2005 ADHA Delegates’ Report

Las Vegas, Nevada

ADHA Delegates Clifford Jones, Linda Hewetson, Anne Missig, and Denise Bowers along with ADHA Alternate Delegates Gretchen Matty (funded) and Sandy Winchell (unfunded) represented Ohio outstandingly during the 82nd ADHA Annual Session in Las Vegas, Nevada from June 22nd through June 28th, 2005.

In addition to serving as Delegates, Clifford was invited to serve on Reference Committee B, and Denise was invited to serve on the Minutes Review Committee.

The following Proposed Bylaw Amendments were adopted:

PBY #1:

That, ARTICLE XVI, PUBLICATIONS be amended to read:

Sec. 1 The Journal of Dental Hygiene is the refereed scientific publication of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.

Sec. 2. ADHA will maintain an official website.

Sec. 3. Additional publications may be authorized by the board of trustees.

PBY #2:

That, Article VI, Section 3. be amended to read:

Duties. The appointed officers shall perform duties prescribed by the board of trustees except as otherwise provided in these bylaws.

The executive director shall serve under the direction of the board of trustees as the principal administrative officer of the association; shall supervise and manage the offices of the association and engage all employees as directed by the board of trustees; shall compile reports of all officers, councils and committees for distribution to each member of the board of trustees, speaker of the house, appointed officers, delegates and alternates in advance of the annual session; shall submit to the board of trustees a written annual report; shall submit to the board of trustees a written annual report; shall serve as custodian of all monies, other properties and deeds belonging to the association and hold, invest and disburse the same as directed by the board of trustees; shall serve as secretary of the house of delegates and the board of trustees; shall serve as secretary of the corporation.

PBY #3:

That Article X of the ADHA bylaws be amended to read:



PBY #6:

That, Article Vii, Section #, A, 2 be amended to read:

2. One voting student delegate elected by the twelve student delegates to the ADHA House of Delegates shall have voting privileges during the ADHA House of Delegates. The student delegate receiving the second highest number of votes shall serve as alternate to the voting student delegate.

PBY #7:

That, the SPECIAL RULES OF ORDER FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS (page 16 of the bylaws) be rescinded.

PBY #8:

That, Article X, be amended to read:

Sec. 3 Duties. The committee will investigate all discipline complaints.

The following Proposed Resolutions were adopted:

PR #1:

That, ADHA implement a dues increase of $15.00 effective July 1, 2006, and be it further resolved that that ADHA BOT investigate instituting periodic dues increases and report to the 2006 House of Delegates.

PR #2S:

That, Public Health 14-97/30-75 be amended to read:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association advocates evidence-based oral health management strategies for the prevention of oral and systemic diseases.

PR #3:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association supports a tobacco-free environment in all public facilities.

PR #4:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association advocates the systematic collection of data by dental hygienists to aid in the identification of children and adults.

PR #5:

Amend Licensure 1-02 as follows:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association supports a national dental hygiene examination for licensure that is a valid, reliable and cost-effective assessment of clinical skills.

PR #6:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association supports dental hygiene performing dental triage.

PR #7:

That the American Dental Hygienists’ Association adopt the following definition for inclusion in the glossary.

Dental triage: The screening of clients to determine priority of treatment needs.

PR #8:

That, Continuing Education 10-78 be amended to read:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association advocates collaborative continuing education efforts and exchange of information with other health disciplines to promote optimal total health.

PR #9:

That, Education 17-88 be amended to read:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association supports that radiation-producing imaging devices be operated only by qualified individuals who have successfully completed approved courses that meet state and/or federal regulations for radiation safety.

PR #10:

That, Education 17-91/13-86 be amended as follows:

The American Dental Hygienists’ supports accreditation standards that prepare entry level dental hygienists to assume all the professional roles of a dental hygienist in a variety of settings to meet the preventive and therapeutic health care needs of the public.

PR #11:

That, Continuing Education 9-01 be amended as follows:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association advocates that licensing agencies accept higher education credits pertaining to any of the professional roles of the dental hygienist for continuing education credit.

PR #12:

That the following definition of the professional roles of the dental hygienist be adopted into the glossary:

The American Dental Hygienists’ Association recognizes the professional roles of the dental hygienist to include, but not limited to, those of clinician, educator, advocate, administrator/manager, and researcher, with public health being an integral component of all these roles.

PR #13:

That, the current Council on Annual Session/Association Policy & Bylaws be restructured to be two bodies: a Council on Association Policy & Bylaws and a Standing Committee on Annual Session.

Additional topics of interest discussed during ADHA’s Annual Session included the Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner (ADHP) and a national clinical dental hygiene licensure examination. A proposed ADHP curriculum was disseminated, and the Ohio delegation will share this document with the Ohio Dental Hygiene Directors for their input. The concept of a national clinical dental hygiene licensure examination was well received; however, many questions and concerns have yet to be addressed.

The 2005-2006 ADHA Officers are:

PRESIDENT-ELECT Margaret Lappan Green, CDA, RDH, MS







The 2006 ADHA Annual Session will be in Orlando, Florida at Disney’s Contemporary Resort from June 21-June 27, 2006. The ADHA cost for sleeping rooms will be approximately $200.00/night for single or double occupancy. Make plans now to attend!

This report is informational.

Denise Bowers, R.D.H., M.S.Ed.

ADHA Senior Delegate for Ohio