Unit 1: Kindness Grade 2
Suggested Timeframe: 4-6 weeks *Including Getting Started Lessons
Unit Essential Question: How can showing kindness to those around
you impact your environment?
Imagine It! Big Idea: How can you show kindness to others?
· Because of You (Fiction)
· For the Love of Our Earth (Rhyming Fiction)
· The Elves and the Shoemaker (Fairy Tale)
· The Lion and the Mouse ( Fable)
· Corduroy (Fantasy)
· “Dear Tulips” (Poetry)
· “Sick Days” (Poetry)
Writing Process
Writing Workshop-Units of Study
Book 1-Launching the Writing Workshop
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
CCSS Reading for Literature
RL.2.2 Recount stories and determine their central message, lesson or moral.
RL.2.3 Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges.
RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem or song.
RL.2.6 Acknowledge differences in point of view of characters.
RL.2.7 Explain how images contribute to and clarify text.
RL.2.8 Describe how reasons support points in the text.
CCSS Reading Foundational Skills
RF.2.3 Apply phonics and word analysis skills to decode words
RF.2.3a Distinguish long and short vowels when reading one syllable words.
RF.2.3c Decode two-syllable words with long vowels.
RF.2.3f Recognize and read irregularly spelled words.
RF.2.4a Read on level text with purpose and understanding.
RF.2.4b Read on level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression.
CCSS Writing
W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well elaborated event or short sequence of events or short sequence of events include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order and provide closure
W.2.5 Revising and editing with support from peers and adults
W.2.7 Participate in shared writing projects
W.2.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer
Common Task
· Create an opinion piece that includes an introduction, a clearly stated opinion, reasons to support the opinion, linking words, and a concluding statement or section. (W1)
Possible Tasks / Products
(Please note that additional standards will be addressed when completing these tasks (Speaking and Listening, Language, and Reading)
1. Students gather information about the many jobs people do to show kindness, such as nurses, firefighters, doctors, and teachers. Students create a report to share their learning. (W7)
2. Students write about an event where they have shown kindness or someone has been kind to them. (W3)
3. In cooperative groups create a poster or digital Glogster of how to be kind to the Earth, People, and Animals. (W6)
Transition Curriculum Guide 2011-2012