Course Evaluation Measures Menu

Course number: RAD 250

Course title: Radiographic Pathology

Campus location(s): Georgetown, Wilmington

Core Course Performance Objectives

1. Define basic terminology and concepts related to pathology.

2. Analyze skeletal and traumatic diseases as they apply to radiology.

3. Classify diseases by system, and correlate with radiographic procedures.

Summative Evaluations

Please note: All courses must have a minimum of four summative evaluation measures, and those measures should include a variety evaluation methods (e.g., test, oral presentation, group project). Please list all summative evaluation measures. In addition to these summative measures, a variety of formative exercises/quizzes/other assignments should be used to guide instruction and learning but do not need to be included on this template.

For each measure, please include a scope of the assignment: for example, if requiring a research paper, include the range of required number of words and numbers and types of sources; for a test, include the types and numbers of questions; for a presentation, include the minimum and maximum time, and so on.

CCPO(s) / Evaluation Measures: Include each agreed upon measure and scope of that measure (see above).
#1 Define basic terminology and concepts related to pathology. / Summative Exams (4)
(60-100 points; multiple choice, fill-in, short answer, matching, T/F)
Pathology Case Studies (2-3): rubric provided
*Principles related to each CCPO are covered on multiple exams.
#2 Analyze skeletal and traumatic diseases as they apply to radiology.
#3 Classify diseases by system, and correlate with radiographic procedures.


(Calculated using the following weighted average)

Evaluation Measure / Percentage of final grade
Exams (4) / 85%
Quizzes (formative) / 5%
Pathology Case Studies / 10%
TOTAL / 100%

LIST RELEVANT COURSE POLICIES (e.g., makeup policies for evaluation measures and learning experiences agreed upon collegewide)

Quizzes on the previous week’s material or reading assignments may be given at the beginning of each

class. If a student is not present at the beginning of class and a quiz is given he/she will receive a grade of

0 for that quiz. Quizzes will NOT be given separately nor will students have the opportunity to make up.


In the event that a student misses an exam due to absence, a make-up exam will be given. The following restrictions will apply:

(A)  Only two opportunities to make-up exams will be granted within the curriculum.

(B)  The student must contact the instructor immediately upon return from illness, not to exceed one week, in order to schedule the make-up exam

(Electronic Signature Permitted)

Submitted by (Collegewide Lead): _____Kristie Hellens______Date _____6/23/16______

Approved by counterparts Date _____6/13/16______

Reviewed by Curriculum Committee Date ______