English II PAP


J. Williams

Dear Parents:

Pre-AP courses are designed to prepare students for college. They require a higher level of commitment than do the academic level courses. Students who are successful will practice a work ethic required of college students. They will have extensive reading and writing assignments that may need completion at home during evenings and weekends. Students, if you are reading this, you have made a step in preparation for college. I have high expectations for my students, and I will be doing my best to help each student achieve those expectations. Since an open line of communication between parent and teacher is important for student success, the purpose of this letter is to help answer questions you may have.

We will be reading the following:

  • Scientific Brain Research / non-fiction
  • Philosophy / essays
  • Poetry
  • Animal Farm
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • Julius Caesar
  • Oedipus Rex
  • Anthem

Each unit will contain fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and short story selections. Vocabulary, grammar, and writings will be required in each unit.Occasionally, film/videos are used in the classroom in order to illustrate a particular curricular-related concept. This would include the films Julius Caesar, Animal Farm, Merchant of Venice, The Guardian, and Stepford Wives. Your signature will indicate permission for your student to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos related to classroom content and subjects.

The English Department has worked diligently to choose selections that compliment our themes and lend rigor to our course. Should you disagree with our choices, please call after determining a thematically related selection with the same rigor and we will plan an alternate assignment.


* Paper

* Pens & Pencils


* Binder






Late work will always earn a grading penalty!


It is the responsibility of the student to check with the teacher, outside of class (before or after school), for assignments missed due to absences. Students have 1 day for each day absent to turn in the work missed and 3 days to make up any test or quiz missed.


I am available for tutorials before and after school. Students must let me know that they will be attending tutorials so that I will be in the classroom.


  • BE ON TIME! Each class will begin with a class opening assignment. Students are to begin work immediately on the assignment for the day. This assignment will be given to students daily when they walk in the door. If a student is late they will not have the opportunity to do the assignment, and there will be no chance to make it up.
  • Be respectful.
  • Class is in session from bell to bell, but the bell does not dismiss you. I dismiss you.
  • Please gather all trash at the end of the period and deposit it in the wastebasket as you leave.
  • Come to class prepared. Always have your materials ready.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me. The school number is 281-229-6478, and my e-mail is .

Thank you,

Jaime Williams

Parents and students please sign below showing that you have read and understood the rules and class procedures.


Student signature


Printed student name


Parent signature


Parent e-mail


I would also be very grateful if you would respond to the following questions.

  1. I would like to see my child improve in ______.
  1. My son/daughter will need special attention/help with ______.
  1. Please try to make this year one in which my child will be able to ______


  1. Please list any other suggestions or concerns you may have.


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

English II PAP

J. Williams