PLEASE take the newsletter to a houseboundor lapsed Catholic neighbour R.C.PARISH OF ST.THOMAS of HEREFORD, WEOBLEY and ST. BEDE, KINGTON

Parish Priest: Dom Simon McGurk, St.Thomas’ Presbytery, 20 Kington Rd. Weobley HR4 8QS. Tel. 01544.318 325 or at Belmont Abbey: 01432.374 721 E-mail : or(personal) Hospital Chaplain:Fr. Matthew Carney of Our Lady’s, Hereford, 01432.265177
2nd.wk.of Ordinary Time, C Jan.17th. – 23rd.2016 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time /
“Son, they have no wine.” “Woman, why turn to me?”
Bid. Prayers (Weobley): R.Lord, in your mercy/ Resp.Hear our prayer
NOChildren’s Liturgy TODAY

Sat Jan. 16 MASS OF 2nd. SUN. ORD.TIME, Mass Kington 6.00pm–The Parish Sun 17 MASS, Weobley 11.00 – “Brummy” Stokes, S.A.S. Monday 18 Eucharistic Service, Weobley, 10.00– Conversion of St.Paul Tuesday 19 No Mass –SS.Robert,Alberic & Stephen, Cistercian founders Wed. 20 Mass,Kington, 10.30 –SS. Fabian & Sebastian, Roman martyrsThurs.Jan 21 Mass, Weobley, 4.00 pm. St. Agnes Fri. 22 No Mass.–St. Vincent Saturday 23 3rd.SUNDAY OF ORD.TIME. Mass Kington 6.00pm Sunday 24 MASS Weobley 11.00am. -

We pray for those of our parish or known to us who are sick or in need of special prayers: Abbot Jerome, Fr. Antony (very sick), Elizabeth Kerr, Fr. Luke, Mary Clement, Zofia Kunert, Catherine Semple and Anne Bickers . We remember those of our parish, relatives and friends recently dead:Peter Colman, Mary Davies and anymembers of our Security Forces lately dead on active service. We remember the dead of our parish whose anniversaries occur at this time: Thomas Morgan (T.’68), James Morris (T.’70). Finally ,we pray for those parts of the world suffering from war, terrorism, other civil strife, famine, slavery and disease, especially refugees from hostile regimes and migrants seeking safe havens, for the conversion of I.S. and for young people tempted to join them. At Christmas we pray especially for peace in Jesus’ own land. At New Year we pray especially for peace everywhere on earth.

COLLECTIONS: Kington £54.75p, Weobley £251.25p.St.Ords. £211.62 weekly. RECONCILIATION (Confessions): Kington Sat.5.30, Weobley, Sun. 10.30. Those unable to receive Communion are welcome to come up for a blessing. Place your hands across your chest.

SALE OF GOODS IN AID OF OUR CHURCHES. Things are hotting up!
The Community Shop in Kington has now been booked for us to be open from Friday February 12th. 2.00pm. until Friday 19th. for the sale of any goodquality goods you may have which could raise money for our churches. Until then Marion Scott will continue to take things into her barn at Meer. 01544.340 069. Or else bring them along yourselves to the shop on Friday 12th.
RAFFLE TICKETS to be sold after Masses Jan.30/31 Feb 6/7. ------SUNG VESPERS AT BELMONT ABBEY every evening at 6.00. with Benedic tion on Sundays. “Come see” - Jesus
CLIMATE CHANGE DISCUSSION in the parish following Pope Francis’ encyc-lical ‘Laudato si’ and the Paris convention. Please sign up to be involved. Discussions and prayer will begin shortly. Watch this space - / CHILDREN FOR FIRST COMMUNION There will be a meeting after Mass at Weobley on Sunday 31st January for any parents whose children are coming up to First Communion age this year. ------CLIMATE CHANGE DISCUSSION still pending. Continue to watch this space. ------THE HOLY YEAR OF MERCY On December 8th., the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Pope Francis inaugurated the Holy Year of Mercy with the opening of the great door of St. Peter’s, Rome. In our Archdiocese the door of door of St.David’s Cathedral, Cardiff, was declared open along with the doors of Belmont Abbey, St.Mary’s,Merthyr Tydfil, St.Mary’s,Bridgend and St. Mary’s Newport. ------WEBSITE. Ian Campbell, who kindly runs our website, would be grateful for more material to include and make it more interesting. (The chief culprit is still Fr. Simon)
FUNDRAISING: Work on the house and church at Weobley will shortly be finished. The final cost will be in excess of £35k. Initiatives for raising this sum will be welcomed. In 2016 we will rent the Community Charity Shop in Kington for a week. Marion Scott will be happy to store them in her barn. Tel. 01544 340 069
------ / Weobley Bible Study Group:
3rd & 4th Mondays , 7.30 pm. at the
Methodist Chapel
U.N. World Climate Change Conference will begin in PARIS tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 30. Let us pray at this critical time for that city and for discernment and wisdom at the conference. It is proposed to have discussions and prayer in the parish to mark this event, with discussion on other documents like the Papal encyclical ‘Laudato Si’. . ------
fr.his birthplace nr.St Weonards, his lodgings at Treago Castle and Pembridge Castle, the Cwm recusant Jesuit seminary, his grave at WelshNewton, Mass in the church. See Fr. S
