July 25, 2016


Scott Murray, President

George McManigle, Vice PresidentJudy Mitchell, District Manager

Julia Escamilla, Sec/TreasVeronica Pertusini, Community Garden

George Archibald, DirectorVolunteer


Mike Peters, Director

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was not called to order at 3:30 p.m. for Staff Reports. The regular Board meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda and the agenda was accepted as presented.

Ayes: 3 McManigle, Escamilla,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

PUBLIC FORUM: There were no members of the public present


NRCS REPORT: Cori Calvert was not in attendance

STAFF REPORTS: District Staff supplied program updates to the Board in written format.


Building Committee: Scott Murray reported that he, George McManigle and Jeff Schumacher

interviewed 5 architectural firms. The Building Committee’s recommendation will be presented

to the full Board for approval.

Personnel Committee: Julia Escamilla handed out an example of a Strategic Plan which she would like the Board to participate in developing . This plan would include a succession plan for the District Managers position.


On a motion by George McManigle, seconded by Julia Escamilla, the Consent Calendar was approved

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters


The Board reviewed a letter from Nigro and Nigro about the upcoming yearly audit and a letter from the Nevada County Conservation District to CARCD about yearly dues.

The Board discussed the letter to the Editor place in the Village News regarding the landscaping around the building on Alvarado Street. The irrigation system has been somehow disconnected from a water source and not functioning. District staff will take a look at the system to see if there is an easy solution. When the new landscaping is installed, the irrigation system will be

replaced with a low water use system.


8-1Veronica Pertusini handed out a list of equipment and supplies she would

like to see donated to the Community Garden. She said that people

are not signing up for garden plots because they don’t want to have to

visit the garden everyday to water. She would like to see automatic timers

placed on each plot.She said there are businesses that are willing to supply scholarships for 3 gardeners who cannot afford the yearly garden fee. She is working on the criteria that would be used to select the recipients. The District Manager will get information to her on the cost of running the Garden and she will give the Board a concept on selection criteria for the next Board meeting. The Board thanked her for her efforts to get thegarden fully occupied.

8-2The Board reviewed the closing policy developed by the Auditor and

the CPA’s closing policy. After discussion the Board decided that the CPA’s closing policy and suggestion that only the CPA make journal

entry changes be adopted and the CPA services continued for the next

year. On a motion by George Archibald, seconded by George McManigle

the board voted to accept the CPA closing and journal entry policy and to

continue CPA service through Darrell Chodola. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-3The Board reviewed the new draft for the fiscal year 2016/2017 budget.

On a motion by George McManigle, seconded by George Archibald, the

new budget was adopted. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-4The Board reviewed the Annual Work Plan and discussed the need

for the Board to do a Strategic Plan to include a succession strategy.

On a motion by George Archibald, seconded by Julia Escamilla, the

Board adopted the Annual Work plan for Fiscal Year 2016/2017.

Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-5The Board reviewed the County Policy F-40 which provides a framework

for the District to obtain professional services outside the District’s Request for Proposal framework. On a motion by George Archibald, seconded by George McManigle, the Board adopted Policy F-40 for addition to the Policy and Procedures manual. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-6The Building Committee reported that they had 6 responses from Architectural firms and interviewed 5. The review committee used

20 questions supplied by AIA and a point scoring system. IDS scored

111 points and Kluger Architects 108. The Committee recommended that

IDS scored higher because they had an in house set of skills to move forward with the construction side of the project and also reassured the

Committee that they could meet the June 1, 2017 deadline for move in.

In the meantime the District Manager was instructed to see if the District

could negotiate a lease extension. On a motion by Julia Escamilla, seconded by George Archibald, the Board voted to accept the Building Committee’s recommendation and award the design contract to IDS.

Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-7The Board discussed extension of the contract and budget for Jeff Schumacher. Scott Murray suggested that Mr. Schumacher be retained

to check on the building from time to time and requested that the Board

approve an additional $3000.00 be set aside for a Phase 3 contract.

On a motion by George McManigle, seconded by George Archibald, the Board approved the additional funds. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-8The Board reviewed a banner design for the Alvarado building

sign submitted by Karla Standridge. The Board decided to make

some wording changes to the sign and with these changes approved

that the District Manager move ahead to have the banner made.

There was no discussion of a communication policy with the community

but George Archibald was asked to represent the District in discussions

with the downtown neighbors. On a motion by George McManigle, seconded by George Archibald, the Board voted to approve the banner design. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

8-9The Board did not discuss a grounds maintenance plan for the Alvarado

Building but requested the landscape staff to review the irrigation system

to see why it wasn’t connected to water. Staff will monitor the grounds

and mow and weed when necessary.

8-10The Board reviewed the request from CARCD for funding for the Center

For Conservation Strategies (CSG). The Board had sent funds for CSG

in the past with the request to focus on baseline funding from the State.

Julia Escamilla motioned the District join TEAM and San Jacinto RCD

to present a letter or resolution indicating that funding is our priority need.

George Archibald seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters

There being no further business, George McManigle motioned to Adjourn at 6:30 p.m.

Julia Escamilla seconded that motion. Motion carried.

Ayes: 4 McManigle, Escamilla, Archibald,Murray Nos:0 Abstentions: 0 Absent: Peters


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