Honors Geometry

Midterm Review Topics

Breakdown of questions:

Ch 1: 2 questions

Ch 2: 3 questions

Ch 3 : 9 questions

Ch 4 : 3 questions

Ch 5: 6 questions

Ch 6: 5 questions Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force !!!

Logic : 2 questions


Total: 30 questions

Special Features

Ø  No calculators allowed (only basic math calculations). No curve.

Ø  30 problems (All multiple choice) à Same as Accelerated Exam (w/ 5 extra questions)

Ø  Cumulative (Ch. 1-6) + Logic

Ø  Some questions ask for “which is true”, others ask “which is false”.


Ø  Lots of “all of the above” or “none of the above”.


Included Topics

1.  Points 2. Lines

3.  Segments 4. Planes

5.  Collinear 6. Coplanar

7.  Triangles 8. Medians

9.  Altitude 10. Proofs (direct & indirect)

11.  Angle Bisector 12. Segment Bisector

13.  Segment Addition Postulate 14. Angle Addition Postulate

15.  Midpoint Formula 16. Distance Formula

17.  Slope (formula, parallel/perpendicular lines) 18.Perpendicular Lines

19. Special Angles (Alternate Interiors, Corresponding, etc.) 20.Congruence

21. Supplements / Complements 22 Intersections

23. Triangle inequality theorem

24. Triangle Congruence (SSS, SAS, HL, AAS, ASA)

25. Parallelogram (properties of, ways to prove, etc)*

26. Special Quadrilaterals (Squares, Rhombi, Rectangles, Kites, T-zoids)

27. Exterior angle theorem

28. Exterior angle inequality theorem

29. Special Triangles (Isosceles, Equilateral, Right, Acute, Obtuse, Scalene, etc)

30. Conditionals, Converses, Inverses, Contrapositives

31. SAS & SSS inequality theorems

32. Inequality Theorems (comparing longer sides and angles of triangles)

33. Parallel lines

In addition to the review packet, I would highly suggest working on the following problems from the textbook. These reflect similar problems and concepts that you will be responsible for on the exam.

P 7 (1-7)

P 67 (14)

P 71 (21-25)

P 81 (7-12)

P 86 (5-11)

P 89 (1-5)

P 96 (9-11)

P 97 (5-10)

P 104 (8)

P 111 (13-15)

P 112 (17,18)

P 114 (1,12)

P 138 (23-25)

P 142 (1-13)

P 155 (6)

P 169 (5-10)

P 187 (1-19)

P 188 (20-23)

P 193 (10,11)

P 197 (1-8)

P 198 (13-16)

P 222 (1-6)

P 210 (5-8)

P 214-215 (1-9)

P 222-223 (10-12,13-15)

P 223 (16,17)

P 223 (16,17)

P 648-651 (Rules of Logic)