Expositors Quest a.m.

A Ministry of Kent Christian Church

Name: ______


Chapter 1

1.  (1) Who is the author of the book? (2) In your own words, how do you know? ______

2.  V2-3 (1) who is Jacob? And who is Esau? (2) When did God indicate that Jacob was going to be an heir to Abraham’s promise? (Hint consult Genesis 25:19-26) ______

3.  In v3 God states; “but I have hated Esau.” What does hate mean?

A.  To love less

B.  To have an extreme dislike for

C.  To hate because of the stubborn refusal to repent

D.  Other

·  Defend your answer: ______

4.  V6 God, through Malachi asks the people three questions, (1) what are these two questions? (2) In your own words what do these two questions means? ______

5.  How have the priests despised God’s name? (list verse numbers) ______

6.  Why did God advise that someone would shut the gates that useless fires would not be kindled on His altar? (Consult v11-14!) ______

Chapter 2

  1. V1-3 (1) what command did God give the priests? (2) What would be the consequences if the priests refused to obey? ______
  2. What is the covenant with Levi? (Hint: see Numbers 3:1-13; 45; 18:21) ______
  3. (1) What specific indictment does Malachi bring against the priests with respect to the people? (Hint: consult 6-9) ______
  4. In your own view, why does Malachi begin his rebuke of Israel with the priests? ______
  5. V10-17 what specific sins does Malachi indict the people of? ______

Chapter 3

  1. (1) V1-3 how many N.T. people is Malachi referring to? (2) Tell who he or they are. (defend your answer) ______
  2. V8-11 what indictment does Malachi bring against the people? ______
  3. Matthew 4:1-11 records the temptation of Jesus, in v7 Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:16 to Satan; “it is written, You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” In Malachi 3:8-12 God gives the people permission to test him with regard to a certain reality. (1) What is this reality? (2) How is this not contradictory with the statement that Jesus made to Satan? ______
  4. Who are “they” in v17? (Give details that Malachi provides) ______

Chapter 4

  1. Malachi contrasts two groups of people, (1) who are these people? (2) What verses depict these people? ______
  2. In your own words, interpret v2 ______