are viewed/printed from the dispatcher system.


Test case specification identifier:


Test items:

User Interface, Dispatch System, and ADS Database

Input specifications: Allocate, control, and authenticate users utilizing the system.

Output specifications: Application provides a report identifying exact number of users using the application, and exact use of the application. The application also verifies the user before user is granted access to the application.

Environmental needs:

Web Browser on client PC, web server, Database server, embedded device for ambulance