Daily Departmental Summaries of Issues, 2702

Summaries of Receipts, 2705

Monthly Abstracts of Departmental Summaries of Issues and Receipts, 2706

Proforma Summaries, 2708

Time Table for Despatch of Daily Summaries of Receipts or Issues, 2712

Reconciliation with Group Ledgers, 2713

Monthly Bills, 2714

Register of Departmental Summaries, 2715

Check of Departmental Summaries, 2716

Issues to Capital Works and to Surveys, 2717

Acceptance of Last Departmental Summaries, 2718

Issues of Transfer Certificates, 2720

Suspense Account Register, 2721

Sales Account Register, 2722

Issue Notes relating to Sales, 2725

Bills for Sales dues, 2726

Deposit Miscellaneous Account (Issue) Registers, 2729

Reconciliation of Sales and Deposit Miscellaneous Account Registers, 2731

Auction Sale Accounts, 2733

List of Refunds 2735

Auctioneer's Commision Bills, 2737

Loading Charges, 2738

Miscellaneous Advances Account Register Capital, 2739

The Stock Adjustment Account, 2740

Posting and Reconciliation 2741

Clearance of the Balance in the Stock Adjustment Accounts, 2742

Depot Transfer, 2746

Stores -in-Transit "Purchases", 2748

Reconciliation of Balances in Stores-in-Transit Registers with General Books, 2751



2701. Bills have to be issued for stores supplies (debits) from Stores Depots and payments (credits) have tobe made for stores received from outside sources in stores depots. In the case of all issues an in the case of receipts of stores from departments and workshops of the railway, (i.e. excluding supply by purely outside agencies), debits and credits are originated by the Stores Accounts Officer,the following procedure being followed. Summaries of such receipt or issue vouchers (including Depot Transfer Issues but excluding Issue Note, relating to auction sales, sales for cash and issues chargeable to Miscellaneous Advances Accounts) will be prepared periodically for each departments or workshop to be debited for ' credited up-to-date total being carried forward periodically and, supported by copies of the vouchers included therein, will be forwarded to the department concerned. The summary issued the last day of the month will be the bill. This procedure enables the departments to carry out the duties at their end in connection with the vouchers progressively from period to period instead of the entire bulk of the work descending on them once a month only. The chart shown below illustrates the above procedure along with that for reconciliation together with the subsequent steps to be taken incorporation of the Transactions in the General Books.

Chargeable to Departments / Chargeable to heads of accounts internally in Stores Accounts Office.
Advices of Credits and Debits / Proforma Summaries (Para 2708)



Abstracts of Receipts or Issues or Heads of Accounts. (S. 2706)
Consolidated Journal Slip
General Books / Periodically reconciled with Monthly Abstract of Group (S. 2709) vide Chart I Para 2603.
Reconciled Monthly with totals of Receipts and
Issues of Depots Group Ledgers vide Para 2617.
Reconciled with Consolidated Group Ledger (S.2618) vide Chart II Para 2603.

2702. Departmental Summaries of Issues - The duplicate copies of the Issue Notes (the bill foils) should be sorted according to the departments or workshop to which stores have been issued. They should be the then checked with the advice of debits (Issue Departmental Summary) received from the Computer Centre. They should be then entered into Advice of Debits which should be prepared in duplicate by Carbon process in Form S. 2702.

Form No. 2702


Summary of Issue Notes showing the total value of Stores issued to the Department/ Division for the period from………………………….. to………………….

Period / Amount / Remarks
From / To / Rs. / P.
Brought forward. As per this period.
Total :

Separate series of numbers commencing from unit, each month should be allotted to Debit and Credit Summaries to each department. Numbers for debit and credit summaries should be distinguished by the letter 'I' and 'R' respectively being added to the numbers allotted to such summaries.

2703. Each item of a voucher should be separately entered in ft summary.

2704. Deleted

2705. Summaries of Receipts: - Advice Notes for Returned Stores (S. 1539) and for Materials supplied to Stores by Workshops (S. 1531) should be sorted by the departments and shops concerned and checked in the same manner and summary supplied as laid down in paragraph 2701 in the form shown below:

Form S. 2705



...... ………Depot

showing the total value of stores supplied/returned to the………………….Depot by……………..

