Jeff Dull - President

John Stewart – Vice-President

Allen Wilkins – Treasurer

David Garcia

Mat Meeker

Matt Wirsig


Mr. Ryan Huff, Superintendent

Mrs. Lawanna Salmon, Secretary

Mrs. Linda Bourland, Special Education Director

Mr. Steve Ritter, High School Principal

Ms. Trish Munsterman, Elementary Principal


A. Call to Order –President Jeff Dull called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. Notice of meeting having notified the local newspapers, and posted at the school building.

B. Roll Call – Absent: None

C. Recognition of Visitors and Guests – Jim Neuenschwander, Kelly Gotsch, Debra Frost


A. Agenda

B. Minutes – May 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, May 21, 2012 Emergency Meeting,

May 22, 2012 Special Meeting, June 12, 2012 Special Meeting

C. June Bills - $

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve the agenda as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes – 6, no – 0. Motion carried.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve the May 17, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes, May 21, 2012 Emergency Meeting Minutes, May 22, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes, and June 12, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes –6, no - 0. Motion carried.

Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to approve the June Bills except check #020094. Voice vote taken: Yes-6, No -0. Motion carried.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve check #020094. Voice vote taken: Yes – 5, No -1- David Garcia. Motion carried.

III.  Administrative Report

A.  Superintendent Report – Mr. Huff discussed that the $0.87 levy is on the August 7, Ballot. He stated that this levy is very important to the school district. The cuts in state funding have resulted in the district deficit spending this current school year and the next school year is predicted to deficit spend as well. The district has made many cuts over the past several years to balance the budget. The district has tried to make cuts where it would least effect kids. However, the district is now to the point where any additional cuts will have a direct effect on the students themselves. District programs that will be considered for cuts include Vo-Ag, Vo-Tech, FACS, Business, FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, and Sports Programs. Bascially, any program that is not required by law will be considered for cuts. Mr. Huff stated that he hopes that the community will step up to the plate and support the school district and the students in their time of need.

Mr. Huff thanked the board for their support over the past 6 years. He also thanked the Staff and Administration for all of their hardwork and dedication.

B.  Elementary Report – No Report

August 2nd is Back to School Supply night from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Multi-purpose room.

August 15th is Open House from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

C.  High School Report – No Report

D.  Special Education Report –

High School Students 11

Elementary Students 15 (2 are ECSE)

Speech/language students 17 (3 are ECSE)

Total end of year 43

Preschool students (2 included above)

Left the program 28

Graduated with diploma 2

Drop Out 1

Tested out – Speech 6

Moved 17

Home School 2

IV.  Old Business

V.  New Business

A.  Waste Water Treatment Facility – Mr. Huff discussed that DNR has contacted the district stating that our Lagoon needs to have a Disinfection System installed. This has to be engineered by a professional engineer therefore Environmental Works has been contacted and given us a bid for evaluation of the lagoon.

No Action Taken

B.  2011-12 Amend Budget & Fund Transfer Authorization – Mr. Huff presented the 2011-12 budget.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to amend the 2011-12 to actual expenditures and receipts as of June 30, 2012 and to authorize administration to transfer up to the maximum amounts from Operating to Capital Projects Funds. Voice vote taken: Yes – 6, no – 0. Motion carried.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to authorize the administration to transfer

the required amount from fund 1 to fund 2 to zero out fund 2. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, no – 0.

Motion carried.

C.  Approve 2012-13 Budget – Mr. Huff presented the 2012-13 budget.

Mrs. Frost left the meeting at 8:47 p.m.

John Stewart made a motion; David Garcia seconded it, to approve the 2012-13 Budget as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

Mrs. Frost entered the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

D.  Amend Contract with St. Clair County Bank – Mr. Huff discussed that St. Clair County State Bank has contacted the district to exercise its right to cancel its contract with the district due to drops in interest rates.

