Minutes of the Playing Field Committee Meeting

held on Tuesday 24th February 2015.

At 7.00pm

in the Seminar Room, Papworth Village Hall

Ermine Street South

Present: Paul Phillips, Chairman, (PP), Bob Baker (BB), Barry Hume (BH),

Mark Honeywood (MLH), Eric Abrahms Blasters football(EA), Paulson Xavier

Cricket (PX)

In attendance:Tess Rogers, clerk

1To receive and approve apologies for absence

None received

2To receive declarations of interest.

None received

3 To consider necessary maintenance required to the field

The drainage of the field continues to be very poor and it was considered that the football pitch(es) need to be vertically drained. The clerk was asked to contact Cambourne parish council for details of the contractors they use, with a view to asking said contractors to visit Papworth and potentially contract with them to drain the pitch(es).

4 Update on a potential village cricket team

PX reported that he had the names of eleven individuals potentially prepared to make up a cricket team. The clerk will advertise the need for more players in the forthcoming issue of the News&Views. PP will visit the cricket pitch to determine what work is necessary to return it to a state upon which it can be played.

5Discussion regarding the provision of a venue from which to provide refreshments for sports teams and spectators during the forthcoming summer months

PP said that a sports pavilion is badly needed as the Conservatory (once back up and running) will not cater for the colts football teams etc. BB reminded the committee that the Varrier Jones Trustees had agreed to allowing a temporary building to be placed on the playing field for one year whilst the future of the Conservatory is resolved. PP said it would be possible to erect a sports pavilion and use the Conservatory facilities (beverages, food). The committee agreed to this therefore PP will make such a proposal to the parish council at its meeting on the 11th March.

6Tennis club – report.

There was no representative present.

7 Football clubs – report

7.1 MLH reported his concern that due to the pitch being water logged, games were not being played. PP asked both MLH and EA is the football clubs would be prepared to offer some funding towards the maintenance of the field. Both agreed to approach their clubs with this suggestion.

7.2EA reported that there is now an under 6 (years of age) team. He didn’t think there would be an under 20’s team so wouldn’t need to use the top pitch.

A discussion was held surrounding the possibility of moving the drain covers on the bottom pitch in order to make the pitch longer.

8 Bowls club – report.

There was no representative present

9 Matters for future consideration.

9.1EA raised the question of continued parking on the field

9.2To consider the end of season maintenance required on the field

10Date of next meeting

28th April 2015

Close of meeting.

The meeting was closed at 20.00.



Minutes of the PEPC Playing Fields committee meeting

held on the 24th February 2015.