Strategies and Activities

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Evaluation Method and Determination of Success

A.  Curriculum (Essential Standards) Implementation Across the Building
i.  Teach the Core District Essentials at each grade level. Instruction will be based on the district curriculum that targets what students need to know to be prepared for the state standards. / All teachers / August-May / Term Essentials from District and curriculum materials / District Resources / Term Essentials for 2014-2015 with teachers by May 2014
ii. 2 ½ hours of Literacy Instruction per day will be mandatory at all grade levels. 30 minutes 4 days a week of intervention and enrichment time will be dedicated to mastery of term essentials and extension of core curriculum. / Leadership Team to ensure master schedule / August-May / Time to develop master schedule / None Needed / Master schedule is ready for teachers to begin planning in May 2015 for the school planning day
iii. 80% of students achieving proficiency on Quarterly Interim
Assessments. All students will demonstrate growth from Quarter to Quarter on Interim Assessments. / All Students All teachers
All Staff / August-May / New Sage Formative Tests created by teacher and District for Interim / Data Analysis Sheets from SAGE
B. Assessment of Student Achievement and Use of Data, including what assessments will be used to measure progress
i. Teachers in grades 3-6 will use SRA as a monthly progress monitoring in the Big 5 elements of reading. / All teachers 3-6 / August-May / Training for 3-6 grade teachers in implementation and scoring of SRA / To be done by the afternoon of Aug 15th, Teachers will be trained by Kate Pace
ii. K-2 grade level will use DIBELS Benchmark and Progress Monitoring in reading to determine students’ reading level and ability to comprehend grade level text. 3rd grade will use DIBELS Benchmark. / All teachers K-2 / August-May / Training for K-2 teachers in Progress Monitoring using DIBELS
iii. Grades 3-6 level will develop and administer the End of Quarter Interim Assessment using a common formative assessment from SAGE. Data will be analyzed during Data Dives with grade level teams, during Data Meetings with Leadership Team and during PLCs to plan Intervention and Enrichment. K-2 grades will be administering and analyzing the DIBELS progress of students / All teachers / August-May / 3-6 grade teachers will be helped by District Curriculum and Assessment Personnel to create New Formative Sage Interim Assessments / District Title 1 funds will be used to pay for substitutes / Tests will be created October 13 and 14 and then again in January. Tests will be administered within each testing window.
C. Engagement of All Staff, including a description of how teachers were included in assessment decisions
i. Grades 3-6 level will develop and administer the End of Quarter Interim Assessment using a common formative assessment from SAGE. Data will be analyzed during Data Dives with grade level teams, during Data Meetings with Leadership Team and during PLCs to plan Intervention and Enrichment. K-2 grades will be administering and analyzing the DIBELS progress of students / All teachers / August-May / Time during PLCs to analyze pre test and post test data and create groups / None needed--PLC activity and Common Prep Time during week (60 minutes) / Teachers fill out and share Google docs to indicate tests given and what interventions or enrichment students need using these data points (DIBELS, SRA, Big 5 testing, Reading Plus, etc)
ii. 3-6 grade teachers will be supported in the creation of new common formative assessments from SAGE. These tests will be given in the first and third terms. A SAGE interim will also be given in the second term. / 3-6 grade teachers / August-May / 3-6 grade teachers will be helped by District Curriculum and Assessment Personnel to create New Formative Sage Interim Assessments / District Title 1 funds will be used to pay for substitutes. / Tests will be created October 13 and 14 and then again in January. Tests will be administered within each testing window.
iii. K-2 grade level will use DIBELS Benchmark and Progress Monitoring in reading to determine students’ reading level and ability to comprehend grade level text. / K-2 / August-May / Title 1 aides cover teachers’ classes so they can progress monitor students weekly / Weekly on Friday mornings throughout the school year

Strategies and Activities

/ Owner/Lead / Start/End
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Funding Source


