/ Transport
Safety and Security / Transports
Sécurité et sûreté
Transport Dangerous / Direction générale du transport
Goods Directorate / des marchandises dangereuses
330 Sparks Street / 330, rue Sparks
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 / Ottawa ON K1A 0N5

Equivalency Certificate

Certificate No.: SH 11500 (Ren. 1)

Certificate Holder: Laurentide re/sources

Mode of Transport: Road

Issue Date: September 21, 2016

Expiry Date: September 30, 2018


This Equivalency Certificate authorizes Laurentide re/sources, to handle, offer for transport or transport, and authorizes any person to handle or transport by road vehicle, on behalf of the certificate holder, dangerous goods, in a manner that does not comply with sections 2.3, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, and 4.12, and Special Provision 16 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, under the following conditions:

(a) the dangerous goods are intended for disposal, recycling or any other reclamation process. The dangerous goods are residential, commercial or industrial dangerous goods that are in a quantity or concentration available to the general public and are in their original means of containment, as purchased by the retail consumer;

(b) the dangerous goods are handled, offered for transport or transported in compliance with clause 14.1 of Transport Canada Standard TP14850E “Small Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods, Classes 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8 and 9, a Transport Canada Standard”, 2nd Edition, October 2010;

Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

SH 11500 (Ren. 1)


(c) the rigid leakproof outer means of containment are on a dedicated service of providing a drop-off facility at public locations and are used to collect dangerous goods intended for disposal, recycling or any other reclamation process;

(d) the dangerous goods in each outer means of containment are included in primary classes 2.1, 2.2 or 3 only;

(e) the most appropriate generic shipping name may be used to designate the dangerous goods contained in the outer means of containment;

(f) each outer means of containment with a capacity less than or equal to450L is marked with the appropriate dangerous goods safety marks in accordance with sections 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 of Part 4 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. The dangerous goods safety marks must correspond to the generic shipping name selected as per condition (c) of this certificate;

(g) despite sections 4.15, 4.15.2 and 4.15.3 of Part 4 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, each outer means of containment, with a capacity over 450 L, is marked, on2 opposite sides, with the appropriate dangerous goods safety marks illustrated in the Appendix to Part4 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations;

(h) in addition to the requirements of Part 6 (Training) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the certificate holder ensures that the personnel handling, offering for transport or transporting the dangerous goods is trained in regards to the conditions of this Equivalency Certificate;

(i) the shipping document that accompanies the dangerous goods includes the following information legibly and indelibly printed:

“Equivalency Certificate No. SH 11500 (Ren. 1)”

Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

SH 11500 (Ren. 1)


(j) the document that accompanies the means of containment returning to the collection site includes the following information legibly and indelibly printed:

(i) “Equivalency Certificate No. SH 11500 (Ren. 1)”, and

(ii) “Empty means of containment returning to collection site”.

Note: The issuance of this Equivalency Certificate in no way reduces the certificate holder's responsibility to comply with any other requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the Canadian Aviation Regulations not specifically addressed in this certificate.

Signature of Issuing Authority


David Lamarche P. Eng., ing.


Approvals and Special Regulatory Projects
Equivalency Certificate

(Approval issued by the competent authority of Canada)

SH 11500 (Ren. 1)

(The following is for information purposes only and is not part of the certificate.)

Contact Person: Jean-François Desnoyers

Directeur des opérations

Laurentide re/sources

345 rue Bulstrode

Victoriaville QC G6T 1P7

Telephone: 819-758-5497

Facsimile: 819-758-2313


Explanatory Note

This certificate authorizes the certificate holder to transport dangerous goods, which are intended for disposal, recycling or any other reclamation process. These dangerous goods are included in primary classes 2.1, 2.2 or 3 only, and are in their original means of containment, as purchased by the retail consumer. Moreover, this certificate authorizes the use of the most appropriate generic shipping name to designate the dangerous goods contained in the outer means of containment.

This Equivalency Certificate also authorizes the certificate holder to transport empty means of containment, without removing the dangerous goods safety marks, from the disposal site, to a drop-off facility at public locations, when they follow the conditions outlined in this certificate. Due to the “drop-off” nature of the service provided by the applicant, it is reasonable to expect that at any given time the means of containment would be marked with the appropriate safety marks while remaining empty.

Legend for Certificate Number

SH - Road, SR - Rail, SA - Air, SM - Marine

SU - More than one Mode of Transport

Ren. - Renewal

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