Commonwealth Honors College

Student Advisory Board Meeting

Date: Friday, February 28th, 2013 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Goodell 504

Examining Role of SAB with relations to other student groups; observe the constitution / Sarah + Associate Dean Gordon / We discussed changing the constitution. We also observed that the duties of the SAB, SGA, and RHA do not overlap but that this transition has the potential to gain power for the SAB. As for planning events (a role laid out in the constitution as ours), these duties and how they will be distributed are still being hammered out by CHC and RHA. As for the actual constitution, it was discussed that there are many changes to the actual running of the board from the document to reality. Also that our purpose statement could use some polishing up. We discussed keeping the legacy by adding amendments or just making changes. We also discussed if anyone has been archiving CHC documents and whether that is an issue the SAB should look into. / -We will create a committee to amend our Constitution.
-We will form a committee with SGA and RHA reps to discuss the complex and how it will be run when the time comes after inviting presidents of said associations to attend an SAB meeting.
Info about CHCRC / Sarah / -info sessions were well attended/geared toward multi-year students
-soph. 1st for suites, then seniors and then juniors for apartments
-eligibility-already in CHC
-costs are out (not final, but good estimate)
-2 faculty in residence
-each room is unique, 360 deg. Tours avail. In summer
-no 9 month housing
-only CHC as of now
Lunch Meetings with Dean Clarkson (3/14 + 3/29) / Associate Dean Gordon / -Dean Clarkson has availability some Fridays, the best being 3/15 and 3/29
-There was concern that it was the Friday before spring break, but we decided people would come anyway and it is more important to have the meeting with the Dean. / -Meetings will happen on 3/15 and 3/29 in place of regularly scheduled Thursday meetings
-3/29 meeting will be with the SGA and RHA (if possible)
Look at progress with tagline, find consensus with course of action / Sarah / -Review of tagline brainstorm from last meeting
-Dean Clarkson warned that we shouldn’t pick a tagline that claims the CHC does things a university does but exemplifies that CHC is above and beyond as an honors college. / -Narrowed down choices to 4:
-Exploring Opportunities.
Achieving Excellence.
-Dare to Know.
-Explore. Connect. Achieve.
-A Community of Scholars.
-These will be brought before Dean Clarkson at 3/15 meeting
-After OK from the Dean, a survey will go out to all CHC students

**Alisha brought up the fact that there are many CHC t-shirts remaining. We need to sell these shirts, so she asked if we could brainstorm ideas of where/when. We came up with a few:
-Goodell Lounge (mediocre success last year, but still a possibility)

-at a “Farewell to Goodell” event

-Accepted students days

-Tabling in the Campus Center

-Outside Goodell on a nice day