…………….Dept./Divn./Shop on……………………….19…………..

Period / Amount / Voucher / Amount
From / To / Rs. / P. / No. / Date / Rs. / P.
Carried over / Brought Forward Carried over

Total from…………………………..(date) to………………………………………...(date) as per

Advice of Credit No……………………………………………..dated……………………………

Total for………………………….(date) as per this Advice of Credit.

Total upto…………………………………

Store Accounts Office,



Stores Accounts Officer

2706. Monthly Abstracts of Departmental Summaries of Issues and Receipts: After the postings for the period have been completed, the total to the end of previous period is struck. This total of each summary should be entered in a Monthly Abstract of Summaries which should be maintained separately for receipts and issues in the following form-

Form S. 2706

Abstract of Issues/Receipts of……………………………Depot for the month of ...... 19

period / Value of issues to or receipts from / Value of issues or receipts from / And so on / Total value of Issue/ or
receipts / Remarks
From / To

Agreed with the Group Ledger for the month of ……………………………….19…………….

Stores Accounts 0fficer

...... Depot.

2707. It will be seen from paragraph 2902 that the head Capital Suspense is divided into several Main-Heads among which "Stores Suspense" is one, which again is divided into several sub and detailed heads (for facility of reference and reconciliation with connected subsidiary registers and accounts) among which also appear headings styled ‘Stores in Stock-in Depots’ 'Stores in Stock-Fuel (Coal)' and 'Stores in Stock-Fuel (Diesel)' vide Paragraph 2903. This represents the priced ledgers. The group summaries and the Group ledger represent the receipt and issue transactions in the priced ledgers. Paragraph 2613 provides reconciliation with the Monthly Abstracts of Issues and Receipts (S. 2706). For this purpose in general, and particularly for the purpose of providing a subsidiary journal for the transactions posted in the priced ledger to facilitate the collecting together of all such transactions posted in one place with reference to the contra heads of accounts affected (whereby one journal slip could be prepared for incorporation in the accounts) the following nature of transactions should also be posted in the Abstract of Receipts and Issues (S. 2706) so that it is a complete record of all transactions passing though the priced ledgers. Such transactions are those for which debits or credits are not made against departments, or shops but against other heads of accounts under Capital Suspense.

2708. Proforma Summaries- Separate series of summaries detailed head-wise (not to be issued) should, therefore, be prepared for the following kinds of vouchers, viz. Receipt Summaries for: -

(a)Advices of Receipts for purchases-Imported.

(b) Receipt Notes for Purchases-Indigenous Purchases by Railways including Railway Board.

(c) Receipt Notes for Purchases through Centralised agencies such as DGS & D, CSRP, etc.

(d) Depot transfer of Receipts and Issues.

(e) Vouchers for Credits to Stock Adjustment Account.

(f) Vouchers for Debits to Stock Adjustment Account.

(g) Vouchers for material received after fabrication.

(h) Vouchers for material received on loan.

Issue Summaries for: -

(a) Auction Sale Issue Notes.

(b) Issue Notes for Direct Sales on cash payment:

(c) Issue Notes in connection with issues by debit to Miscellaneous Advances.

2709. The summaries would be prepared in the same manner as laid down in paragraph 2703, but not necessarily on the forms of Advice of Debits or Credits, and the periodical total entered in the Monthly Abstracts of Receipts or Issues (S. 2706) as laid down in paragraph 2706.

2710. The total of the entries for a period in the Monthly Abstract of Receipts or Issues (S. 2706) should be reconciled with the total postings for the period with respective Monthly Abstract of Group Summaries (S. 2709) in the manner laid down in paragraph 2613.

2711. After this reconciliation has been effected, one copy of the periodical summary of Receipt or Issue should be sent to thedepartment concerned for that period.

2712. Time Table for despatch of Summaries of Receipts of Issues- As a rule, the summaries should issue without delay along with the vouchers from the Accounts Office. Thus, if the Accounts Office is adjacent to the depot, the summaries relating to the vouchers of the last day of a month should issue in the first week of the following month. The periodicity of the periodical summaries shall be fixed by the FA & CAO in consultation with their Controller of Stores, subject to the condition that the summary for the last day of the month, is not delayed beyond the first week of the following month.

