LESSON PLAN: Paper Mosaics

University of Southern Indiana,

Art Education Division,

Art 395:003 Introduction to Art Education, Fall 2009

1/ Title of Solo Lesson Plan: Paper Mosaics

2/ Team members: Kristen Singleton

3/ Age group: 1st Grade

4/ Location: South Knox Elementary School

5/ Time: May 2, 2009

6/ Aim: Student will create a paper mosaic inspired by the people of Israel.

7/ Objectives:

By the end of the class period, students will be able to:

Art History

  • Explore the ways that art reflects a culture. (1.1.1)
  • Discuss individual art experiences in daily life. (1.1.5)

Art Criticism

  • Describe sensory, formal, technical, and expressive properties in works of art using appropriate vocabulary. (1.3.1)
  • Construct possible meanings in works of art and support opinions with personal response properties found in the work, and background information. (1.3.2.)


  • Demonstrate curiosity and personal insight through observing and discussing works of art. (1.5.1)

Art Production

  • Create their own interpretation of Israeli mosaics in using cut pieces of paper to create their own paper mosaics with inspiration from their own life. (1.6.2)

8/ Sequence of teaching time/ Instruction approaches

2 min. – Introduction

  • Getting to know one another: names, favorite place to visit, and age

5 min. – History

  • Discuss the characteristics of Mosaics
  • Discuss briefly Islamic mosaics in synagogues and churches
  • Provide information on the discovery by Professor E.L. Sukenik
  • Show to the students some photos of ancient mosaics in Israel

5 min- Aesthetics

  • Overview of the elements of art, “ABC’s of art”

5 min. – Demonstration

  • Making paper mosaics inspired by Israelis using the elements of art

3 min. – Questions

  • Quick overview of the lesson so far

40 min. – Start the Individual projects

5 min. - Clean –up

  • Before discussion

5 min. – Discussion

  • Give students the opportunity to explain their artwork

2 min. – Summary of the activity

2 min. – Assessment of the children’s artworks and discussion of each other’s artwork

9/ Type of art experience: children will use paper, glue, and scissors to create their own paper mosaic integrating the elements of art.

10/ Resources to facilitate instruction: visual aid using a PowerPoint presentation to show the different mosaics of Israeli as well as an overview of the elements of art.

11/ Art supplies/Tools/Equipment: paper, glue, and scissors

12/ Vocabulary:

  • Mosaic: A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface.
  • Line: the mark created by points on the picture plane (multiple points joined together to form a line, picture plane = any surface).
  • Color: hue, black or white or hue that you see
  • Shape: two dimensional (2D): length + width= geometric shapes like circles triangles, etc.
  • Form: three dimensional (3D) length + width + depth = geometric forms like cubes and cylinders.
  • Texture: the surface quality that can be felt or seen
  • Space: the flat surface of the picture plane
  • Value: lightness or darkness of a color as in the tint or shade of the artwork

13/ Special considerations:

  • Children with glasses sit in the front to see the power point on small slides.

14/ References:

Uduehi, Joseph. Introduction to Art Education Class. 10 Sept. 2009

15 Clean-up: Children will clean up before discussion of their artwork.

16/ Assessment: of the Instruction and Children’s artwork