Evaluation Method and Determination of Success

D. Interventions
i. Underserved Population ELL students and SpEd students. Currently, the gaps between proficiency of non-ELL and ELL students is 37%. The gap is 44% for SpEd students. Data came from 2013 CRTs. 179 students scored 1-3 on WIDA Access Test, 91 students scored 4-5. Kindergarten and new students were tested on the W-Apt and their scores have not been included yet.
All students scoring 1-2 will have an additional 30 minutes four days per week in a ratio no greater than 1:6 setting to learn BICS. In first grade this help will given in the classroom during guided reading. In grades 2-6 this help will be given in a pull out session.
Special Education students will receive help specific to their IEP goals and learning needs in a 30 minute intervention group when the rest of their grade level will also be receiving help. These interventions will be taught by our Special Education teachers. Special Education students will also receive ½ hour of support during the Tier 1 time in their general education class. / SpEd Teachers and ELL para educators / August-May / ELL intervention for 1 and 2 on WIDA
Treasures resources / Special Education money for teachers, 5805 Reading Achievement, 5364 SARS, 7612 Title III, 5422 School Trustlands / Hot Students Google Doc, District Quarterly Assessments, SRA, DIBELS, WIDA Access Exams for ELL students, SRI for special education students
Goal: ELL students grow one level on WIDA Access Exams in Spring 2014 to Spring 2015.
Goal: 50% of Special Education students will score on grade level using SRA or DIBELS tests.
ii. During the School Day All students will receive grade level instruction during Tier I from classroom teacher. They will receive appropriate interventions during Tier II with appropriately assigned staff both certified teachers and Highly Qualified instructional assistants.
Early Reading Intervention is used to help Kindergartners with their reading during 30 minutes of intervention time daily. / Grade level, all teachers / August-May / Master Schedule, Interventions, Computer Lab, Intervention Teachers / School and District Title I / Results of achievement on Quarterly Assessments will help determine effectiveness of interventions each child received.
iii. Extended Day/Year
Students who are identified by their teachers using SRA and DIBELS tests will receive interventions in an after school program. Some of the same certified staff who are helping with interventions during the day will help in the after school program. / All teachers, after school coordinator, and certified intervention teachers / August-April / Current data for each student attending after school to monitor progress, invitations to attend, / 21 Century grant, 4-H grant, Trustlands money / Ongoing data to determine who attends, afterschool to start September 2, 2014 and go through April 3, 2015
iv. Extension/Enrichment Students who are identified on DIBELS progress monitoring, LA interim assessments, SRA testing and during class observations who are above proficient on current concepts will be grouped with a certified teacher, a certified intervention teacher and/or a Highly Qualified Instructional Assistant to receive instruction in “good to knows” and other enrichment experiences. / Grade level, all teachers / August-May / Assessment data to determine who has mastered essentials / None needed / Data analysis sheets determine which students receive Enrichment and staff that will teach Enrich
E. Transitions (between grades and schools)
i. Preschool to Kindergarten transition plan: School Title I Coordinator attends transition meetings with Preschool faculty and reports all data to kindergarten teachers. Preschool focus students are included as kindergarten focus students from the beginning of the school year. All-day vs. half-day recommendations are considered. / Title I Coordinator, Kindergarten teachers / April transition meetings, Students are placed in all day Kindergarten based on Kindergarten pre-test / Files of students enrolled in Title I preschool or Headstart. / None needed. / Hot Student Google Doc
ii. 6th grade to Middle School Transition: 6th grade students have the registrar, music faculty, and others visit Timpanogos to explain classes and registration process to students. 6th graders attend a day sponsored by Dixon Middle School to meet their teachers and turn in registration packets. Teachers fill out recommendations based on student performance for honors and accelerated classes. / 6th Grade Teachers / March-April / Registration packets, student recommendation forms / Success demonstrated at Dixon Middle School
iii. Grade level teachers create class lists for their students for the next grade based on academic performance, behavior, and any other pertinent factors on a Google Document that is shared with the next grade level teachers. The Principal looks over these recommendations and makes final class lists. / All teachers / May / Google docs / None needed / Equitability among focus students, Sped, ELL, and other populations for each teacher yearly.
iv. The special education coordinator transitions students with IEPs from preschool to Timpanogos and from Timpanogos to Dixon Middle School. The coordinator also holds meetings with teachers at the beginning of the school year to inform each teacher that has students with IEPs. / Special Education Coordinator / April-August / None needed / Equitability among focus students, sped, ELL, and other populations for each teacher yearly and Success demonstrated at Dixon Middle School
F. Professional Development
i. WIDA standards training, including “I can” statements for each level ELL students. / All teachers, District ELL Coordinator, ELL Para Educators / November / “I can” books for each teacher / None Needed / Training will be held November 18
ii. Progress Monitoring for DIBELS K-3 / All Teachers, Marian Manuele, a District Trainer in DIBELS / September 2014 / None Needed / Progress Monitoring Data in mClass
iii. Teachers continue to attend district trainings that include Learning Targets, common core workshops, ESL endorsement classes, Big 8 strategies, Promethean training, etc. / Teachers as needed / Dates set for District Early Out for Learning Target Training / Some provided by district funds, some school M&O, Dual Immersion Budget / Observations by Principal, coaches and mentors