2713. Reconciliation with Group Ledgers- At the end of the month, the Monthly Abstracts of Receipts or Issues (S. 2706) should be totalled and the Grand Total agreed with the corresponding total of the receipt and issue appearing on the Group Ledgers for the Depots, as laid down in paragraph 2617.

2714. Monthly Bills- The periodical summary for the last date of the month should be prepared in triplicate and would form the monthly bill of credits or debits. Two copies of the same should be sent to department concerned for acceptance, allocation and return of one copy. The journal slip for the month should be prepared based on the initial allocation given on the vouchers.

2715. Register of Departmental Summaries- A register (S.2715) should be maintained in manuscript in two parts, one for receipts and one for issues and should shown the number and date of the last summaries and the total amount for the month and the designation and station of the departmental officers concerned. It will be used to watch the acceptances of the debits or credits raised. On receipt of acceptance of the summary, the dates should be entered against the items concerned in the register. The register should have columns to note down the allocations as shown by the officers accepting the bills. At the end of the month the various columns should be totalled and the journal slip mentioned in paragraph2707 prepared crediting or debiting General or Engineering Stores by contra adjustment to the transfer head concerned.

2716. Check of Departmental Summaries- Departmental Officers receiving periodical Summaries should first see from the consecutive numbering that every previous summary has been received, and if any have gone astray should call for them or for the copies. They should then "allocate" the summary and post the Allocation Register or Work Register, as the case may be. The copies of the issue notes received with the summaries should be paired with the accepted copies of issue notes forwarded by the indentors, and should there be issue notes for stores not received or received in a damaged condition, they should take up the matter with the Stores or the Traffic Department vide paragraphs (2128 to 2138); but they must in the first instance take all issue notes into account without exception, leaving any readjustments arising out of such loss or damage to be made subsequently, when the question has been settled. The cost of such stores, should be allocated meanwhile to Miscellaneous Advances Account after duly advising the Accounts Deptt. Departmental Officers will be entirely responsible for seeing that this account is expeditiously cleared.

2717. Issues to Capital Works and to Surveys- In all cases in which stores are issued to Works or to Surveys, a charge of 5 per cent should be added to the book value of stores. The credit for this percentage charge should be afforded to Revenue A. 490.

In the case of issues to all Works and Surveys not funded from railway finances i.e. deposit works for non- railway bodies on additional charge of 12,1/2 % should be levied on account of departmental charges, giving the contra credit to earnings (Z-412).

2718. Acceptance of Last Departmental Summaries- If a Departmental Officer has allocated and posted his Summaries punctually and regularly there should be no delay in the allocation and return to the Stores Accounts Office of the last summary (i.e. bills). It is essential that the total amount of the last summary should be allocated in full. The final summaries duly accepted should be sent to the Stores Accounts Office by the 10 th of the month in which they were received. If the allocated vouchers are not received in time, the vouchers should be allocated based on the initial allocation of the vouchers. Any discrepancies noticed shall be adjusted subsequently.

2719. It may sometimes happen that vouchers pertaining to one branch or division are entered wrong. Mistakes of the above nature should be promptly set right when they are noticed, or are brought to notice of the concerned Accounts Officer. But if the final summary for the month has issued that summary should nevertheless be accepted by the officer concerned in full and any adjustment necessary carried out in the accounts of the following month.

2720. Issue of Transfer Certificates- In the case of railway/production unit where the entire Accounts Organisation is centralised in the Headquarters of the railway no transfer certificates are necessary, the necessary booking to the respective accounts being made from Journal Slips prepared on the authority of the accepted last summary or the allocation summary as the case may be.