John Stewart made a motion; David Garcia seconded it, to approve the amendment of the Contract with St. Clair County State Bank as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

E.  Board Member Vacancy – Mr. Huff discussed the process required to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education as a result of the passing of board member Tim Sell.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve the taking applications for the Board Member Vacancy until July 19th, 2012 at noon. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

F.  Bids – Board President opens Bids.

Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to approve Hiland Dairy as the Milk Bid. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, No -0. Motion carried.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve Zollicker Oil as the LP Bid with no extra fees for the tank. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, No -0. Motion carried.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve MFA as the Diesel Bid. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, No -0. Motion carried.

David Garcia made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve IBC Sales Corporation as the Bread Bid. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, No -0. Motion carried.

Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to approve A-1 Disposal as the Trash Bid. Voice vote taken: Yes -6, No -0. Motion carried.

G.  2012-13 Technology Services Contract – Mr. Huff discussed that the 2012-13 Technology Services Contract is the same as this year and is done to share our techonology coordinator with Osceola School District.

John Stewart made a motion; Allen Wilkins seconded it, to approve the 2012-13 Technology Services Contract as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

H.  2012-13 Vo-Tech Transportation Contract – Mr. Huff discussed that 2012-13 Vo-Tech Transportation Contract is the same as this year. The contract is dependent on the number of students that attend Vo-Tech and this year it cost the district $3700.

John Stewart made a motion; David Garcia seconded it, to approve the 2012-13 Vo-Tech Transportation Contract as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

I.  Security Camera Contract – Mr. Huff discussed extending the current contract with Federal Protection for one year.

David Garcia made a motion; Mat Meeker seconded it, to approve the Security Camera Contract with Federal Protection as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

J.  Computer Network Cabling Contract – Mr. Huff discussed that a Computer Network Cabling Contract with Midwest Computech is needed to extend a fiber optic cable from outside the building to the server.

Allen Wilkins made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to approve the Computer Network Cabling Contract with Midwest Computech as presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried

K.  Debt Service Escrow Agreement – Mr. Huff discussed that the district needs to escrow approximately $150,000 for future payment. This will allow the district to maintain its current debt service levy.

John Stewart made a motion; Matt Wirsig seconded it, to approve the Debt Service Escrow Agreement with Resolution as set forth in document presented. Voice vote taken: Yes- 6, No -0. Motion carried.

Visitors left the meeting at 9:18 p.m.

VII. CLOSED SESSION - There is a Closed Session scheduled pursuant with Missouri State Statute (610.021.(3) (13) RSMo.) Personnel

Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to move to closed session. Roll call vote taken: 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

John Stewart made motion, David Garcia seconded it to approve the minutes of May 17, 2012, May 21, 2012, and June 12, 2012. Roll Call vote taken, 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

Allen Wilkins made a motion, David Garcia seconded it, to approve hire Victoria Cook as high school teacher for the 2012-13 school year as presented. Roll call vote taken: 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

Building Administrators left the meeting at 9:25 p.m.

John Stewart made a motion, Matt Wirsig seconded to take a break at 10:33 p.m. Roll call vote taken: 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

John Stewart made a motion, David Garcia seconded it, to extend a contract to Mitch Towne as Superintendent of Schools, for 2 years 2012/2013 and 2013/14 school years. Roll Call vote taken: 6 –yes, 0 – no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

John Stewart made a motion, David Garcia seconded it, to set the Superintendent Salary for Mitch Towne as Superintendent of Schools at $78,500 for 2 years 2012/2013 and 2013/14 school years. Roll Call vote taken: 6 –yes, 0 – no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes

Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to go out of closed session, record, and vote, and to close any and all personnel and student records which may have been opened. Roll call vote taken: 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried.

Jeff Dull – Yes

David Garcia – Yes

Mat Meeker - Yes

John Stewart – Yes

Allen Wilkins - Yes

Matt Wirsig - Yes


Matt Wirsig made a motion; John Stewart seconded it, to adjourn. Voice vote taken. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

Next Meeting scheduled for July 19, 2012, 8 p.m.


President, Board of Education Secretary, Board of Education