Strategies and Activities

/ Owner/Lead / Start/End
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Funding Source


Evaluation Method and Determination of Success

G. Communication / Parent and Community Engagement
i.  Develop and implement parent Home to School Connection Nights to support student achievement connected to times when parents come to school. Title 1 Coordinator meets with each grade level to determine the focus of each night and the materials to be given to families. / Title 1 Coordinator, All teachers / Month of September / Materials prepared by Title 1 Coordinator under the direction of grade level teachers / Title 1 Parent/Community Budget / Parent and student attendance, parent surveys, and teacher surveys
ii. Title 1 Annual Meeting / Title 1 Coordinator / Month of September / Power Point of Title 1 regulations and Timpanogos achievement data / Title 1 Parent/Community Budget / Parent and student attendance, parent surveys, and teacher surveys
iii. Variety of parent involvement activities to include Holiday Sing Along with general PTA meeting, PTA carnival, Science Family Night, Internet Safety Night, 5th/6th grade music nights, Family Summer Kick Off BBQ, grade level student showcase nights determined by each grade level, etc. / Title I Coordinator, Music Teachers, PTA / August-May / Snacks, food, cost of printing materials / Title 1 Parent/Community Budget / Parent and student attendance, parent surveys, and teacher surveys
iv. Student led conferences act as a showcase for student improvement / Teachers, Students / November, February / Spanish Translators / BYU volunteers / Parent rolls and survey of effectiveness
H. Differentiation (Instructional Delivery)
i. 80%: Grade level essentials have been outlined for each term by the district as need-to-knows. Teachers focus whole group instruction on those essentials and use student performance on common grade-level assessments to determine mastery or need for intervention. Treasures serves as a curriculum resource. / All grade level teachers / None Needed (Treasures materials purchased in past years) / None Needed / Grade-level pre and post assessments, District Quarterly Interim Assessments, Treasures Assessments
ii. 15%: The master schedule has been adjusted to include 30 minutes of literacy intervention for remediation/enrichment as needed. Two full-time certified teachers, two paraprofessionals, and 32 computers (computer lab) are added to each grade level during that time to provide targeted instruction in smaller groups based on performance data. / All grade level teachers, intervention teachers, intervention paras, Computer Lab para educator / Intervention teachers and paras and software programs / School Title I / Google doc of interventions, common pre and post assessments
iii. 5%: Special education intervention times are coordinated within the master schedule to be during the same targeted intervention times mentioned in Differentiation ii to deliver instruction based on IEP goals. This allows students to be in general education classes for core instruction in order to have access to grade level essentials. Special Education teachers will support general education teachers for ½ hour during Tier 1 instruction time to help students with their IEP goals. / All grade level teachers, special education teachers / Special Education teachers and paras and software programs / District and School Special Education Funding / Google doc of special education interventions and general education focus students, common pre and post assessments
I. Other
i. Attach evidence of highly qualified teachers and Paras
All teachers and paraprofessionals are currently highly qualified.
ii. How highly qualified staff will be recruited and retained
a.  Timpanogos is a school with a great deal of technology. Most 3-6 grade classrooms have 1 computer/per 2 students, we have 6 mobile computer labs and one wired computer lab, each teacher has a promethean board in their classroom.
b.  Timpanogos has a friendly faculty and staff with very little turn over year to year.
c.  Teachers are provided with professional development to keep them up to date with current best practices.
J. Attach scientifically Based Research Support for the goal / All programs used at Timpanogos are researched based and on the approved list of programs designated by Provo School District.

Page 5 School Improvement Plan ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Goal 2012-2014