2721. Suspense Accounts Registers- Suspense Accounts Registers have to be maintained sub-detailed head-wise in connection with transactions of certain categories such as sales, issues on suspense account, etc. in order to maintain proper accounts to facilitate recovery of dues to the railway or watch clearance of outstanding items. Such registers in connection with the transactions posted in the Priced Ledger are:

(a) Sale Account Registers (Para 2722)

(b)Deposits Miscellaneous Accounts Register (Para 2729)

(c)Miscellaneous Advances Account Register (Para 2739)

(d)Stock Adjustment Account Register (Para 2740) and

(e)Stores-in-Transit Account Register (Para 2746)

2722. Sale Account Registers- Separate registers for each depot separately for fuel and other than fuel should be maintained in the following form for recording

(a)Sale to Railway employees

(b)Sales to outside Parties--Cash Sales

(c)Sales to Outside Parties-Sales by tender

(d)Sales to Outside Parties--Auction Sales

(e)Sales to other Railways

(f)Sales to other Government Departments

(g)Export Sales

(h)Sales to Public Undertakings

Form No.S.2722


Particulars / Voucher / April / And so on for other months of the year
No. / Date / Debits / Credits / Balance

2723. Debits are posted from Sales Issue Notes and Credits are posted from:-

(i)Transfer Certificates in connection with cashbooks of the Treasurer or cash remittances into stations or the Cash Receipt issued by the Cashier of the Railway.

(ii)Accepted transfer certificates received from other Railways. Credits should be posted against the individual debits.

2724. Separate pages should be allotted for each auction in the case of the Register for Auction Sales Account and for each tenderer in the case of sales by tender.

2725. Issue Notes relating to sales- Sales of stores by auction and sales either directly or by tender to other railways, Government Departments, outsiders and railway employees are accounted for through issue notes marked "sale". These should be sorted out by particular auctions, departments, offices, etc. The correctness of the quantities and charges shown in the issue notes should be checked with the Sale Orders or Sale Order Register (S. 2335) or Lot Register in case of auctions and entries regarding particulars of the issue note should be made therein. This issue note should then be posted into the relevant Sales Registers (S. 2722).

Note-Inthe case of centralised Accounts Offices, no Sale Order Register need be maintained, the copies of the Sale Order themselves being filed chronologically and used for reference.

2726. Bills for Sale Dues- In cases of Sales where payments will be made by book adjustment, a bill should be made out in triplicate in the form shown below:

Form No. S. 2726


No…………………………… Date…………………………

The……………………….. Dr. to…………………… Railway on account of Stores sold to him as per particulars shown below in compliance with his requisition/tender No….…………………………………..

Issue Note / Particulars / Quantity / Rate / Unit value
No. / Date

Add percentage charges under



Date…………………… Stores Accounts Officer


2727. The bill should show particulars of the requisition or application for sale, the issue notes, amount and name of party concerned. The freight and departmental charges that have to be levied under paragraphs 2328, 2329 and 2331 should be added to the amount of the bills where necessary. Before issue, the bill should be checked with the entry of conditions of sale in the Sale Order Register (S. 2325) to see that the percentage charges are not omitted. One copy of the bill will be retained as an office copy and the remaining two copies alongwith one copy of the issue note should be sent to the head of the office concerned immediately after the preparation of the periodical Summaries of Issues and in the case of frequent sales. to the same party during the month, by the 10 th of the month following that in which the stores were issued.

2728. When the credits for the amounts billed for are received, the value of the stores should be posted in the Sales Register (S. 2722) and the recovery of freight and incidental charges should be credited to Abstract A. 490 and that of departmental charges to Abstract 'Z" earnings. The latter credit is to be passed on the Traffic Accounts Branch through a local Transfer Certificate. In case of Production Units, these charges should be credited to Overheads (Workshop Manufacturing Suspense).

2729. Deposits-Miscellaneous Account (Issue) Register- The amounts paid by the purchaser in advance either as Security Deposit or Earnest Money or Sales Tax collected for Stores sold are credited to the head "Deposits-Miscellaneous Account (Issue)" and posted in this register. When the security or earnest money is refunded /or the sales tax collected is remitted to State Governments, the head "Deposits Miscellaneous" is debited by credit to "Cash (Railway Revenue)". In case in which the earnest money/ security deposit is adjusted towards the sale price the corresponding credit would be to "sales". All debit entries in the register towards refund etc. of Security Deposit or earnest money or the sales tax payment to the State Government, which affect the credits under "Deposits- Miscellaneous Stores", should be initiated by the Accounts Officer (Stores).