Application Ref No.

Application Form: Front of House Assistant

There are 6 sections to this form.

Sections 1 to 3 will be separated from your application by a member of staff not involved in the selection process before your application is reviewed and assessed.

Section 1: Your Name and Contact Details

First Name

Section 2: General Information

Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1976, are there any convictions which you are required to disclose? / Yes / No
Are you aware of anything that may affect your ability to take up employment if offered? / Yes / No
If you have answered yes to either of the above questions, please provide full details on a separate sheet marked ‘Private and Confidential’.
Do you need a work permit or visa to work in the UK? / Yes / No
If yes, do you have a work permit as at the date of this application? / Yes / No
What is the date of issue?
What is the place of issue?
What is the date of expiry?
NB Section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 requires all employers in the United Kingdom to make a basic document checks on every person they intend to employ.
Successful applicants will be required to show proof of their right to work in the UK.

Section 3: Declaration

I hereby consent to Free Word processing the data on this form, and (if applicable) subsequent data collected during the administration of my term of employment in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
I confirm that information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. Any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection of my application or, if employed, my dismissal.
I also understand that an Enhanced DBS Disclosure may be sought in the event of a successful application.
Signature / Date
Electronic submissions: please type your name and the date above. These details, together with your attached email, will be deemed to form an electronic signature.

Application Form: Front of House Assistant

Section 4: Your Letter of Application

Below, on no more than 1 side of A4 (minimum 11pt) tell us what attracts you to this position and, using the Person Specification, demonstrate how your skills and experience qualify you for the post.

Use your preferred font and style. Do not sign your letter, or include your name or contact details.

You may delete these instructions if you wish, to fit your letter onto 1 side.

Application Form: Front of House Assistant

Section 5: Your CV

Below, please include your CV outlining your relevant education and experience on a maximum of 3 sides of A4 (minimum 11pt). Use your preferred font, style and length. Exclude your name, age, marital status, and any other personal or contact details.

Application Form: Front of House Assistant

Section 6: Your Availability

During the weeks beginning 19 February 2018, are there any days or mornings/afternoon you wouldnot be available for interview?
If offered the position, when would you be able to start work?
If offered the position, are there any limitations on the days or hours you would be available to work? If so please give details.

-End of form -

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